
The Zero Game Quotes

The Zero Game by Brad Meltzer

The Zero Game Quotes
"The words aren’t real until Cori reads them."
"What she really did was remind me what idealism is all about."
"Everything I am, everything I have—it started with them."
"The ideas are fun; the friendship is far more valued."
"In every novel, the goal is to make a complete fabrication sound like absolute fact."
"Politics has always been called a game for grown-ups."
"I don’t care. This is Matthew . . . my friend . . ."
"The best thing you can do in life is make the right enemies."
"You can do anything you want, but if you don’t raise the cash, you won’t be doing it for long."
"It’s not just about standing up for yourself—it’s also about standing up for those who need it."
"The only people who moan about required uniforms are the ones who can compete in the fashion show."
"If you love your job like I do, there shouldn’t be a distinction."
"No matter where you go, or what you do. Hunger feeds success."
"You can't win 'em all, but that doesn't mean you don't fight them."
"The only reason I'm calling is because we're taking an overnight to Monticello... Thomas Jefferson's home."
"Who we are now is who we always were and who we'll always be."
"Being last means you've got a hunger in your gut no one else'll ever be able to comprehend."
"Every year, over seventeen thousand lobbyists descend on Capitol Hill, each one armed with a tommy gun of asks and special requests."
"It's not a sexy place to hang out, but when all is done and said, she knows exactly who's screwing who."
"It's like buying drugs. If what they give you is good, you'll keep coming back. And that's how influence is peddled."
"Don't worry about being the last man in the race. That hunger is what feeds success."
"If you wanna know what the fuss is, you gotta go see the fuss yourself."
"That’s the hundred-thousand-dollar question, isn’t it?"
"I just remembered... I got one last project..."
"Everyone’s perfect, Harris. Even if everyone else thinks you are."
"I spend too much time worrying what other people think of me."
"What's a multimillion-dollar laboratory doing eight thousand feet below the surface of the earth?"
"In a town like this, I bet they figured no one would mind the sale of a dilapidated mine."
"He wasn’t angry—no . . . he was just mad he wasn’t consulted."
"They just redid some of our staff offices. We got the same ones for all our legislative assistants. Those desks . . . they’re government issue."
"Wendell said they wanted this place for the gold, and there’s no gold."
"What makes you think they’re after something? Look around—they’ve got everything they need right here."
"Either that, or they’re planning on kicking ass at next year’s science fair."
"Harris, we’re a mile and a half below the surface—how much more unsafe can it get?"
"Forget whether it's possible. Assuming you could do it, how feasible is it to pull it off?"
"For the most part, it’s a rare earth metal, but neptunium-237 is a by-product from nuclear reactors."
"I talked Matthew into flapping his wings . . . and now Viv and I are swirling through the hurricane."
"If word got out they were trying to create plutonium . . . there’s no way it’d make it through the process."
"It’s a big world out there. I can’t possibly account for everyone in my field."
"Who knows what happened during those years? Anybody could have it by now."