
The Outcasts Quotes

The Outcasts by John Flanagan

The Outcasts Quotes
"In the event of a shipwreck, the ability to swim would only prolong the agony."
"A man is measured by the worth of his spirit, and the strength of his will."
"It’s a good thing, being different. Life is hard on people who are the same."
"You're making a lot of noise for a drowning man."
"It was a dry, empty barrel. They always do that. The wood expands, the staves creak against each other."
"You only lost a hand. I lost an entire man. A wonderful man."
"He hadn’t noticed Stig’s approach. He looked now into his friend’s delighted face and a huge smile broke over his own."
"She’s fantastic! She’ll sail rings around the best wolfship!"
"His only regret was, with brotherband training about to start, he would have little time to experiment and practice with the new boat."
"Tacking meant turning the ship into the wind, until the sail came around and filled on the opposite side of the ship."
"It’s a maneuver that wolfship captains avoided whenever possible."
"That lump of rock isn’t getting any farther away, you know."
"He realized that he’d been tensed up during the tacking maneuver and he forced himself to relax."
"You’ll have to bail her out every so often."
"Very well. You each have ten members. And there are eight left over. Those eight will become the third brotherband selected here today."
"We’ll either have two nines and one ten or two tens and one eight."
"You can’t do that! They weren’t selected, so they can’t be a brotherband!"
"Actually, I can do it, even though my daddy isn’t the Maktig. Because I’m the Oberjarl."
"You don’t want me as your leader. Choose someone else."
"Start sorting. Put similar pieces together so we can see what we’ve got."
"I thought it was my good looks and sparkling personality."
"You blasted, blithering idiots, one’s wider, one’s deeper—so they’ll both hold THE SAME AMOUNT!"
"We could sit here in silence until this elephant comes to life."
"I had to choose. Let him lose his hand or his life."
"It's only cheating if you're caught doing it. Otherwise, it's good tactics."
"I hear most Araluens are like that. We don’t want his sort in Hallasholm."
"No sense in letting Rollond and Tursgud know what they were up against."
"You came so last," he said, "you’ll probably still be last in next year’s training program."
"But what he can’t stand is the idea of people comparing him now to what he once was."
"It’s a good mix," Thorn replied, refusing to give ground.
"That difference is just too painful for him to face."
"Speaking of which, look who’s arrived in the nick of time."
"We’ve kept the Andomal safe for three hundred and twenty years. Three hundred and twenty years! And you pathetic lot couldn’t look after it for one night!"
"We’re going to need supplies and tools and money and stores for the ship."
"We don’t have to stay here. We could become traders."
"I liked being a Heron. For the first time in my life, I felt people actually respected me."
"We’ll never get a place in a wolfship crew. They’ll never forgive us."
"There will be nothing for us. No jobs. No respect. Nobody here will want anything to do with us."
"From now on, there is no Heron brotherband. Sigurd and Gort, remove all references to them from your records."
"Mind you, with the number of ale barrels that had been broached already, they would probably have bellowed their agreement if Erak had declared that from now on, the sun would rise in the west and everybody must walk on their hands when it rained."