
Four Blondes Quotes

Four Blondes by Candace Bushnell

Four Blondes Quotes
"I’m a feminist. It’s about the redistribution of wealth."
"You should do all of your friends a favor and tell them to quit playing those stupid girl games."
"I don’t do anything because I don’t want to. I don’t have to."
"There’s no rich man in New York who would turn down regular blow jobs and entertaining company with no strings attached."
"If a girl doesn’t put out by the second or third date, you know what I do? I never call her again."
"What’s a girl to do? Have a cocktail and read Candace Bushnell."
"I don’t know where I’m going, but I know I’m going somewhere."
"Being a successful movie producer is better than being president. You have more impact on the lives of the people, and you—hey hey—have a hell of a lot more fun."
"It’s important for people to feel free even if they’re not free."
"All my life, people have told me that I’m stupid."
"We’re like twins. My whole life I’ve had to deal with this creature too."
"Don’t you realize that, really, we’re the same?"
"What’s the point of being a writer if everybody can be one?"
"You’re one of us now. And we are the media."
"I guess you could say... I don’t know where I’m going. But I know I’m going somewhere."
"Now she has to be 'concerned' (a much better word, more accurate than 'worried') about James for a week."
"His black marks are mounting: She’s known him for ten years and still can’t trust him."
"She might (actually) be better off without him: It would mean one less person to take care of."
"Winnie hits a button on her computer and goes to her e-mails."
"Winnie is never sure how to respond to this greeting."
"What if Tanner kept James out for two nights and James slept with prostitutes? What then?"
"James has a theory: Tanner is an alpha male."
"James doesn’t feel so good. He stole the chalk. He’s being punished."
"I’m so vicious. This morning, I totally got even with him for coming in at one-twenty-three A.M."
"My life sucks. It’s always sucked, if you want to know the truth."
"I am confused. About a small point, really."
"My poor, poor husband. He ditched the European girl and got something much worse. Something crazy. Which he has to ignore."
"I don’t think I’m going to change much."
"That I am sick and tired of you trying to control me all the time. Okay? Just let me be. Just let me do my thing for a change, okay?"
"You’re seeing Lil’Bit Parsons again, aren’t you?"
"I am not going to discuss this, Cecelia."
"The last time you didn’t want to discuss it, it was in . . . all . . . the . . . NEWSPAPERS."
"I wonder how I can bear living like this."
"One of the things you learn about being married is that you don’t have to continue every fight to the death."
"This realization is so depressing that I sit back and fold my arms."
"We pretend that everything is perfectly . . . all right."
"I’ve been married to this person for two years and I don’t really know him at all."
"English girls who are considered beautiful in London are merely 'pretty' in New York."
"In New York, you can be a beautiful woman with a body like Cindy Crawford’s and you cannot even get a date."
"I was off to England in search of something I hadn’t been able to find in New York: a husband."
"But there were two things that worried me: Sex and Death."
"I want to scream, 'This woman is a fucking nut-case,' but I hold my tongue."
"I have absolutely no idea why you should know that."
"I want the story. I want the big, great, inspiring story."
"Stories are not reality, no matter how much we might wish them so."
"Well, it’s not enough on which to base a relationship, but it’s a good beginning."