
Strange Sally Diamond Quotes

Strange Sally Diamond by Liz Nugent

Strange Sally Diamond Quotes
"‘Put me out with the bins,’ he said, regularly."
"When the time came, on Wednesday 29th November 2017, I followed his instructions."
"I didn’t kill him; it wasn’t like that."
"I sat on the end of the bed, took the lid off his beaker and drank the tea, missing the sugar I put in mine."
"Dragging the waste bag across the yard to the barn was hard."
"Sometimes, when describing where we lived over the phone, Dad would say, ‘I’m off the middle of nowhere.'"
"I preferred to stay at home. Dad understood that."
"‘You’re the best dad,’ I’d say, though I knew that wasn’t exactly true."
"My mum used to ask me to play this game in my head."
"‘But why would you make up such a thing?’ I asked."
"‘You’re all right,’ he said. I liked him."
"I didn’t like hugging, or to be touched."
"But I never stopped wondering about love."
"‘Sally, when somebody dies, the authorities have to be notified.’"
"‘You’re the spawn of the devil and you wil get your punishmen.'"
"‘I’m not sure. A hundred euro for eight classes. I’m sure you could do with some loosening up?’"
"How easily they seemed to hug one another, even though it must have been years since they’d met."
"I startled myself with the strength of my words. I had a strong need to protect this toy and to keep him close."
"I began to feel anxious. ‘He is mine. I can … feel it. I’m keeping him.’"
"‘I’m sorry, I didn’t know until after we started washing it. I haven’t seen Sally in over twenty years. I thought it was hers.’"
"‘Your dad would be okay with it, Sally, honestly,’ said Aunt Christine."
"The annexe was in a funny-shaped building on the side of the house."
"‘I hope by now that you have recovered a little from my death.’"
"‘Your birth name is Mary Norton. Norton is your birth mother’s name.’"
"‘At the age of eleven in 1966, your mother, Denise Norton, was kidnapped by Conor Geary.’"
"‘I never gained Denise’s trust, though in my defence, I tried extremely hard.’"
"‘I feel now that it was a crude and possibly cruel thing to do.’"
"‘It is most fortunate that you have no memory of that time before we brought you home.’"
"‘I wish you good health and happiness and a peaceful life.’"
"‘If my birth mother was nineteen years old when I was born, what about her mother and father, my grandparents?’"
"‘You lived here with me, until he took you away, as soon as you could walk and talk and were toilet trained.’"
"‘I’d like to go to bed to rest for a while,’ I said. ‘With Toby.’"
"‘I think you need a lot of therapy, darling, because you can’t go on like this. It’s not normal.’"
"‘Your reading is advanced for your age. Alas, your taste is not.’"
"‘I’d like to go to school and meet other children.’"
"‘I didn’t want to ever have to explain, but …’ He pulled up his sweater and there was a scar all the way across his stomach."
"‘A man has needs,’ was all he said in response to that."
"‘You have no idea what goes on in places like that.’"
"That’s a unique point of view," said Aunt Christine.
"I learned that Conor Geary had earned good money as a dentist."
"They liked it when I played. Donald perked up and said it was 'soothing'."
"You wouldn’t notice her stutter much at all anymore."
"I, too, was antisocial and had few friends."
"I wasn’t sure that I wanted a companion who pooed anywhere he wanted and couldn’t clean up after himself."
"I no longer assumed that people meant exactly what they said."
"I was doing my best to develop social skills in Carricksheedy."
"I babysat for Maduka and Abebi a few times and they are the friends I like best."
"Aunt Christine invited me a few days later but I told her the Adebayos were more fun."
"It’s good. More customers for you," I said.
"It’s not good to be racist, Caroline," I said.
"He was talking to himself. Fifteen minutes later, we parked directly outside the Allied Irish Bank."
"I knew from geography books that Holyhead was in Wales."
"But I definitely didn’t feel like a holiday. We were running away."
"My dad loved me enough to run away to keep me safe."
"Your condition is so rare that most people don’t believe it or understand it."
"I was good at Google and discovered a thing called regression therapy."
"She has accused many men over the years, some of whom weren’t even alive at the time of the alleged incidents."
"But you can’t judge a book by its cover, or a kidnapping rapist by the smile on his face."
"I knew that it was impossible to hide in a small village."
"He picked up his tea and sipped slowly."
"I’m not so cruel that I would separate them."
"Everyone else who has it lives in a hospital."
"I was desperate to socialize, but my inarticulation made it hard."
"You were a great help, wasn’t she, Lorraine?"
"I know it's tough right now, but you have me. You'll always have me."
"Sometimes Auntie Georgia got dropped off home by another bar worker around 9.30 p.m., 11 at the latest."
"I tried to make him understand. ‘Dad, my friend died. My only friend. Ever.’"
"‘I don’t like this, Sue. Please may I go and wait in the car?’"
"I had recently found that hugging or holding the hands of friends was somewhat comforting."
"‘It’s such a shame that you’re asexual.’ ‘No, it’s not. I’ve seen sex scenes on television. The moaning and screaming is off-putting.’"
"I was exhausted and the shopping bags were heavy."
"‘I’m sorry to disturb you, sir, but my boy isn’t home and I’m wondering if Stevie’s seen him?’"
"‘Steven and Rangi are not friends. Steven has often complained that your son has come here uninvited.’"
"‘You’re right, I don’t understand, and it’s unfair of me to blame you.’"
"‘I find it hard sometimes, to get a handle on you, to get inside your head.’"
"‘That’s good,’ I said. ‘Good? It’s absolutely brilliant,’ he said."
"‘The money? You can do anything. Start your own business? Invest in shares? Your future is secure.’"
"‘We have had a lot of interest in your property, or as I suspected, in your site.’"
"‘It’s a thirsty walk from the village.’"
"‘Do you want to wait in the car?’ ‘Yes please.’"
"‘You wanted a friend. I got you one. Now quit whining!’"
"‘I heard noises in there. Furniture being moved.’"
"‘You’re lucky that Fernanda is pregnant,’ he said, and they laughed."
"‘It’s fine,’ she said, but in a voice that said it wasn’t fine."
"‘I can’t tell you as a doctor – first, because he was never my patient, and second, because even if he was, I couldn’t tell you.’"
"‘It’s a pattern with him. I guess you’re my ex-niece-in-law?’"
"‘I’m going to ring him. Why didn’t he tell me any of this?’"
"‘Your dad is a rapist shit. He’s been raping me twice a week since I arrived here.’"
"‘I’ll bet he’s never seen a case. Only one in six million people get it.’"
"‘He was a bad influence on you. Good riddance.’"
"‘He thinks your Stevie is his friend. Talks about him all the time.’"
"‘He’s sorry to hear that your boy is missing. We will keep an eye out for him, but I’m afraid we don’t have a telephone.’"
"‘The food was regular and about as wholesome as whatever Dad and I had cooked.’"
"‘I was so wound up and enraged by the thought that it might be Conor Geary, I didn’t know what to do with my anger.’"
"‘And yet, at the back of my mind, although I tried hard not to think about it, Conor Geary was still out there somewhere.’"
"‘I hired the security guard in case my birth father turned up.’"
"‘I wondered if I would be well liked if everyone knew that I had almost attacked Caroline with a poker.’"
"‘I didn’t expect to, I slept well the night before the party.’"
"It frightened me. Conor Geary was still out there."
"I felt the weight of the phantom disease lift off me."