
The Reversal Quotes

The Reversal by Michael Connelly

The Reversal Quotes
"They all hate the defense attorney until they need the defense attorney."
"The murder of a child is a crime that must be prosecuted to the full extent of the law, no matter what the possibilities or risks are."
"It’s not often I get to be on the side of might and right. I could get used to that—even in a losing cause."
"I’m an officer of the court and a proud member of the California bar. We take an oath to seek justice and fairness while upholding the Constitution and laws of this nation and state."
"It wasn’t about jurisprudence and strategy. It was about taking that dark thing that you knew was out there in the world and bringing it inside."
"You have to understand something. You gave me a bag of shit for a case and I have to do the best I can with it."
"Someone has to speak for Melissa Landy. I have reviewed the evidence in this case and I think I’m on the right side of this one."
"Some people don’t want to be found. They take measures. They drag the branch behind them to confuse the trail."
"We believe that the totality of evidence shows that this man committed this horrible crime and it doesn’t matter how much time has gone by or how long he has been incarcerated. He must be prosecuted."
"Once he back-checked the DA investigator’s work, it took Bosch only two hours to find a current name and address for their missing witness."
"But once again she was beyond the reach and understanding of the Division of Children’s Services."
"The trail on Sarah Landy, the girl who had hidden behind the bushes and watched her younger sister get taken by a killer, ended there."
"With women changes of last names only were usually an indicator of marriage."
"One mug shot showed a deep purple bruise under her left eye and open sores along her jawline."
"An internal wound that never healed, a guilt never assuaged."
"No one with any of her names or Social Security number had been arrested since or applied for a driver’s license in any of the fifty states."
"Putting the computer aside, Bosch took up the files from the murder box."
"The jury might believe it, especially if he won’t testify."
"Montgomery wasn’t sure he would make it."
"He had envisioned her seeing his name on the ID and letting him go to the message."
"‘Jessup eats his first Double-Double in 24 years. I’ve been thinking about this forever!’"
"I guess we’ll see when we get up there."
"She’s been through a lot in her life and she basically seems to be a bit burned out—emotionally."
"He pulled out his phone and turned it on."
"But in County, they got the system and ev’rybody is separated and locked up tight. I’m okay there."
"I have not had the opportunity to see any of you practice in my courtroom."
"At the top of the mountain Bosch turned right onto Mulholland and followed it until it crossed Laurel Canyon Boulevard."
"Each was given a code name in order to keep them in order and so that the real names of suspects did not ever go out over the radio."
"Bosch knew that the Jessup surveillance had been termed Operation Retro because it involved an old case and a retrial."
"Bosch closed the phone and pulled the car back onto Mulholland."
"Bosch had talked to Shipley early that morning as he was passing surveillance off to the day team."
"Bosch sat down and checked his watch. He had an eleven o'clock appointment with a witness."
"Sitting where Jessup had sat brought no vibe or insight into what the suspect was doing on his frequent visits to the mountainside parks."
"But Franklin Canyon Park offered him the same thing, a large natural respite in the midst of a teeming city."
"There were signs all over the park warning against smoking or the use of matches, as fire was the park’s greatest threat."
"Bosch wanted to call Shipley to ask if Jessup could have lit a candle while in the park the night before, but knew it was the wrong move."
"As he came off the trail and into the clearing where the picnic area was located, Bosch saw a city parks ranger looking into a trash can from which he had removed the top."
"Bosch waved without looking back. He added poor reading skills to the list of things he didn’t like about Brorein."
"My successes as a defense attorney invariably came when the prosecution was unprepared for and surprised by my moves."
"As a newly minted prosecutor I took this to heart and vowed not to succumb to the comfort and dangers of routine."
"I promised myself that I would be more than ready for clever Clive Royce’s moves."
"This promise brought Maggie McFierce and me together in my new office for frequent strategy sessions."
"I wanted to move swiftly and thoroughly with demoralizing arguments and answers that would put the defendant on strong notice that he was in trouble."
"If I panicked Jessup, I might not even have to go to trial. I might get a disposition. A plea. And a plea was a conviction."
"Bosch went to the address and took the elevator up to the thirty-fourth floor."
"Bosch couldn’t remember being up so high in downtown."
"The firm’s refrigerator is empty or I’d offer you something to drink."
"My ex-wife is dead. She was killed last year in Hong Kong."
"She lives with me now. She’s doing okay but it’s been pretty tough on her."
