
Did I Mention I Miss You? Quotes

Did I Mention I Miss You? by Estelle Maskame

Did I Mention I Miss You? Quotes
"There’s also the sound of fireworks, of laughter and voices, celebration and joy. I almost forget, just for a second, that it’s the Fourth of July."
"Fireworks are illegal, which is the second-biggest bullshit law I’ve ever encountered in my entire life."
"In my nineteen years of breathing, it’s that we most certainly can’t do whatever the hell we want."
"I wasn’t sure if she’d ever forgive me for the mistakes I made, but she did."
"I think we take an ice cream break more often than we take a coffee break these days."
"I pull back from her, careful not to drop my sundae, and study her."
"He’s still not talking to you? [...] Then I guess we’re still not talking."
"If there’s anything I’ve learned in my nineteen years of breathing, it’s that we most certainly can’t do whatever the hell we want."
"Despite this, he doesn’t look too worried, mostly just bored as he paces slowly back and forth."
"But didn’t you stop for a minute to think that maybe it was hard on me too? No, you didn’t. You just ran away like a coward and left me to deal with all the shit we got ourselves into."
"I straightened everything out between us yesterday."
"It's like he’s suddenly developed years’ worth of wrinkles in the space of a few minutes just from the stress of the situation that she’s in."
"I take a deep breath and I begin to explain."
"I’m mad at him for being half the reason this family is so messed up, yet I’m the one who’s getting all the blame."
"If I thought he couldn’t look more pained than he already did, then I was wrong."
"I needed the space and I needed the time to figure things out."
"I know I’ve messed up before and I’ve made some fucked-up decisions."
"I chose to throw my life away when I could have chosen to do something positive about it instead."
"I’m sorry for leaving. I was thinking about myself and I should have thought more about you."
"For all that I have convinced myself that I hate Tyler, the truth is that I have just missed him."
"Maybe Tyler and I are done, not because we’re not in love with one another, but because we are an impossible pair."
"We can’t just leave, Tyler. Leaving when things are a mess will never resolve anything."
"For the first time in a while, waking up and getting out of bed is easy."
"I’m starting to think you’re right, maybe all of this is making everything worse."
"I’ve had an entire year to accept it, to understand that the reason this family is so shattered is because of us."
"I’m pretty sure people only do such a thing when they have some hope left."
"Right, I'll stop distracting you. Drive carefully, and text me when you get there."
"I like to think of Santa Monica as my home these days, but there's no denying the fact that I'll forever be a Portland girl."
"Maybe I just need some time to make some more memories here. Good ones, that is."
"There's nothing glamorous about Portland... But I think that's why it's such a unique city."
"It's kind of freaking me out having you know all this stuff about Portland."
"I probably should have got around to setting this room up."
"I can't let you sleep on the couch, Eden. My mom would kill me for the shitty hospitality."
"That's when Mom started being herself again."
"I don't go back to work until tomorrow... so today I'm showing you."
"You make it sound like it's difficult to learn how Portland works."
"Therapy isn't something you should be proud of."
"But then she met your dad, and she stopped sitting in front of the TV all day with five cups of coffee."
"I probably like it here better than New York."
"It’s like you come home from the tour and reality hits you and you have to think, Shit, what now?"
"It's a big city with a small-town vibe. That's rare to find."
"Tyler loves coffee as much as I do. He has the friendly smile for it."
"I don’t think Tyler and I have stopped talking for even a matter of seconds."
"No, I’m not taking him jet skiing, which I think he’s secretly hoping for."
"This drive is never as nice when the weather is bad."
"His face brightens, and he reaches to shut off the radio before turning to me."
"Multnomah Falls is Oregon’s tallest waterfall, a prime attraction in this region of the state."
"We used to hike straight to the top together, ask a stranger to take our picture, then send it to Mom."
"I understand now. I understand why Tyler had to leave."
"Only love and forgiveness. Lacking his touch for so long has driven me insane."
"It’s just the way things are right now."
"You’re supposed to support me, not tear me down and criticize my decisions even if they’re stupid ones."
"I’m not doing this for you. I’m doing this for myself."
"You’re my daughter. You’re supposed to accept me."
"I’ve made mistakes. And I know you have too. We both have. We all do."
"It’s going to take some time before Mom accepts it all."
"I’m here because I have a dad that I don’t have a relationship with."
"I’m not going to hug you or anything, because I’m still pissed at you for running off last week."
"I don’t think I’ve ever been more sure about anything in my life."