
There's Someone Inside Your House Quotes

There's Someone Inside Your House by Stephanie Perkins

There's Someone Inside Your House Quotes
"Who needs common sense when you have ambition?"
"It's just... We spent the entire rehearsal on 'A Little Priest.' And not even the whole thing! The same few bars, over and over and over. For two freaking hours."
"It's not your fault he can't handle Sondheim."
"I’m not sure enough people will even want to sit in the first three rows. I mean, who goes to the theater to wear ponchos and get drenched in blood?"
"I'm familiar with it. But the character wasn't named after his hair color."
"She was found in bed, but it doesn’t look like the killer physically touched any part of her."
"It's every grandmother's dream. A social outcast who screws her granddaughter, ignores her for months, and then illegally obtains her phone number!"
"He tried to assure her, despite the crease in his brow. ‘I doubt it. His weakness is that he still wants to be my cool older brother.’"
"Ollie’s ubiquitous paperbacks were spread across every surface."
"‘You grieve in your way,’ Grandma Young said, ‘and I’ll grieve in mine.’"
"The ice crystals melted from the vegetation, but the morning remained bleak."
"‘We’ll leave tonight.’ Ollie stepped toward her, and her heart spasmed."
"The sensation was sublime. Makani often complained that she was drowning in corn, but she wasn’t gasping below the water. She was perched on the edge of the horizon."
"‘No,’ she said. ‘Are you okay?’ Ollie smiled. ‘Not at all.’"
"‘Because it’s dangerous out there!’ ‘They murdered the star of the musical and the star of the football team. Tell me what I have in common with those victims.’"
"‘It’s sick,’ he said, lowering his voice, ‘but after the murder, he stayed to play Battleground Apocalypse on Rodrigo’s PlayStation for five hours.’"
"That might be the most fucked-up thing I’ve ever heard."
"I guess you never really know what’s going on inside someone else’s head. His external life seemed dull, but his interior life . . . must be a lot more complex."
"It’s like searching for a needle in the cornstalks."
"It was sad that people only got along when everybody was unhappy."
"I always pay attention to you. I always see you."
"It’s impossible not to breathe its stench into her lungs."
"It must be nice to have someone who gives enough of a shit about you to warn you. Must be nice to have been given the opportunity to prepare."
"None of her teammates got more elevation from their takeoff, executed their twists so gracefully, entered the water with so little splash."
"The whole team was shamed, but people saw me as the ringleader."
"Even as she confessed the charge now, she couldn’t look anyone in the eye."
"I didn’t just snap a wet towel or shoot my goggles at her."
"If you don’t deal with those feelings, they don’t go away on their own. They keep building and building until they force their way out."
"You aren’t a bad person. You just had a bad night."
"Why aren’t you screaming? Because I don’t want to wake up my brother and sister."
"It’s just I never thought I could be that type of person. But I am."
"Normally, it was a minor annoyance to live beside the tourist attraction."
"Rosemarie believed that she was just as loyal a friend as Alanna’s Moonlight had been to the Lioness herself."
"It was the unwashed scent of another human being."
"This is just something I have to do."