
Faceless Killers Quotes

Faceless Killers by Henning Mankell

Faceless Killers Quotes
"Sleep is like a black hole. A well that reveals nothing of its contents."
"One of these mornings she'll be lying dead beside me and I won't even notice."
"Daybreak will reveal that one of us has been left all alone."
"Time stands still in this village where life flows along like a creek without vigour or intent."
"The dread of something menacing that you felt when you were a child returns when you get old."
"All I want is to go back to sleep and recapture in a fleeting dream the form of a naked woman."
"Scanian snowstorms always brought periods of uninterrupted drudgery."
"We can't leave maniacs like this on the loose."
"It's damned unpleasant. Almost everyone is old."
"The only clue the police have to the double murder in Lunnarp is that those responsible are probably foreigners."
"The cat ran out as Wallander entered a room that seemed to be a combination of office and living quarters."
"That's how it feels at any rate. That she's taking me to bed, not the other way around."
"I don't give a damn about what's happening in the world."
"The rich widow of a Trelleborg contractor owns her."
"You came all the way out here to ask me how long it takes a horse to eat an arm load of hay?"
"The only thing he thought about was the money he and his father made from the war."
"Nobody has ever been as foully cheated as my sister."
"I'm thinking about what she said before she died, 'Foreign.'"
"I'm trying to make ends meet raising livestock."
"We live in a society and an age when it's almost impossible to disappear."
"I've got to talk to her after all that's happened."
"Ebba is a woman who thinks that the level of divorces is a considerably greater threat to the future of our society than the increase in crime and violence."
"Life for him was a matter of juggling practical questions that needed resolution."
"Having a few minutes of solitude was another thing altogether. Not having to think at all, just listen, observe, sit motionless, gave him great peace."
"Whatever lay ahead was inescapable, something he could not change, no matter how much he tried to give it meaning."
"When you're as old as I am, how you're feeling is how you're feeling."
"He wasn't sure if he should follow his father inside. He could hear him banging around in the kitchen."
"It was as distant a memory as the last time he had seen Linda laugh."
"Pathetic Inspector Wallander and his pitiful family life."
"This case has top priority," said Wallander, starting to get annoyed. "I'll call the county police chief. The national police chief, if necessary."
"I don't give a shit," said Wallander. "I've got three murders on my hands. And somebody who's promised me a fourth. Which I intend to prevent."
"There are hookers who collect stamps," said Rydberg. "Why shouldn't a dermatologist be into Citroens?"
"Maybe not," said Wallander. "But we can't afford to ignore a single lead, no matter how unlikely it seems."
"Can you stay a little longer?" he asked. "Sure," replied Rydberg, surprised. "Of course I can."
"What difference would that have made?" Wallander didn't feel like answering. "God, I feel like shit," he said instead. "Let's go."
"I'm going home tomorrow," said Kristina. "I can't be away any longer." "Thanks for coming," said Wallander.
"Right now I'm not thinking of asking about the interest rates you charge on your loans. I don't give a damn about your involvement in an illegal money-lending operation. I want to know about something else entirely."
"Everybody has one." "Not one that I know about, at any rate." "How can that be?" "Mum wasn't married when I was born."
"That's none of my business," he said. "Will there be anything else?" "No, thanks. Not at the moment. But you may hear from me again."
"I believe in God. I believe in righteous vengeance."
"She put it into a savings account. He wouldn't inherit the money until she was gone."
"Justice doesn't only mean that the people who commit crimes are punished. It also means that we can never give up seeking the truth."
"We're living in the age of the noose, he thought. Fear will be on the rise."
"But Erik Magnusson knew that Johannes Lövgren was his father."
"Sometimes I think so. But then I think I'm imagining things."
"He told him it was only a routine checkup on his stomach."
"He wondered how glad he was to be able to give Rydberg some good news to lighten his misery."