
House Of Correction Quotes

House Of Correction by Nicci French

House Of Correction Quotes
"You need to talk to someone. It doesn’t have to be me. But you have to find someone."
"You can lie to everyone. You can lie to your friends, you can lie to your cellmate, you can lie to me. But you have to tell your lawyer the truth."
"I was always taught growing up as a young English woman that when someone asks you how you are, the only answer allowed is 'fine'."
"The problem is, what I know, or what I say I know, isn’t going to be much help in court."
"I don’t want to delay things. I want somewhere to read my files, to work on my case."
"Don’t say anything about any conversation you had with any lawyer."
"They think they’re better than other people. They think the rules don’t apply to them."
"You’re planning to defend yourself? It’s madness."
"I don’t think you understand your position."
"If I’m found guilty I’ll be here for years and years. And I didn’t do it. That’s a mockery."
"He was a bit of an arsehole, that’s all."
"You’re trying to find out if the bullied son could have murdered his wicked father. Or maybe just smear me a bit, spread a little doubt about. Would that be enough to get you off?"
"The point of living in a place like Okeham is that it’s like family. You’ve to rub along with people because you’re all living together, you’re seeing each other every day."
"He was scared. I’d never seen him scared like that before."
"It’s a way of thinking, clearing my head. There was almost nobody around."
"I wasn’t going to go all that way and not see it."
"I suppose everyone knows now about my… My involvement with Stuart. Years ago."
"I see him sometimes walking through the village with his holdall."
"I’m quite high up so I get a good view."
"Surely she could cross off Pauline Leavitt, who was in her eighties and sometimes walked with a stick?"
"I'm fighting for my life, I'm not wasting anybody's time."
"I don't know what you're saying. Am I going to be stuck in this ridiculous thing?"
"I'm not going to plead guilty. I can't."
"I just want the truth. I want people to know the truth. I want to know the truth myself."
"It might seem a bit strange, me here defending myself, without a lawyer."
"I'm on trial for my life and the widow of the man I'm meant to have killed is giving evidence a few feet from me."
"I don't know how this works, but I need to ask you a few questions."
"I prefer burning with rage to this heavy weariness."
"You just get on with things, don't you? Make do."
"I’ve f-ing ruined my life and you expect me to care about f-ing drones?"
"I’m sorry. I don’t want to make excuses."
"I’m sorry. I don’t have a killer fact that somehow proves that I’m innocent of this."
"God knows, I usually do. Anyway, sod it, that’s all I’ve got to say."
"You don’t know what it’s like. Nobody can unless they’ve experienced it. I was in a state."
"I’ve said. I didn’t know what I was saying."
"I didn’t want him to work on my house that day. I didn’t feel up to it. I wanted to be alone."
"I was never right after. So he got what he wanted in the end."
"You got away with it. I mean, with the crime. That’s not our concern."
"I’m not like that. No one’s like that, until they are."
"I’m thinking that this is where I start."