
Death Du Jour Quotes

Death Du Jour by Kathy Reichs

Death Du Jour Quotes
"You could never tell. I’d yet to do an exhumation that had gone as planned."
"Six faces looked back at me, pinched from cold and anxiousness."
"I was to find her grave and verify that the bones were hers."
"The handwriting was precise, the French quaint and outdated."
"The archdiocese wanted me to exhume and analyze the remains of a saint."
"It’s always a shock to leave the terminal and take that first, startling breath."
"Fear has a redeeming quality. It drives away fatigue."
"Tired as I was, I stayed alert, teeth clenched, neck craned, muscles rigid."
"I’m quite sure she’s given me everything, but I’ll ask."
"I crossed my legs, tucked my feet under me, and rubbed my toes."
"Yes, the analysis is going well. I was in my office, speaking with Father Ménard."
"The skull from Memphrémagog sat in a cork ring on my worktable."
"Her father was Alain Nicolet, and her mother was Eugénie Bélanger, a well-known singer at that time."
"We have not been able to locate a birth certificate."
"She was born more than a century and a half ago."
"They hooked a heat coil to a timer, same kind you use to turn on your lamps when you go off to the spa."
"We’re heading back out there to take the other two buildings apart."
"Finding no other requisition on my desk, at ten-thirty I phoned Sister Julienne."
"I was raised Roman Catholic, but currently I don’t belong to a church."
"I’ve learned self-identity, I’m undergoing empowerment through spiritual awakening."
"We’ll get him, Brennan. No doubt about that."
"I feel we owe it to our heritage to join in the recognition of a truly great patron saint, in whatever small way we can."
"The tide of time itself ebbs tardily to the eternal sea."
"Life just doesn’t operate for Sam the way it does for others."
"I saw his half-open eyes and mangled chest, his tiny fingers curled in death."
"Had death actually penetrated my island of tranquility?"
"I smelled the pine and felt the warm breeze on my cheek."
"I knew what was out there and didn’t want to find it."
"That’s why French Catholics were dying and English Protestants were not. The heathens got inoculated and stayed home."
"The universe is one organic whole composed of many interdependent elements. Every part is inseparable from and interacts with every other part."
"This is not Waco, Mr. Ryan. We have nothing to hide."
"Holistic affirmation through collective responsibility!"
"We are opposed to drugs and polluting chemicals, and committed to purity, creativity, and self-awareness."
"Our personal relationship will in no way affect our professional behavior."
"If the reverend’s ever taken an illegal piss, I’ll nail him."
"I'll talk to you tomorrow," I said as he pulled up to the walkway. "Thanks for taking us out today. I know Katy loved it."
"We grow our own vegetables, raise chickens for eggs, we fish, and gather mollusks. Some members work in town and contribute wages."
"What if they’re wrong? What if there isn’t enough cosmic energy? What if there’s nothing out there? What if Carlie just dies? What if my baby dies?"
"It’s not Dom. I trust Dom. He would never hurt Carlie. He does what he does to protect us. He’s watching out for us."
"I don’t know what it’s like to live a normal life."
"From age two Kit had called his mother by name. Though his parents disapproved, the boy refused to change."
"Fear for Harry’s safety. Annoyance at her cavalier attitude. Compassion for Kit. Guilt at my own inconsideration."
"I pictured my nephew, with his green eyes and sandy hair. It was hard to believe Howard Howard had made any genetic contribution to Harry’s son."
"Enough, Brennan. Back to the victims. They need you."
"I experienced the usual anger at my sister’s thoughtlessness."
"She’ll get in touch, Kit. When I left she was pretty caught up in her workshop. You know how your mother is."
"The others had been killed or had disappeared while in Quebec. My sister was in Quebec. Or was she?"
"The damaging thing is that these courses can be incredibly stressful, both physically and psychologically."
"Someone who is in transition is often lonely and confused, and therefore vulnerable."
"I was about to call security when I realized I was locked in."
"The corrupt cannot be permitted to pollute the new order."
"The signs have been sent. The apocalypse is now and we will rise from the ashes!"
"You kill redwoods to make toilet paper and pour poisons into the rivers and oceans. Is that doing fine?"
"My sister lives in Texas. I work in Quebec, and have lifelong ties to the Carolinas. Everywhere I turned, Elle’s influence was there."
"The bones don’t lie, Sister Julienne. And they are not judgmental."