
Before Green Gables Quotes

Before Green Gables by Budge Wilson

Before Green Gables Quotes
"His smile told her everything she needed to know."
"You didn’t need to dust every single surface every day."
"There was something so orderly, so logical, so predictable about geometry."
"He loved the subject he taught with the same intensity that Bertha felt for the material she’d been teaching."
"Supposing their new teacher didn’t care about Shakespeare!"
"I couldn’t stand all that loving going on all the time."
"Everything about her is long — even her little feet."
"She looked at the flat marshlands that led to the river, still green in the warm September air."
"But that such a person could have agreed to marry him — there was the major miracle."
"I want things to stay exactly the same, forever."
"He wanted to just snap his fingers and be there."
"He acted as though he were the first man who had ever been a father."
"I want to fill this little house with children and laughter and noise."
"It all does fit. Bertha, my dear, you’re going to have a baby."
"I don’t want to follow them. I want to stay exactly where I am."
"I’d like to be your friend, but I think maybe this is the only way I can manage it."
"This was not the time to talk to her about germs."
"She felt as though every bone in her body were an aching tooth."
"It was clear that Anne was going to be able to stand up to whatever life threw at her."
"Anne with her huge bright eyes, always so interested in everything."
"It was clear that she was no ordinary child."
"A friend is someone who’s not in your family and who loves you. And who you love and play with every day. Friends tell each other secrets. They help you when you’re sad."
"I need you. Not even, 'I love you, and want you to stay.'"
"Oh, Katie! Our life is upside down. My fears are eating me alive."
"Thank you for being my one and only true friend."
"But now, everything was changed. It was the end of Anne’s life as she had known it."
"You think about something you love to do or else someone you’d like to be."
"Thinking about some of the things that were going on in the Thomas house was every bit as exciting as her pretending thoughts."
"That won’t be absolutely necessary. In fact, it won’t be necessary at all."
"But when you want anything as bad as I want school, you don’t mind being shy."
"I may be a small bit shy at first, but when you want anything as bad as I want school, you don’t mind being shy."
"I don’t expect to be frightened when I go to school."
"I’m not Mrs. Thomas’s real child. I’m an orphan whose two dead parents were schoolteachers."
"I’d be happy to walk five miles through the woods in a raging blizzard to get to school."
"My dear little mats, please let me get you so clean that pictures will suddenly show through the dirt."
"I bin here almost eight years, and you act like I’m nuthin’!"
"Thank you very much, Randolph, for your generous gift."
"He says that to pretend things isn’t a bit wicked."
"He said that if people didn’t have good imaginations, there’d be no pictures or stories or music."
"I love it," she said. "It’s nicer than the other one. I’m sorry, Anne. I’m sorry I’m not nicer."
"You’re the only person in that house that he really likes."
"People who are drunk often say things they don’t mean."
"Forgiving is the hardest thing in the world."
"But it happened then, so now I know about the other person inside of her."
"If you’ve had an exceedingly happy day, remembering is just as nice as pretending."
"This is what a family is supposed to be like."
"Do you want to hold him? He’s not my baby. He’s yours."
"Mrs. Hammond needs me. To feed them, and all."
"I'm only twenty-four, Anne. Some women go on having babies till they're over forty."
"I feel like I want to be one of those sailors in the poem."
"It's a nice feeling to do that. But then, after I'd washed the baby and the mother, and made them both comfortable, I went home."
"It was very early, she still felt strong and energetic, and so she could also be alone with her own thoughts and dreams."
"Anne had liked the schoolteacher — Mr. McDougall — as soon as she’d met him."
"He had a wide smile, a bush of brown hair, and a pair of thick spectacles."
"It’s important that we learn about our neighbors as well as ourselves."
"The sea! Anne sat very still, remembering that wonderful day when Mr. Thomas had taken the whole family to a beach."
"An island! And he’d just said that the province was small."
"It’s very, very beautiful," Mr. McDougall was saying."
"Paths are red; roads are red. The red roads and green fields are like a beautiful patchwork quilt."
"I’m not telling anyone about those crates of books, Violetta."
"I'll be happy to think about you all your life if you will remember about me that I was a great man." - Mr. Thomas
"This child is a perfect marvel. In her last home, she helped look after eight children." - Mrs. Larsen
"I will always be kind and loyal and faithful. I will never lie to you, never be mean, always protect you." - Edna's promise to Anne
"I would give anything to have a special day. I'd scrub this floor three times over, all by myself, if I could have a special day." - Anne
"I knew I'd forever love the sea best." - Anne
"It's a nice thing to be a mother." - Mrs. Spencer
"I'm here. I'm on my island. I'm on THE island. I will be here forever. It's my home." - Anne
"You saved me from a kind of dying." - Anne to Mrs. Spencer
"It was just that for a little moment there, I was rendered dizzy with joy." - Anne
"I beseech you. Let me go out there. I've only seen the sea once before in my whole long life." - Anne