
The Proposition Quotes

The Proposition by Katie Ashley

The Proposition Quotes
"You’re like a paradox to me. One minute you’re like this fragile flower and the next you’re tough as unflinching steel."
"I don’t know about it being beautiful. It’s more about how you’re so fucking sexy when you’re in green."
"It’s like I told you before, it’s more about being able to feel so much. I’ve never been inside a woman without a condom before."
"I promised my mother when she was dying of cancer that I would have children some day."
"She has it in her mind there will be this horrible mix-up where her choice of a prime donor’s sample was swapped with some serial killer’s."
"Just because Connor bailed on the idea of sperm donation, doesn’t mean I’m giving up. Somehow, someway, I’m going to have a child to love."
"You are way too beautiful and sweet and amazing to give up on the dating world to have a kid."
"Being new at the company, she had her eye out for any potential single men."
"By the time he’d arrived at her side, her interfering friends had already informed her of his dubious reputation as a heartbreaker and serial womanizer."
"I’m talking about a little proposition for us both to get something we really, really want. I give a little, and you give a little."
"I just never imagined seeing you around kids."
"It’s not like you’re just choosing to go on vacation or something. It’s work—you have to do it."
"Whenever I attempt to do something, I intend to do it well and give it all I have."
"I never would have imagined you would take care of me like you did tonight, especially when there was no promise of sex."
"That’s because you want to give into me. Admit it. I’ve softened you towards sex."
"There’s just been so much disappointment and sadness in my life that it’s hard for me to grasp that something I want so much can actually happen."
"You make me feel too much…I’m just supposed to use you for sex like you use me."
"Don’t you ever think I’m using you, all right?"
"Emma Harrison, you are going to be the death of me in more ways than one."
"The way your dress is hugging all your curves... makes me want to forget dinner and take you home instead."
"That’s wonderful news, Em. I’m thrilled for you."
"You have such a good heart and so much love to give. You’re going to be a wonderful father."
"Having a baby...it’s like all the air in the room had been sucked out."
"I can’t make any sweeping guarantees, but I at least want to try."
"You’re spending all your time with her now. Not to mention you’ve got a kid on the way."
"I’m with her because I’m enjoying what we have. There’s nothing wrong with that."
"The bigger she got, the less desirable she felt. But then Aidan made her feel as beautiful as the day he first propositioned her at O’Malley’s."
"If you’re worried about being all alone, you’ve got my dad, my sisters, and Megan. I promise you’ll have a support system in them."
"I love you, Aidan," she murmured against his lips."
"He could feel her all around him. His nose stung with the smell of her perfume while his body ached for the feel of her delicate curves beneath him."
"After everything we’ve been through, I can’t believe you doubted my ability to charm the pants off your grandfather."
"Aidan, I’ve hardly seen you, least of all touched you, in the last week. I’m about to explode!"
"I’m not holding my breath." His eyes roamed over her practically sheer nightgown. "What do you really want?"
"I’m just surprised you haven’t blown my horndog ass to the curb yet."
"I could never be disappointed in you, Emmie Lou." He patted her leg. "I love ya too much, even when you drag a poor feller out of his bed to go skinny dipping."
"I’m glad to see you live up to your bad boy reputation. I’m pretty much guaranteed an interesting evening now."