
The Brass Verdict Quotes

The Brass Verdict by Michael Connelly

The Brass Verdict Quotes
"Everybody lies. Cops lie. Lawyers lie. Witnesses lie. The victims lie. A trial is a contest of lies. And everybody in the courtroom knows this."
"The trick if you are sitting at the defense table is to be patient. To wait. Not for just any lie. But for the one you can grab on to and forge like hot iron into a sharpened blade."
"The idea of dead bodies moldering in the reservoir that was a primary source of the city’s drinking water caused a collective twist in the community’s guts."
"I had never met Judge Holder before but I knew about her. She had put twenty years in as a prosecutor before being appointed to the bench by a conservative governor."
"Los Angeles was the kind of place where everybody was from somewhere else and nobody really dropped anchor. It was a transient place."
"Most criminal defendants talk their way into prison. Few talk their way out."
"I sometimes felt like I was the Lone Ranger. I just rode in a black Lincoln Town Car instead of on a white horse."
"There's nothing you can do about the past, Patrick. Except keep it there."
"It's one thing sharing threat information from closed cases. It's another thing entirely to do it with active cases."
"The lay of the land, the repose of victims in death, the angle of views and light and blood. The spatial restrictions and geometric differentiations were all elements of the map."
"It's a good idea. Take your time but don’t take too much time. The longer you wait to decide, the greater the chance that the judge will find it necessary to push the trial back."
"Act like you are innocent and you will be perceived as innocent. Finally, you will become innocent."
"If you know how to read it, you can sometimes find your way."
"You can't always get all of that from a police photo. Sometimes you have to see it for yourself."
"It took only one doubt in one juror’s mind for me to be successful."
"I'm not denying that. If I were you I would be."
"I almost lost it but once again calmed myself by gulping down some of the fresh sea air."
"Maggie, this is our daughter we’re talking about here. Don’t hurt her by trying to hurt me. She needs her father and I need my daughter."
"I was squeezing my phone so hard I thought it might break. I could feel the scarlet burn of embarrassment on my cheeks and neck."
"I have to go. My words came out strangled by my own failures."
"Patrick, you said you tried surfing here but the rip was too strong?"
"I studied the cove as he described what was happening beneath the surface."
"As far as my client was concerned, that was a good thing."
"I stared out at the waves and thought about how beneath the beautiful surface a hidden power never stopped moving."
"I tried to look annoyed as I pointed him to a chair across the table from me."
"I am tired of that legal bullshit! That it doesn’t matter whether I did it, only what can be proved. It does matter! Don’t you see? It does matter."
"I think so, too. It’s like that with the courts. If you get accused of a crime, you can have a lawyer like me help you explain and defend yourself."
"I nodded. She still respected me on some level. Maybe that meant something."
"The man I am defending is accused of killing two people, Hayley. Nobody has proved he did anything wrong."
"The only fact was that Vincent had diverted the $100K from his account to an unknown destination and had wanted to hide the transaction."
"Wyms did not surrender that night until he ran out of beer."
"The SWAT team moved in and Wyms was captured without a shot being fired by law enforcement."
"One read of the case documents and I knew there would be no trial."
"I remember thinking there was something else here, like maybe he had a connection to Wyms."
"I specifically asked him that and he didn’t really answer."
"But I knew he wasn’t doing the guy any favors."
"Eli Wyms was still doped up from the three months he’d spent in Camarillo."
"If he wanted to shoot the deputy, he could have. But he didn’t."
"I’m not particularly fond of putting on makeup every morning."
"She wants to know if we’re going to keep the office."
"The world’s contradictions were all there in that view."
"You don’t even call to say, I’m taking over the case?"
"I don’t think we’re talking about a trial here."
"It was kind of strange, him showing up."
"Your own documents say he was an expert marksman in the U.S. Army."
"Anybody who relished the idea of sitting in judgment of another was blue ink all the way."
"The truth was, I was suspicious of anybody who liked to sit in judgment of another."
"That’s what jury selection came down to. Quick, instinctual decisions based on experience and observation."
"The more lemmings you have, the more important it is to have a juror with a strong personality and one who you believe is predisposed to be for the defense."
"I'm already going to have a tough enough time convincing them you're not a killer."
"We wouldn’t be here if smoke didn’t lead to a fire."
"Remember, two people had their lives stolen from them. That is why we are here today. For them."
"I believe you didn’t shoot your wife and Rilz. I’m not sure that makes you innocent, but put it this way: I don’t think you’re guilty of the charges you’re facing. And that’s all I need."
"The jury system relied on random selection on multiple levels. This helped ensure the integrity and cross-social composition of juries."
"Elliot had admitted several crimes to me over dinner. But I was his lawyer and these admissions would remain confidential under the bonds of the attorney-client relationship."
"I straightened up and looked around. We were on Sunset coming into West Hollywood. I looked ahead and saw a familiar sign."
"This is a solid material. It’s not a gas. It doesn’t dissipate like a gas. It is microscopic but solid and it has to be someplace at the end of the day."
"I was defending a man I believed was innocent of the murders he was charged with but complicit in the reason they had occurred."
"I heard the sound of the pipes on Cisco’s pan-head finally fire up. He had made it all the way down to Laurel Canyon before kicking over the engine."
"It’s pretty clear he’s saying whatever you want him to say, as long as you fly him first class. At the end of the depo, he pulled out one of those star maps and asked me if I could show him where Angelina Jolie lives."
"The best actors in Hollywood are on the wrong side of the camera."
"It's not an uncommon thing, Bosch. They call it the fast out."
"Sometimes it doesn’t wait. In that trial, you had the momentum and Elliot looked like he was going to walk. So somebody decided not to wait for justice and he delivered his own verdict."
"I just had a conversation with Judge Holder—yes, I figured it out without McSweeney’s help. I told her the feds had McSweeney and he was cooperating. If I were you and the bureau, I’d hurry the fuck up with your case and in the meantime keep tabs on her."
"One thing at a time, Hay. We got her to have pancakes with us last night, didn’t we?"
"I decided to light a fire under you and the bureau."