
Storm Of Lightning Quotes

Storm Of Lightning by Richard Paul Evans

Storm Of Lightning Quotes
"You think you can go around threatening innocent people? Maybe you’ll think twice next time."
"You have every reason to be upset for that, but that’s not why you’re upset."
"Hope won’t bring my mother back. It won’t bring anyone back."
"You may be right, but after hearing these stories for the last ten years, you begin to think that there must be something going on."
All old radiators make strange sounds," Tessa said. "Old buildings make noises.
"Another time a woman, a college professor, told me that she felt someone get into bed with her. When she rolled over to see who it was, no one was there."
"Maybe, but she certainly believed it. She had reserved the room for three nights, but she packed up and checked out in the middle of the night."
"I’m pretty sure that was an episode of Scooby-Doo," Tessa said.
It’s just one night," I said. "It still beats camping in the jungle.
Life is a game of chess," Quentin said. "The pieces are always in motion. If you don’t plan three to five moves ahead, you lose to the one who does.
"The world has gotten so complex. I sometimes wonder if all these labor-saving devices actually just make our lives more difficult. You know what I mean?"
You should make yourself look like Bobby Fischer," Quentin said. "At least you’ll look like you know what you’re doing.
"This is like Taiwan all over again," McKenna said.
"Then just think of it as unprocessed bacon."
"I hope you're all enjoying your celebratory dinner."
"We are so grateful for the safe return of the Electroclan."
"The entire world could never adequately repay them for what they've done."
"The world is blind to their own danger and has no idea what these young people have accomplished on their behalf."
"Every despot has a weakness. Hatch's is hubris."
"A house divided against itself must fall."
"Let us trust our lives henceforward to the king to whom we pray."
"Your mother led them there? No, we did, when we brought your mother."
"I'm pleased to report that their efforts were successful and they rescued Jade Dragon."
"I need to go to Idaho. I need to show myself to them."
"If the police had gotten involved, the Elgen would have taken your daughter to some remote part of the world where no one would ever find her again."
"I thought you might get your attention."
"Speaking the word 'Tuvalu' will be punished by public flogging."
"You are now completely cut off from the outside world."
"Keep your eyes open for anything suspicious. We’re not out of the woods yet."
"In a blink of an eye my entire world has changed."
"Your world changed long before today. You just didn’t get the memo."
"The problem with history is that it’s written by the victors."
"Wars aren’t won with guns; they’re won with checkbooks."
"Maybe that’s the point. Good things are higher up."
"We didn’t go to all this trouble to bring you here just to execute you."
"Kings are on thrones or in graves. There are no exceptions."
"I am your father," Hatch shouted. "And your king. And you turned on me."