
Bullseye Quotes

Bullseye by James Patterson

Bullseye Quotes
"Every ounce of gear was specific to the mission."
"It was actually better to assume you missed something so as to keep your eyes open."
"No need for cocky in this line of work. You had to know that even great plans had a funky habit of changing on you."
"Doing lots and lots of stuff you’d already preplanned while the other guy sat there going 'Wait, what is this?'"
"It wasn’t just surprise. It was surprise plus doing."
"If it wasn’t one thing, it was another, Rafael thought as he immediately lowered the heat and replaced the inverted funnel with a fresh one. You had to pay attention."
"He was no philosopher, but food was something just…more. It was more than simply a combination of pleasant sensual experiences."
"I’m sure it’s nothing, honey. I got this," President Buckland said as he started walking over to Secret Service head John Levitin.
"Besides, even if it all goes to shit—and it won’t, since you guys are the best—there are worse things than me being dead."
"You think you’d remember the name of the man who just saved your beloved husband’s bacon."
"Sometimes the war is everywhere now. The enemy, too. There are no more neat little definitions and borders."
"Guns don't kill people, boy. How stupid can you be?"
"It's only natural for a boy to gravitate toward shenanigans."
"You could work her from the other side of the world."
"The second they outgrow the playpen, it’s over."
"If you recall, Michael, it’s only natural for a boy to gravitate toward shenanigans."
"You have to find a guy whose name you didn’t know."
"Everything’s screwed up now, Mattie. Truly, madly, and deeply."
"Not fair, Seamus. How dare you bring up, at a time like this, the fact that I, too, was sixteen once."
"Thought about all the Americans out there in the cold and dark, around the world, manning their posts."
"She was the one who had fulfilled his potential. He had simply been lucky enough to have found someone to be a hero for."
"It’s time he learns what a sheepdog is all about."
"Are you crazy? Put that damn thing away! You’re going to kill someone!"
"We might be scum, but we never run! Leeds, Leeds, Leeds!"
"You stupid American. If anything happens to our president, you will not be laughing."
"He’s cornered around the housing for the building’s elevator. Northwest corner."
"Soccer no longer exists, Mike. It's called football now, and it's the world's sport, so get into it."
"The assassin’s intent was to get the president to the Armory all along."
"Beautiful Easter Sunday, isn’t it? I would stop to talk, but we have to get going. We’ll be late."
"The heat waves, the long, frigid winters, the eerily brilliant sunsets, and the ever-warming, rising seas. Why?"
"It’s a rumor, nothing more. And that’s the really big scoop."
"I remember you right here and now, Luann. See you in church."
"But I’m glad we’re all together now on this momentous Easter Sunday. We have a lot to reflect upon and much to pray for."
"Hoping that I would find the right words, I walked out to the altar."
"I tried to get to my feet, but I was powerless. The light dimmed. The screams faded."