
The Vampire Armand Quotes

The Vampire Armand by Anne Rice

The Vampire Armand Quotes
"I wanted to go up there, and to lie down near the wall, and be alone."
"Nothing more could be gained from lingering near Lestat."
"Life was no longer a theatrical stage where Banquo’s ghost came again and again to seat himself at the grim table."
"I felt no murder here, only the tender voices of nuns."
"After five hundred years, I know such tricks."
"Man. Vampire. Immortal. Child of Darkness. Any and all are excellent words for him."
"I was perhaps seventeen years old when Marius made me into a vampire."
"To kill another’s mortal pet would be a worthy entertainment for some grim and alien creature."
"I looked off, wanting the quiet, dreaming of bowers."
"I want to look just for a moment on flowers. To kill, to drink blood and to have flowers."
"I walked beside him through chilly corridors, his fingers clasping my shoulders."
"You capture my likeness so keenly from memory," she said as she went to kiss him.
"I didn’t much comprehend any of them. I was doing as the Master directed, letting the knowledge accumulate in my mind."
"The lives of the ancients that Plutarch told with such spirit made excellent stories."
"Even the books I read reflected this new realm in which I had been so securely fixed."
"I learned to play little songs on the Virginal. I learned to strum the lute and to sing in a soft voice."
"In the hot afternoon, we played cards when we were supposed to be napping."
"He was particularly horrified that I’d fallen drunk into the Grand Canal."
"I took comfort in only the cold of the stone floor against my face and my outstretched hands."
"I was solitary and happy on the damp cold stones."
"I don’t want to paint. I could feel my hands cramp at the thought of it."
"I watched the color spreading out by the hour."
"Something else tormented me, something to do with the humid, tempestuous postures of the painted figures."
"He shivered still, and when his hand found me it was unsteady."
"I’ll have no wings that take me away from you."
"I knew I wanted only him when my eyes opened."
"It was got up in Eastern style, and I think it blended the luxuries of Egypt with those of Babylon."
"I went out roaming. I spent all day in the taverns, drinking, playing cards."
"I felt very sophisticated on account of this education."
"My Master took me to this place, paid for me, a fortune in ducats."
"By nightfall, I clenched my fists as the candles were lighted."
"Surrounding himself with candelabra, he spoke in a hushed and sympathetic voice."
"I had no jealousy. I alone shared the Master’s bed."
"Thank you, my beloved Lord, that you didn’t kill her," I whispered.
"We laugh and we accept and we turn all life into joy."
"PERHAPS mortals feel this way when they hunt the big beasts of the forest and of the jungle."
"For me, as we went down the stairs from the ceiling into the banquet room of this new and highly decorated palazzo, I felt a rabid excitement."
"We are all dying, and I for you, and that you die with me, just a little, Sir, in my arms?"
"This is the only sun that you will ever see again. But a millennium of nights will be yours to see light as no mortal has ever seen it, to snatch from the distant stars, as if you were Prometheus, an endless illumination by which to understand all things."
"You will die now to be with me in life eternal. Never for a moment must you really fear. I will hold your heart safe in my hands."
"Come now, the Prince is here, the Prince has come."
"And you, child, when will you have the strength to choose your earthen cell among us, your grave, and wait for Christ to come?"
"Proud of yourself, Ivan the Idiot! How can I paint when I can’t see or even sit in the chair?"
"Ah, that’s my sweet boy, with the honey rolling off his tongue, and the bees that left it there left their sting too."
"For the love of stupid idiots. It isn’t enough to have a great painter. You have to have a saint."
"You do not know what your son is. It was God who guided you to bring him here."
"Amadeo, be my challenger, be my questioner, be my bold and ungrateful pupil."
"Amadeo, have you found me inhuman? Have you found me cruel?"
"I find God in the blood. I find God in the flesh."
"If Christ is the Lord, then what a beautiful miracle it is, this Christian mystery."
"We wander the Earth like the giant felines of the great jungles, and have no more claim upon those we kill than any creature that seeks to live."
"Kill the innocent and you will sooner or later come to guilt, and with it you will come to impotence and finally despair."
"For Savonarola is dead. Well, if any mortal man asked for it, it was Savonarola."
"Have you been saving that little trick for such a moment?"
"And who would, Master? We travel the world, but who even knows when we go and when we come?"
"There are others, Amadeo. And there are others here. I can hear them if I want to, but there is a good reason for not hearing them."
"You open your mind to hear them, and they know you are there?"
"Yes, clever one. Are you ready now to go home?"
"Pray, you'll be finished with all this very quickly."
"Give me your kisses, give me your love, give me your arms as you always have, I need them."
"Home is Venice now? You've made the decision so soon?"
"What lies beyond is the birth land, and that's not always home."
"Piles of rubble which had once been city walls were only yards from where I stood."
"I had grown up among this jungle of ancient churches and broken monasteries."
"What I had known was a stately remnant, a wounded shell."
"The snow was deep and thick, and few Russians were out in it this frigid early evening."
"My Father, the indomitable hunter, had traded bear skins."
"I caught the stench of rotting fish, and livestock, of soiled flesh, and river mud."
"I make my own study. You know it well enough."
"Stop your impious prayers," said a cold preternatural voice.
"Dear God," I whispered without moving my lips, "save them, and I swear to You I shall bury myself alive among the monks forever."
"Your nights of luxury and lasciviousness are over. The truth awaits you now."
"We are no longer at sea. We were imprisoned on land."
"No, you must speak with me, reason with me!" I shouted, straining against those who held me.
"I can’t help you!" I cried. It was selfish and terrible. It came from my pride.
"The love of God!" I cried. "How dare you speak of the love of God! You slaughter children!"
"Ah, look at you now, Sir!" I said, staring down into his frantic eyes.
"Will you serve God?" he asked. His voice was cultured and gentle.
"Your Master’s vain works are all burnt; nothing but ashes remain now of his paintings."
"In the very depths of Hell," she said, "do not demons love one another?"
"Do you know that Northern worship?" he asked. "Oh, that Thor is forever circling with his hammer."
"I turned Daniel from a morbid romantic into a true killer."
"I had others because I had again, for reasons that I cannot explain to myself or anyone, made yet another Coven."
"The Night Island, that was my creation, with its own copter pad and marina, its secret illegal gambling casinos, its mirror-lined gymnasiums and overheated swimming pools."
"I didn’t go hungry. I dropped my victims in the deep warm clean waters of the Caribbean."
"Vampires do not really want the company of other vampires."
"Lestat, ever the maverick and the laughing trickster."
"Louis, whose green eyes are soulful, the very mirror of patient misery."
"Gabrielle, low-voiced, unintentionally vicious, glacial, forbidding, ungiving, a wanderer through snowy forests."
"Santino, the old saint of Rome. He knows plenty."
"Marius, ever the worldly sophisticate, the scholar of the moment."
"Be my friend, David. I didn’t mean to say such terrible things to you."
"I stood in the rain on a slick deserted downtown street watching through the store window."
"It seems a century ago that I combed out mine, full and curly and clean for once, just for her."
"The James Bond of the Vampires, the Sam Spade of his own pages!"
"Christ, yes, the Redeemer, the Living Lord once more."
"I was contented in London, haunting the theatres to see the plays of Shakespeare."
"The Devil had offered him a dreadful proposition, that he, Lestat, become the Devil’s helper in the service of God."
"The great enterprise I sold for a mortal fortune—but I maintain my ownership of the four-story villa."
"I have to tell you what happened when I saw the Veil, and when the sun struck me."