
Don't Look Now Quotes

Don't Look Now by Mary Burton

Don't Look Now Quotes
"We all have the potential to break if the right combination is dialed up."
"People on the outside did not understand a cop’s ability to chat about everyday life when faced with an autopsy."
"Her gaze narrowed, and she forgot everything except the god-awful smell and the outline of the woman’s body under the sheet."
"Each time he zeroed in on her pleading, desperate, and frantic eyes, his erection hardened."
"She was fighting to breathe, endure, and survive."
"By then she would be unrecognizable, and it would take DNA to identify her, if that were even possible."
"I can see you being a shopgirl. Good customer service."
"I was hoping if I spoke to people she knew, I might jog some memories."
"This isn’t a game of kickball, and I’m not begging anyone to let me play on their side."
"Cases aren’t supposed to get personal, but as you’ll find out if you become a cop, they sometimes do."
"What do you think about me joining the police academy?"
"You’re tense. Know what an uptight woman needs?"
"Do not leave. Do you understand? Do not leave."
"Breathing. Still not responsive to voice commands or pain stimuli."
"I’m not done with you yet. We have to finish."
"Sometimes you have to surrender, Jordan. Sometimes patience is all that works."
"I don’t function without caffeine or stress."
"Technically, it’s day two, and I still can’t see."
"I refuse to be a sick person who needs anyone’s pity."
"Every cop on the force said a prayer of thanks that they weren’t the one that lost their sight."
"I'm not trying to make you feel bad. I'm just pointing out that I'm alone here."
"I don’t know how long they’ll let me work the case, but I’ll stay until they kick me off."
"We all have those cases that get under our skin."
"Witnessing how death savaged the human body always left an unpleasant lasting image."
"Breaking up the rigor in the muscles allowed the doctor to move and manipulate the body more easily during the autopsy."
"For the first time, she did not regret her loss of sight."
"I’m operating on the assumption that the surgical tape was a message for me."
"Life and the job don’t leave much time. But looks like I’ll have plenty of it."
"I’m hoping all this darkness is a temporary setback. Knowing I’ll get past this keeps me going."
"Even if a trap opens, they always leave a mark."
"Those sleepless nights she had mentioned to Spencer generally came after an autopsy."
"Fear and shame were powerful demons that could make life damn near impossible."
"Christ, what she would not trade right now to have her sight back for just a few hours."
"She redialed Avery’s number. ‘I don’t know what the hell is going on, but you need to call me.’"
"Jordan had once known all of Avery’s favorite spots. The alleys, abandoned houses, and lots where she bought and used."
"I must be confused. Avery said she was still working at the café."
"‘No, he has not. I’m not leaving you.’ Her fingers dug into the tape, discovered it was wrapped several times and would require a knife to cut."
"‘I’m not doing anything like that again.’ Her skin crawled at memories of that man sliding his hands up under her dress and over her bare legs."
"They aren’t innocent. They gave in to weakness, and now they’re dead because of it."
"But I’ll deal with what I have in front of me, not what I wish was there."