
Island Of Legends Quotes

Island Of Legends by Lisa McMann

Island Of Legends Quotes
"The scent of mint was in the air as well, and he could hear something trickling, a brook or a stream not far away."
"It seemed like it could be pleasant here, but it was different and unexpected, and therefore quite frightening to someone from Quill."
"After another moment of calm, Aaron felt a bit of courage returning."
"Aaron froze, nearly fainting with fear, paralyzed by the hideous screaming as if he were under a spell."
"He was the high priest of Quill, after all. He demanded respect."
"The strange party of humans, statues, and creatures glanced uneasily about."
"She closed her eyes for a moment and sighed. 'You’re right, of course. But we’re still helping. We need to.'"
"A murmur arose and Alex paused, glancing Sky."
"The strange, frightened look on his father’s face."
"If only I knew how to make you come alive."
"How was he supposed to fix the panther’s tail?"
"For better balance," he said, but he was only buying time. Death was inevitable."
"It was with love that I first breathed life into Simber, and he took on the very essence of my thoughts and dreams."
"I made a little dog, but he attacked without provocation. I have the teeth mark scars to prove it."
"All my longings, my needs, my desires, went into Simber."
"Florence’s arm slid through Simber’s grasp. And with an enormous smack, Florence and the eel hit the water and disappeared."
"Don’t count on it," Gondoleery said, closing the door swiftly.
"It was with a heavy heart that I begin this book. When one thinks about life, one hopes for a good one."
"It was amazing how much more complicated the live spell was compared to the restore spell."
"We’ll see you when we see you, Ms. Morning."
"He’s up to something," Eva said in the shadows after Aaron was out of sight.
"We have a hard journey ahead, and we don’t know what will happen."
"His skin tingled, a rush of good feelings surged through him."
"Look! Over there—that’s near where the sea creatures are."
"Once the small group was stunned silent."
"The giant squid with wistful eyes the size of Artimé’s largest serving platters."
"A beautiful, long-necked sea monster with stout legs and flipperlike feet."
"Suddenly light flickered near the aquarium and the creatures inside all startled."
"Aaron Stowe waited impatiently for his guests to arrive."
"Aaron was anxious to take control of Artimé once and for all."
"Florence!" Alex shouted. "But there was no chance Florence could hear him."
"Alex put a hand on her arm. "Wait," he said."
"If Florence is not a breathing statue, then she should be just fine."
"I admit I rather like the world they’ve constructed."
"How long had it been since he’d had any company at all?"
"You’re assuming Justine would have been able to keep the magic going."
"When I was a child, I could make rain, ice, and fire."
"What is the high priest doing about it?"
"I think she’s plotting to do something horrible with it."
"I’m looking to bring back governors to the ruling board in Quill."
"We need to act as one body in opposition to the enemy."
"The people gathered there did not cheer."
"Spike Furious came zipping toward Alex and the eel at top speed."
"You want me to check on the monster with wings."
"It was crucial—crucial, Simber, that you got everyone out of the water as quickly as possible, because that eel could hurt them."
"I know you’re the mage, Alex, and I will do whatever you command me to do."
"Are you sure you’re qualified to be doing this job?"
"I actually made a creature and brought her to life."
"He’s the most beautiful creature I’ve ever seen, Alex."
"As soon as he was able, and despite the outcry of those surrounding him, Alex got to his feet and stumbled over to the side of the ship."
"I don’t know what she did to scare that eel off."
"I thought we could make it. But when the volcano plunged underwater, Henry and Copper and I all went flying."
"Before long, Fox and Kitten curled up on Lhasa’s furry side to sleep."
"It’s a rags-to-riches story for one cool Kitten."
"I’ve had days when I wished I could let myself be killed, for I have had a lifetime of lifetimes."
"When the bottom-feeders finish off his body, will this shell remain intact? Will our island move about at the whim of the currents? Will our vegetation die too?"
"I’m doing my best to give him the care and comfort he needs."
"That thrashing eel didn’t do him any favors."
"The hope of seeing you again erases every morbid thought from my mind."
"If only once in a hundred years you find me, stranded and alone upon this rotting carcass, I should not complain."
"Every time somebody hurts me, I just get stronger. Eyes of fire, heart of ice."
"But then he said, ‘But, Florence, every time I looked at you after a night of sleep, I could only see how beautiful you were, and how much progress I had made. And that kept me going.’"
"We’re on a floating crab right now, and we were on an underwater island just a few days ago. Who’s to say there’s not some sort of invisible island out there?"
"If he’d still felt like quitting in the morning, he could quit. But he had to sleep on it first."
"You have given us new life and new reasons for living. There is not enough thanks in the world for that gift."
"What are we supposed to do about it? This crab is huge."
"We’re about to fall off the edge of the world!"