
The Surgeon's Daughter Quotes

The Surgeon's Daughter by Audrey Blake

The Surgeon's Daughter Quotes
"Pain was not unusual in those who came to the Grande Ospedale della Vita e della Morte in Bologna, Italy."
"Even with her best attention, a brilliantly deduced diagnosis, and skilled treatment, too much depended on chance."
"Life and death. Screams, pleas, and whimpers, however striking, were less important than their causes."
"A quiet fever, if ignored, would spread through the air if the patient wasn’t quarantined."
"For the past thirty years, all female medical students at the University of Bologna had ended up focusing on obstetrics."
"I don’t know," Nora hissed. "In the name of… Fetch somebody!"
"You’ve had a surgery. Your daughter is safe and whole, and as soon as your stitches heal, you can go home."
"Unwarranted optimism isn’t good for a doctor’s reputation."
"I wouldn’t get hopeful. She’s exhausted. She labored too long. Never bodes well."
"I haven’t tried this with ether yet, and I hear you’ve a wealth of experience there."
"I’ve dreamed of presenting a case before a judge."
"Philanthropy is like a bandage and very needed, but I would like to stop them from being wounded."
"The law cannot change behavior, nor will it alleviate poverty."
"I wish he could have seen you. You may have changed his mind."
"Everything is fine. You are well, and so is your baby."
"The time to love him will last just a little longer. I deserve to have all of it."
"I don’t allow raised voices on my ward. It’s bad for the patients."
"The evidence argues persuasively for paracentesis."
"Never give up your post at the crossroads of life and death."
"Patients die. Half the time people blame the doctor. They’re not always wrong."
"You work at the Great Hospital of Life and Death."
"If you feel like a trespasser inside others’ bodies, you always will be."
"Well, I told them to go to your house, but I agree that’s hardly better than the streets."
"We are in the business of relieving suffering."
"You have an unpleasant habit of relieving people of both pain and life."
"He wants you to make a spectacle while he stays calm."
"You think this wife of Harry’s is all right?"
"Your heart is not well. Right now, you want to weep."
"I wanted to give you time to grieve, but you aren’t doing it right, Nora. You’ve barely spoken in days."
"Let’s walk tonight. We’ll leave the city and go to my favorite vineyard and drink until we can’t see straight and forget this world"
"I could make it better for you. At least for one night."
"If you quit now, Eleanora, you will waste their deaths."
"You must let the pain out, not hold it in. My mother says—"
"You must learn more than muscle structures and sutures."
"English doctors teach their patients how to live at any cost. We must also teach them how to die in peace."
"You must learn more than muscle structures and sutures. I can teach you more than these things."
"You only did it to keep me from my patients and the money I secured for them."
"The medicine we have is miraculous. He will feel nothing."
"If we may look at your surgical site, Mr. Gazzola?"
"Mr. Pozzi, what is your diagnosis and course of treatment?"
"The location of the infection was more anterior to the knee,"
"We must amputate before it reaches the hip socket,"
"He’s hot," Nora said in alarm. His skin was dry and burning."
""Don’t get too lazy down here eating the sister’s good food and drinking her wine and lying about all day," Nora teased."
""Done for the night?" Horace looked up from his stack of bills."
""You’re overtired. Perhaps a pipeful of cannabis?" Horace suggested."
""I’ve a letter to write. Which, by the way, so do you. She’s complaining about your lack of letters."
""The lighter diet seems to have helped," Daniel reminded him."
""No one in their right mind would give up working with you." Daniel smiled."
"You don’t want a scene. And if you throw me out, I swear I’ll make one the neighbors will never forget."
"I cannot waste the chance Dr. Croft has given me."
"What is the harm in failing tomorrow instead of in three weeks?"
"Returning to nurse my guardian is not a whim."
"I was not convicted by law, only by popular opinion."
"I came here at your encouragement, at great personal sacrifice."
"Medicine is not a game to me. It is a calling."
"I plan to honor it by practicing the art of medicine."
"I would give anything to have good news for you right now."
"I may have been an oddity, but I was allowed."
"Don’t lock your knees. You need your blood today."
"I can’t believe this man walked naturally his whole life."
"I am a trained surgeon, not a teller of fairy tales."