
The Summoning Quotes

The Summoning by Kelley Armstrong

The Summoning Quotes
"Guess we weren’t as cut off from the outside world as I’d feared."
"Schizophrenia is not a life sentence. But it is a lifelong condition."
"The sooner I got over myself, the better off I’d be at Lyle House."
"If I saw two guys on the sidewalk, one in a wheelchair and one talking to himself, which one would I rush to open a door for? And which would I cross the road to avoid?"
"You’ll go through a period of depression, anger, and even denial. That’s natural, and we’ll deal with that in our sessions."
"Seeing people who weren’t there. Hearing voices that didn’t exist."
"Ghosts aren’t real. Ghosts are for crazy people."
"Maybe life as I knew it hadn’t really ended in that classroom."
"She needs to settle in, but we’ll call her in a few days and you can speak to her then."
"What was I afraid of? Finding out I really did have schizophrenia? Or finding out I didn’t?"
"But just because I couldn’t remember hearing about it didn’t mean I hadn’t caught a snatch of it, maybe someone talking in class, and stored it deep in my subconscious, for schizophrenia to pull out and reshape as a hallucination."
"You have an answer for everything, don’t you? A 'logical explanation.' Well, what would you think if you were seeing this in one of your movies?"
"Still I resisted. As much as I loved the world of cinema, I knew the difference between reality and story."
"But in real life, if you tell people you’re being chased by melted school custodians, they don’t say 'Wow, you must be seeing ghosts.' They put you someplace like this."
"Necromancer: one who practices divination by conjuring up the dead."
"If ghosts existed, did that mean there was no heaven? Were we all doomed to walk the earth forever as shades, hoping to find someone who could see or hear us?"
"My religious training was limited to sporadic church and Bible school visits with friends, and one brief stint at a private Christian school when my dad hadn’t been able to get me into a public school."
"She’s got it. Seems I made a mistake. A big mistake."
"That’s not special treatment, it’s probably a reward for good behavior."
"Antisocial personality disorder had nothing to do with being rude. It meant someone who showed a complete disregard for others, who lacked the ability to empathize."
"Violent outbursts... The bruises on my arms throbbed and I absently rubbed them, wincing."
"There’s just this one, but it’s no big deal. You can’t get along with everyone, right?"
"I’d handle this. But to handle it, I needed to know exactly what I was up against."
"Was Simon afraid of his brother? He pretended to defend him and act like best buds, but what choice did he have? He was stuck with Derek until his father returned."
"Too many questions. I needed to start finding answers."
"I like your hair, Chloe. Red stripes. Very cool."
"Now run along, take your meds and be a good girl."
"I’m sure he could get all this from Dr. Gill’s notes, and she’d stayed late today to sit in, but it was like in a cop movie, where the detective interviews the suspect, asking all the same questions as the last guy. It’s not the information that’s important, but how I tell it."
"If you’re going for a snack, grab me a Coke. You know where they’re hidden."
"Having a label should have come as a relief, but I wasn’t sure this one was any better than schizophrenic."
"He twirled the ball on his fingertip. 'See, Derek’s not really a people person.'"
"When he decided you might really be seeing ghosts, I should have said, Sure, bro, let me talk to her. I’d have handled it… well, different."
"I lay in bed, unable to sleep again. This time, though, it wasn’t bad dreams that kept me awake but thoughts pinging through my head, so shrill and insistent that by midnight, I was seriously considering a real kitchen raid."
"A deep breath. Then I slipped out of bed and walked to the door."
"She rolled over, her back to me. I knew I should say something, but I wasn’t sure what."
"I climbed the remaining two steps and crawled in. The space stunk of dirt and stale air, as if no one had been there in years."
"How can a person understand an experience that lies completely outside her own? She can see it, feel it, imagine what it would be like to live it, but it’s no different from seeing it on a movie screen and saying 'Thank God that’s not me.'"
"You can’t fall for that. You can’t make excuses for him."
"Just because I’m in this place, just because I’m ‘sick,’ doesn’t mean I’m any different than I was a week ago."
"Whatever Tori’s ‘condition’ was, it was like schizophrenia—not her fault and not entirely within her control."
"In this house, knowledge was power, and I was a quick learner."
"Life experience. I can talk it up, vow to broaden my horizons, but I’m still limited to the experiences within my life."
"But again, that wasn’t the same as experiencing it in real life, something I couldn’t really appreciate until I was there, outside the door."
"You're a supernatural. You're always in danger."
"Sitting on my butt isn’t getting us anywhere."
"Funny how it shone now, like a brass ring on a merry-go-round, bright with promise, just out of reach."
"With Derek, that’s as close to agreement as you can get."
"My powers aren’t winning me a slot on the Cartoon Network anytime soon … except as comic relief."
"If you think you’re here because of a dead sorcerer, then you’re as mad as he was."
"You need to get out of here just as much as Simon does, maybe more. You might not see the danger you’re in, but I do. And I’m worried."
"They see what they want to see. Stick a label on it; medicate it; and, if you’re lucky, it’ll just go away. Only what we’ve got doesn’t go away."
"I’m not interested in revenge. I’m not interested in you at all. Get it?"
"That’s why I don’t play the drums. Now what’s up?"
"Hope you didn’t like that shirt, ‘cause it’s toast."
"Don’t you ever quit? You’re like a broken record."
"We’ll wait here a bit longer, then we’ll go. If they got away, they’ll hook up with us later."
"No sane person believes people can speak to the dead."
"You’ve been awake five minutes, taken a quick look around, and given up."
"First, though, I had to get a good look around and plan."