"I think what happened was that this case had a faulty profile from the beginning."
"I think the idea that he had acted out before in this way is compelling."
"He’s been in prison, what other choice did he have?"
"Bosch felt an urgency take hold inside. An urgency that came with the growing certainty that they weren’t dealing with an isolated instance of murder."
"Thank you for all of this, Rachel. I think I need to go."
"It was only a hearing on pretrial motions but the courtroom was packed."
"We were also ready with oral arguments to back them, but a hearing like this was also a time for the unexpected."
"Sometimes the case is won or lost before the trial begins with a ruling in one of these hearings."
"The judge wanted to discuss in detail was the oddball request by Royce to allow his client to use makeup during trial to cover the tattoos on his neck and fingers."
"Mr. Jessup is entitled to counsel of his choice and he said that the tattoos could be prejudicial when noticed by jurors."
"The judge then ended the hearing and we packed up and headed toward the rear doors."
"I’m the guy who let him out. If you have any doubts about him being covered, then I want to hear them."
"I wonder if management will tell the next tenants that this place was used by the bureau to take down some bad people."
"The reason I wanted to start with the photos of the girl is that I believe that this crime may have been misunderstood from the very beginning."
"This whole angle was misdirected and wrong and so no wonder they hit a dead end with it."
"I think so. For now. But there’s also one other thing from the profiler that you should know."
"She said a killer like Jessup doesn’t reform in prison. The dark matter inside doesn’t go away. It stays. It waits."
"A guy in a place like that ordering a Coke or a glass of water is going to stand out as suspicious. So they order booze. But then they nurse it."
"Living with his daughter had resulted in his love for her growing more than he thought was possible."
"Thoughts of her safety as well as hopes for her happy future invaded his mind at all times."
"We have a variety of tactics we use. We don’t describe them on the air."
"I am not going to run from this guy. He’s going to run from me."
"It wasn’t a knockout by any means but it had connected solidly."
"My goal was to manipulate the story—the scene setter, as the reporter had called it—into being something that gave the defense false confidence."
"You can learn a lot from that; a furtive glance or a strong judgmental stare."
"They said the same thing. That we couldn’t leave any stone unturned, that we had to do it for Melissa."
"How angry and upset would you say Detective Kloster was?"
"The detectives would have had access to the tow truck before you got there and before you were the first to see the three strands of hair lodged in the seat crack, correct?"
"It was now fair to assume that the defense would put forth the theory that the police—in the person of Kloster and/or his partner, Steiner—had planted the hair evidence to secure a conviction of Jessup after he had been identified by the thirteen-year-old Sarah."
"To be successful it would take at least one person on the jury buying into what amounted to two conspiracies working independently of one another and yet in concert."
"Do you recall what if anything they did then?"
"I was pleased that I had contributed, yes."
"So, hypothetically, if Detective Kloster or Steiner had wanted to take hair from the victim to plant elsewhere, they would have had to do it under the noses of eight other officers or enlist them in allowing them to do it. Is that correct?"
"For example, a hairbrush in the victim’s home could have provided hair to them, correct?"
"My apologies, Your Honor. I had a personal matter come up and it took far longer than I expected it would."
"Mr. Royce, I would rather you begin your cross tomorrow morning rather than start and then interrupt it after only ten minutes."
"I went to see the SIS guys at lunch. They showed me some stuff you need to know about."
"This little girl was still missing. She was still out there somewhere and usually in a case like this, the longer the individual is missing, the less chance you have of a good ending."
"Sarah asked me if I could ask the man with the hat to remove it. I radioed my partner and he told Jessup to take off the hat. Almost immediately, Sarah said it was him."
"The combination of these nine particular genetic markers occurs in one in one-point-six trillion individuals."
"Bosch spoke with a certain authority of the dark places of the world and the evil they held."
"Dread for Melissa Landy and all the other victims in the world."
"He offered his fist over the seat and they both gave him a bump while identifying themselves."
"That’s what they called us when we got partnered. Kind of stuck."
"Go back inside and shut the door. This is police business."
"I can help you better if I know what you need."
"We have another side to almost everything the prosecution has offered you."
"You got only a glimpse of them during the prosecution’s presentation."
"He was the fall guy. An innocent man caught in an impromptu plan to cover up the worst kind of crime."
"Thank you, Sarah. No further questions."
"I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything like that before in a courtroom."