
My Best Friend's Girl Quotes

My Best Friend's Girl by Dorothy Koomson

My Best Friend's Girl Quotes
"You don't have to eat it all if you don't want to."
"I'm so pleased to see you both," Nate said pleasantly.
"I had to tell Nate to treat you proper," I explained to Kam. "Or I would kill him."
"She said, 'I’ve got a new boyfriend, he’s called Nate and he’s so sexy, I really love him.'"
"I’ve got to tell my little girl I’m going to die."
"You’ll be all right, sweetie," I told her. "I’m going to take care of you, OK? I’m going to take care of you."
"Please promise me that’s what you’ll give her—unconditional love."
"I’m scared she won’t have unconditional love."
"If someone calls you beautiful often enough you believe it."
"She can still call me Auntie and I’ll be like her mother."
"A rose by any other name would smell as sweet."
"Time’s funny like that. Infinite. Forever. We aren’t."
"You know you can tell me anything, don’t you?"
"I didn’t realize the time until it was really late. I’m sorry."
"It’s only a migraine, a headache, it will go away."
"I thought you’d be this dynamic, pretty young thing who was eager to please. Instead…"
"You left so suddenly last night, I just wanted to check you were OK."
"That’d be great," he proclaimed. "Here, let me help."
"I’m not cross," I clarified. "Not even a little."
"You might not even have the energy to shut it off so I had to wait for it to stop."
"I always thought that Tegan was someone you’d fostered after you hadn’t really thought things through."
"She loves you. Promise me you’ll talk to her?"
"You’re a good person. You’re a great person."
"I look at what you’ve done for Tegan and how you treat me despite what I was like...I’m sorry, I’m truly sorry."
"We’re going to be expanding Living Angeles with separate magazines for the home, clothing and children’s departments."
"I love you, Kam. I've only ever been loved by two people in my life—you and Tegan—and I love the pair of you more than anything."
"I couldn’t believe you actually thought I was inviting myself back for coffee."
"I remember, too, he’d tried to get me to stay the night, saying he’d drive me home in the morning when he was less tired, but I’d insisted on going home."
"I was surprised at his concern. Nate had never shown much interest in Tegan before."
"The last thing I ever said to her was that she’d ruined my life. And I’d hate her for it as long as she lived."
"I’ve got a child and I have to deal with it."
"I can’t talk to you. Not about this. You aren’t who I thought you were."
"I never knew this until after I got all of Adele’s things but his name is on Tegan’s birth certificate."
"I didn’t do anything," I reassured him. "I never cheated on you."
"That’s why you left," he said. "I never understood why you wouldn’t talk to me, why you wouldn’t let me explain."
"I don’t know how to describe it…I don’t get to speak to her ever again. And you don’t realize how long forever is until you can’t do something."
"I don’t know what I would have done if Adele had told me she was dying, but I want to make up for how much I let her down."
"She was always precious to me and there was no one else."
"I sniffed back cold-induced snot. 'I had to come outside because they’re asleep…Why? Was I that terrible? I was, wasn’t I?'"
"‘I always thought you didn’t care that much,’ Nate said, still holding me."
"'Do they have birthdays in heaven?' she asked."
"‘I’m sorry,’ I whispered, so tired I could hardly form words."
"'What and what?' was Luke’s reply when I told him the plan for Christmas Day and Boxing Day."
"'I’m doing the best I can,' I replied, feeling chastised and caught out."
"Suddenly he pulled away, robbing me of his lust."
"You’re the one I was meant to be looking after, you lost your best mate and all I did was fall apart on you."
"Every woman did that—before Nate walked back into my life I would fantasize about being with Jamie Foxx or Keanu Reeves."
"I’m not going to put pressure on you. I just want you to know that."
"I’m not saying you don’t love him, I think you’re torn—you want us both."
""IS SHE ALL RIGHT?" He raised his voice to drown out my explanation."
"I nodded. "She’s asleep. The antihistamine and the adrenaline knocked her out. She’s going to be fine.""
"I have to keep her heart beating and get her breathing."
"I can’t believe you’ve brought that up. That was a long time ago. Things were different then."
"I love you, even though I liked Tegan first."
""Just cos you left, doesn’t mean she stopped talking or thinking about you."
"We just talk, Ryn. And if we decide no, then we decide no."
"The infamous pink bikini top argument had raged for two days and isn’t resolved—she still wants one and I still won’t let her have one."
"My reputation will be in tatters: ‘Single mother in sordid sex shocker with mucky married man…’"
"I’ve only ever had one person say those things and mean it."
"Because you never thought I did, did you? You didn’t realize that yes, Tegan brought us together but I would never have dated you if I didn’t genuinely feel something for you."
"I’ve got a new name. My name is Tegan Brannon Matika."