
Spring Quotes

Spring by Ali Smith

Spring Quotes
"What we want is bewilderment. What we want is repetition. What we want is people in power saying the truth is not the truth."
"What we want is the people we call foreign to feel foreign; we need to make it clear they can’t have rights unless we say so."
"What we need is to say thinking is elite, knowledge is elite."
"What we want is same old Scandal Of The Alcoholic Mothers, Danger Of The Daily Aspirin, but with more emergency."
"We need news to be phone size. We need to bypass mainstream media."
"We need to get to them, get them to think we can get to them; get the word lynching to anyone not white."
"We need enemies of the people; we want their judges called enemies of the people."
"We need to deny what we’re saying while we’re saying it."
"We need a good old slogan - Britain no England/America/Italy/France/Germany/Hungary/Poland/Brazil/insertnameofcountryinsert name of countryinsertnameofcountry First."
"We need to say we’re doing it for freedom of speech."
"He’s had it with story. He is removing himself from story, more specifically from story concerning: Katherine Mansfield, Rainer Maria Rilke."
"They are really something. They are really bleak and true. They’re everything that a mountain can mean."
"He thinks of his own place in London. Dust particles will be hanging in the sun coming through the cracks in the blinds, if it’s sunny in London right now."
"It’s a Victorian pillar. The pillar’s ironwork is painted white and blue."
"Today they look like a line drawn freehand by a huge hand then shaded in below, they look like something asleep and waiting."
"He was a man on a railway platform. There was no story."
"A gentle humming under the breath seems to break the feeling of ‘isolation’."
"I look at Trump now, I see them all, the new world tyrants, all the leaders of the packs, the racists, the white supremacists."
"It made him think, when he thought of the mouth of that salmon in its served-up dead-eyed face, that even language is a kind of muteness, that everything is at an irrevocable distance."
"A wounded man wanders London with an open demeanour."
"The story goes that Rilke went out into the rose garden he’d cultivated round the turret and picked some roses, because a beautiful woman from Egypt had arrived to visit him there and he wanted to welcome her with them."
"It’s this kind of thing that Richard’s running away from, isn’t it?"
"I believe that if we pay this project the right and true attention the outcome could be really something."
"No, I’m storytelling. The emotional connection is true. And it’s very very valuable."
"Congratulations, Paddy said. You’re going to make a lot of money."
"We want your pasts and your presents because we want your futures too."
"Is migrating to another country because you need help actually a crime?"
"We want to narrate your life. We want to be the book of you."
"It’s as if those images the cameras will take of him, though they haven’t even happened yet, are already somewhere behind him."
"I’m rubble too, he thinks. Just in a different form."
"I am the daughter of Earth and Water, And the nursling of the Sky; I pass through the pores of the oceans and shores; I change, but I cannot die."
"I silently laugh at my own cenotaph, And out of the caverns of rain, Like a child from the womb, like a ghost from the tomb, I arise and unbuild it again."
"I’m not your symbol. Go and lose yourself or find yourself in some other story."
"What on earth are you doing? What are you doing on earth?"
"Sometimes there’s an improbability, a moment against the odds, and the door opens, the thinnest of cracks."
"We're working to make the act of recording lives different."