
Spell Of The Highlander Quotes

Spell Of The Highlander by Karen Marie Moning

Spell Of The Highlander Quotes
"Time is the coin of your life. It is the only coin you have, and only you can determine how it will be spent. Be careful lest you let other people spend it for you." – CARL SANDBURG
"The truth is they never left our world, but hold their fantastic court in places difficult for humans to find."
"Pledged to serve the greater good of the world, no MacKeltar has ever broken his sacred oath."
"He was sex like she'd never had in her life, and Katherine had been having sex for seventeen years."
"When he stripped off his clothing he stripped off every ounce of that rigid discipline and turned into an untamed barbarian."
"The vampire always found at least partial resolution, and Dageus had begun to fear that for him, there would be none. Ever."
"The people, the masses of teeming people, bewildered him."
"A man without clan, outcast, nomad, he'd doffed the sixteenth-century man like so much worn plaid."
"If you scream, I will be forced to gag you. I prefer not to, lass. It bears considering that no one can hear you up here anyway."
"Life isn't always fair, lass, but that doesn't mean it can't still be sweet."
"And it's been awful, has if no'?" he mocked lightly.
"Some chances come but once, Chloe, and swift are gone."
"You've been doing something bad since the moment you met me, lass."
"Mayhap'tis soul-alchemy. I doona ken. I doona care."
"You sounded restless, I came to check on you and thought I'd sit nearby till you calmed."
"Because you're a good lass. And I'm no' a good man."
"I wanted you the moment I saw you on the street."
"I told myself a lass like you was no' for me."
"Sometimes--and trust me, I know this from personal experience--a girl has to take a leap of faith. If you don't try, you'll never know what might have been."
"The only time reason fails is when we're trying to convince our minds of something our heart knows isn't true."
"If aught goes awry with me, I promise to send Chloe back, one way or another."
"I can't leave my panties beneath a man's bed to be swept out with the trash. That's why I'm still a virgin, because it means something to me and I'm not going to toss my virginity at your charming feet just because you're the most gorgeous, fascinating man I've ever met."
"You watched other men looking at you and I wished them blind."
"The mere fact that he's going to ask it speaks more than any words could, of how he feels about you."
"I watched other men looking at you and wished them blind."
"Those who do not remember the past are condemned to relive it."
"Aye, lass. 'Tis naught more than a bit of physics your century hasn't yet stumbled upon for themselves."
"I'm merely curious about the extent of your power."
"I'm fine, Da," he said, pushing himself from the table. "I doona know how late we'll be. Doona wait a meal for us."
"My queen," he said, sinking to one knee before her, "I know the Keltar broke his oath. But if one examines these Keltar, one finds that they have, for thousands of years, comported themselves in exemplary fashion."
"You know I'm no' a good man," he said, his voice deceptively gentle, belying the steel beneath it.
"You want it just the way I'm about to give it to you."
"I'd say she does, but I doona think'tis either the time or the place," a dry voice cut through the night briskly.
"If aught must be lost, 'twill be my honor for yours. If one must be forsaken, 'twill be my soul for yours. Should death come anon, 'twill be my life for yours."
"Och, lass, you are so lovely. You fair take my breath away."
"The Compact betwixt the Tuatha Dé Danaan and man."
"I love you more than the whole world is big."
"If aught must be lost, 'twill be my honor for yours."
"The Maybe Game was an empty freaking room full of blood and no answers."
"I hoped I loved you well, sweet, for I know even now that you are my brightest shining star."
"If I'm not here with you now, I'm beyond this life, for 'tis the only way I'll ever let you go."
"Keltar mates ne'er come easily to their men."
"They were nearly his undoing, but they were also his salvation."
"The exchange of the binding vows will seal their hearts together for all eternity."
"Time is a companion that goes with us on a journey."
"What we leave behind is not as important as how we have lived."