
The Golden Lily Quotes

The Golden Lily by Richelle Mead

The Golden Lily Quotes
"Things I could explain away and define with data didn’t frighten me."
"So, no. This seemingly ominous journey didn’t frighten me in the least."
"When you spent most of your days living among vampires and half vampires, it kind of gave you a unique perspective on life."
"The crazy thing was—despite his crime of selling vampire blood—Keith was one of the last people I’d think of when it came to getting too friendly with vampires."
"He’s selfish and immoral. He has no concern for others and hurts people to further his own ends."
"Omnia Gallia in tres partes divisa est." (All Gaul is divided into three parts.)
"I mean, it’s pretty remedial compared to Medieval Latin."
"I don’t mind. That kind of reinterpretation is what makes Shakespeare timeless."
"I think they have a couple performances left in the season."
"You don’t need a modeling campaign to be beautiful to me," said Micah gallantly.
"I’ll text you when I get back tonight. We’ll make it happen."
"I’ll do it because it was the right thing to do."
"I’d like to watch it again with an eye toward alternative forms of dramatic analysis. The standard Freytag method can get a little clichéd after a while."
"Because it’s one of those things I never expected to see in my lifetime," he told me. "Like a comet. Or world peace."
"GOING OUT AGAIN didn’t really happen until the weekend."
"Brayden continued picking up the bills and doing all the driving."
"You never mentioned me?" Adrian shot me a look of mock hurt.
"You’re still in high school, right?" asked Adrian.
"A coffee shop," repeated Adrian, managing to convey a million shades of disapproval in his tone.
"I guess that’s respectable. Although, I’ve always thought of Dartmouth as the kind of school people go to when they can’t get into Yale or Harv—"
"That’s unfair," I said. "You’ve seen the way Castile worships him."
"You know what I mean. And you’re also one of the most fiercely loyal people I know—and caring, no matter how much you pretend otherwise."
"I don’t know," said Adrian thoughtfully. "I find prostitutes vastly important."
"She only eats healthy stuff," said Adrian. "Everything you just got is dripping in fat."
"I like it because it’s an interesting car with a long history."
"I’ve already been accepted to USC, Stanford, and Dartmouth."
"I admire that. Shows a great deal of responsibility and initiative."
"At least now, she doesn’t have to hear about his latest antics or worry about him. Ignorance is bliss."
"That’s disgusting," he said. "There isn’t enough sugar in the world to make that even remotely—"
"Those of us who knew what to look for could instantly spot Moroi by their pale complexions and tall, slim builds."
"The only thing true about what you just said was the storybook damsel part—and that’s only because you’re pretty enough to be one."
"I grinned. 'If you want. I was thinking of—my brother. He wants to do this too.'"
"Dinner was good, as was our subsequent conversation about thermodynamics."
"The attack and Adrian’s offhand comment about vampire hunters had given me a lot to think about."
"I wondered if he thought less of me for needing an escort."
"I made a mental note to add kissing to my list of research topics."
"I don’t think I’ve ever seen you in anything so… casual."
"If you can avoid the fight, so much the better."
"What are you doing? Testing if you could handle a surprise attack."
"Well, you don’t like them any more than we do."
"With a little common sense, you won’t need weapons. Or fists."
"It’s not actually magical. It’s just him kind of… losing it temporarily."
"Mess with me again, and I’ll do a lot more than just have a pleasant chat."
"This was big. I still didn’t know the level of danger we were facing, but I refused to take any chances."
"According to their low-quality pamphlet, they called themselves ‘The Warriors of Light.’"
"Maybe they have some tracking or inventory system."
"If that’s what it takes to save it from you."
"I’m sure it’s fine," said Jill. There was a strange note to her voice.
"So proud. I couldn’t remember the last time someone had said they were proud of me."
"I’d take the vampires. Loyalty to one’s kind can only go so far."
"No one doubted your ability to reason and make a compelling case. It was the Warriors’ ability to listen and see reason that we didn’t believe in."
"All these things churned within me as I stared at the water, crystal clear except for the hair floating in it."
"You won’t have to find out what it’s like tonight because you aren’t going to fail. You can do this."
"That’s the problem. I don’t fail, but I’m afraid I will now. I don’t know what it’s like. And it terrifies me."
"Seeing my gaze, he managed a small smile and raised one hand in… what? Farewell? A benediction?"
"I’ve had a lot of time to talk to Jackie—she lets me call her that, you know—and I’ve learned all about this human magic stuff."
"She’s not innocent." There it was again—that mix of emotions. Doubt.
"We’ll ask the questions," said Eddie. He didn’t touch Trey again, but his proximity and posture left no question he would go to extremes if needed.
"Your word means everything," said Master Ortega, far too calmly.
"If it makes you feel better, she was very adamant about us keeping you safe once we were there."
"Don’t question. They know what’s best. We can’t take any chances."
"What’s going to happen to your research now?"
"We’ll let Adrian continue with his art and get in touch later if we need him again."
"Why hadn’t the Strigoi been able to drink my blood?"
"It’s a spiritual but passionate color, tied to those who love deeply and also seek a higher calling."
"You were in it for life. You couldn’t walk away."
"Somehow, sometime, I was going to find Marcus Finch and get my answers."
"You make me want to become something greater than myself."
"You have no clue how beautiful you are or how brightly you shine."
"There’s no one else out there who understands you like I do."