
L.A. Weather Quotes

L.A. Weather by María Amparo Escandón

L.A. Weather Quotes
"A house is all about the love you put into it."
"Once, when she was illustrating her theory to Olivia, she used a medical example: one had to have much more hope for a positive result when afflicted with terminal cancer than when healing a scraped knee."
"If you have a problem with Dad, don’t drag us in. You two deal with it."
"We can offer support, but we’re certainly not going to be the recipients of your anger."
"This thing, what you’re doing to our marriage, to our family, is cruel and uncalled-for."
"Men are so good at hiding their shenanigans."
"As the years went by and the freshness of the agony subsided, she had come to accept the fact that she wasn’t the only mother in history to deliver stillborn babies."
"How ironic, she thought, that as the lush gardens of Los Angeles died out, starved by the drought, the driest place on earth was now blooming exuberantly."
"An unavoidable feeling of importance flooded Keila."
"I had a happy childhood, if you ask me."
"My grandparents were killed in a concentration camp in Poland."
"I was particularly fond of Bubbe Myriam."
"The search for relatives... was a constant in their lives."
"It’s as if someone had stuck a vacuum cleaner in his mouth and sucked out his soul."
"Why perpetuate something that isn’t working?"
"We already replaced our toilets with the water-saving ones."
"I’d rather read the paper here, mi chamaquita."
"You don’t have to endure this alone, whatever it is."
"I’d run the San Francisco Marathon with its intimidating hills."
"Even after death, segregation was still an issue."
"Having been an only child, she had to remind herself that not everything was about her."
"I’m here for you, Papi. You don’t have to endure this alone, whatever it is."
"Privately owned cars would be as obsolete as typewriters."
"I think it’s healthy to be open on the subject for all involved."
"I’m never, fucking ever, going out with you if you steal again!"
"You won’t flip anything east of La Cienega."
"I’m sick of the drama our parenthood has brought us."
"There was only one thing more permanent than marriage and it was divorce."
"God had invented traffic so people could slow down and think."
"This wineglass shattered; nobody got cut."
"You subway rat, decomposing roadkill, subhuman specter, toenail fungus, blood-sucking leech, root canal gone wrong, pus-bursting zit, monkey cum, infected hangnail, sidewalk phlegm, underdeveloped penis, and yes, fuck you too."
"If his lawyer's a monster, then yours must be a fucking T. rex."
"I’m sure in time you’ll develop a taste for sailing."
"You’re not stealing your embryos; you’re rescuing them. Think of yourself as the Robin Hood of fertilized eggs."
"The monster was always there, just underneath the allure, under those fucking pink shirts he always wears."
"I can’t believe he sold the house for way below market value."
"Let him have the house. I don’t want to live in a place that reminds me of him. But Velcro is nonnegotiable."
"For now, I’m going to start taking the meds."
"You know the Spanish stations’ drive-time DJs by name. The airwaves were American, and not. The city was American, and not. And I love it just like that."
"Estate sales are for when people die. I wouldn’t use that term. It’s too depressing."
"Should I put it all in storage? Or just have an estate sale and get rid of it all?"
"You’ve been through so much, Clau, give yourself some time."
"I really do like to be on top when having sex. This way I can control the pace when I ride the guy."
"I want a dad for Dani; I want someone to spoon with every night."
"It’s not your business what I do or who I go out with, so stop."
"Let’s all go vegan together. No more meat consumption equals a more compassionate and kinder world for animals and fewer methane emissions."
"I don’t mind. I’ll join. Everything tastes the same to me anyway."
"We’re planting acres and acres of solar panels. We’ll be harvesting sunshine."
"I know it’s a sad sight, this barren land. But I want you to see it as a clean slate. Your mom and I have moved on and are looking forward to the future. So, welcome to Happy Sunshine Fields!"
"What a way to end the year, and what a way to start the new one."
"Never before had his family been such a tight knot of love."