
Never Never Quotes

Never Never by James Patterson

Never Never Quotes
"Tears had always disgusted the Soldier. They were the lowest form of expression, the physical symptom of psychological weakness."
"Judgment is the duty of the righteous, there is no room for pity. Only fury at the abandonment of honour."
"‘Why are you doing this?’ Danny whimpered."
"‘Please God,’ he cried. ‘Please, God, please!’"
"There is no lesser creature on Earth than a liar, a cheat and a traitor."
"‘I know I’m in trouble when the Chief calls me by my official title.’"
"‘How could you be so completely useless! You pathetic piece of –’"
"‘I need to get over there.’ ‘You won’t get anywhere near him at this stage.’"
"‘I’m awake.’ ‘What’s the name?’ ‘Blue.’"
"‘I’ve overseen the entire operation,’ the Chief said. ‘I couldn’t tell you it was going on, or you might have alerted Sam.’"
"‘The killer’s sister is a short-tempered, frequently violent cop with a mouth like a sailor.’"
"‘There is nothing you can do to help your brother, Blue,’ the old man said. ‘It’s over.’"
"‘I’m Sex Crimes, Pops. Not clean-up crew.’"
"‘I don’t want to go to fucking Kalgoorlie! Are you nuts?’"
"‘You aren’t going to do yourself any favours here, Harry. If you go around shouting in front of the cameras the way you did in that case room just now, you’re going to look like a lunatic.’"
"‘I don’t give a shit what I look like!’"
"‘I shook another cigarette out of the packet I’d swiped from Nigel’s desk. My thoughts were racing.’"
"‘He’s about to go down as one of the nastiest sexual sadists since the Backpacker Murderer.’"
"You can have two of those snags, if you want."
"Maybe it’ll do something for the flavour of mine."
"Terrorism is ideologically motivated violence or threat of violence."
"They said, 'Close the mine, and no one gets killed.'"
"It’s called Operation Desert Storm. Cute, right?"
"I mean they’re good people. Some of them come from some very rough circumstances."
"I don’t think they’d ever kill anyone. None of them are that vindictive."
"I don’t see them wearing that miner’s helmet in mourning."
"This investigation has, from the outset, been a farce."
"We don’t use any pharmaceuticals that are wholly or in part derived from the unethical treatment of animals."
"I’ll give you a hundred stitches if you don’t shut up and take me home."
"The pride of their website was their ‘live’ protest coverage."
"I was going out a lot. We used to have these roaring fights. She just hated me, you know?"
"You train your mind away from it. It's all about denial. And trust me, place like this? We're so far from anything ordinary that the few little lies you tell yourself to survive are so easy. It's like a dream, isn't it? Sun rises, sun sets. There are no days, no months, the weather never changes. Same people come and go. Danger and fear are so everyday that they kind of cancel each other out."
"You’ve caused me a lot of trouble here, woman. From the moment you came along, you’ve been a fucking nuisance. People stopped buying. Then more stopped when your little friends arrived yesterday. A stream of cars left here in the past forty-eight hours, and most aren’t coming back. These are my roads, yet they all got through without paying the toll."
"This is what pure, wild terror feels like."
"It's best to conserve your energy when you know you're fighting for your life. Start small. Keep light. Strike with precision, and don’t waste your swing."
"I am a wildcat cop who doesn’t take no shit."
"I wasn’t even out there long enough for Gabe and Whitt to figure out what to say to me. I looked at them, and then I turned and kicked the boardroom doors back open."
"I sat outside the boardroom and listened to them lock the doors behind me."
"The moment I started fighting, the man who had me in his arms dropped me heavily on the tiles of the big shower cubicle."
"I knew I was close to finding the killer. I could feel his presence on the mine."
"The cool, dark space reeked of men’s deodorant and bourbon, and the telltale signs of men living alone too long: wet towels on the floor, sink stacked with filthy plates."
"‘The amount of drugs these guys would need to service the entire camp – there’s no way they would leave it unguarded out here unless it was incredibly well hidden. But how do you hide something that big here? Why aren’t the walls bulging with it?’"
"‘Wow.’ I took a couple of boxes off the shelves and read their contents. ‘Look at all the steroids. All the antidepressants!’"
"‘Painkillers.’ I moved to the shelf on the left. ‘This whole shelf is all Oxy. There must be hundreds of boxes.’"
"‘I’m not going to die like this,’ I promised myself, gathering up the gun."
"‘Hey, SergeantKill,’ I said, watching him stiffen at the sound of my voice. I waited, and when he’d turned enough to catch my eye, I forced a tired smile. ‘Game over.’ I shot him dead."
"‘Oh.’ I wiped my eyes desperately. ‘Shit! Edward, what … what …’ ‘I’m sorry I’m late.’ He glanced at the door beside us. ‘Have they started yet?’"
"There in the dark of his shirt, my face hidden from the terrible world, it seemed safe, finally, to cry."