
Halfway To The Grave Quotes

Halfway To The Grave by Jeaniene Frost

Halfway To The Grave Quotes
"What you need in order to survive, you learn to love."
"You listen to me, Kitten. I don’t know who you’re talking about, but you are not evil. Not one single cell of you."
"There is only one way to fight, and that’s dirty. Clean, gentlemanly fighting will get you nowhere but dead, and fast."
"Don’t fret. That was the furthest thing from my mind."
"You’re in a fight to the death. This isn’t a boxing match. You can’t win by scoring the most points."
"I hate to inform you, luv, but you and Winston don’t have a future together."
"If you just want to beg off until another night..."
"Sometimes it was frightening to feel old at twenty-two."
"You hold the ones you love close and fight the battles you can win, and that, Kitten, is how it is."
"You play the hand you're dealt just like everyone else in this bloody world."
"I know what you mean," he said, squeezing my hand.
"You never have to fret about it. Told you, I don't come in unless invited."
"You think this is funny, don't you? This is all a big... bloody chuckle-fest to you!"
"God, had it been so long since I’d been kissed, a few smooches were enough to throw off my equilibrium?"
"That can be bothersome. It is always better to speak less and not more of oneself, don’t you agree?"
"First dates. They can be quite something, can’t they? Either perfume or poison, with usually no in between."
"You’d be amazed at the things people can find if they dig deep enough."
"Did you get the notes from the lecture today? I slept in and didn’t wake up until half an hour ago!"
"Don’t worry about me. It’s mine, after all. I’ll clean you up."
"That’s what she needs. Been wild all her life."
"I don’t think they’ll be scratching their chins about that for days. And I’m leaving Charlie the way he is for a reason. I want Hennessey to know who did it, and he will, because when we get back to the hotel, I’m going to call around and find out if there’s any money on this sod."
"I’m sure I can find someone who would pay a pretty penny for your corpse."
"Right." His tone became crisp as well. "Knew you’d figure it out eventually."
"No chance of that, mate. She likes what they do to her too much to rob me of them."
"But he knew I meant it when I said I was leaving, so he waited behind my car that night when I went to work."
"They’re all evil, Catherine. They’re monsters, monsters…."
"And I told him that was it. I was done. He cried and said he didn’t mean to do it."
"You’d better not be messing with me. I like you, but if you’re feeding me a load of shit just to get some action, I’m going to plug a big silver stake right through your heart."
"She’s been on her own since she was fifteen, and her mates think she’s off with an ex-boyfriend."
"Makes you think your mum is right, doesn’t it? That we’re all murderers?"
"You’re my Red Reaper, and I’ve missed you terribly."
"I love you, Kitten. I can’t describe how much."
"If she were alive, I’d show her what I was. All of it."
"You’ve wanted to find out who was involved with me for years, so take a good look around."
"I didn’t survive over two hundred years to find you only to lose you within five months."
"You’re like a hitchhiker on my power, so in a way, yes, it is."
"Oddly enough, Spade’s words rang in my head. That beating pulse in your neck is your greatest weakness…."
"In a split second, I made my decision. I might go down, but I’m taking you with me."
"I’d jerked the gearshift into park and grabbed his balls before he could even scream."
"I’m so sick of being shot, and someone should tell you guys to have a little more respect for hospitals!"
"I’ll let go when you make sense, and the clock’s ticking."
"That’s quite a story, but many people have rare blood types and psychotic mothers."
"I’m the Grim Reaper," I growled. "Or as Bones would say, the Red one."