
Beyond The Wand: The Magic And Mayhem Of Growing Up A Wizard Quotes

Beyond The Wand: The Magic And Mayhem Of Growing Up A Wizard by Tom Felton

Beyond The Wand: The Magic And Mayhem Of Growing Up A Wizard Quotes
"Cards on the table: this is not going to be my proudest moment."
"You might think—and rightly so—that with my distinctive blond hairdo I’d be well advised to avoid trouble."
"But there’s a fine line, when you grow up in the public eye, between being normal and being reckless."
"Three older brothers to bully me with love."
"My bros will gladly tell you that I’m the runt of the pack."
"It wasn’t weird to do this stuff and it looked like fun."
"On a fairly regular basis, we used to leave set at 8 p.m. and drive over an hour from the studios, straight down to our local fishery."
"I love not to take myself too seriously and always find some way to make a joke."
"You must promise me that you’ll take him to London to get an agent. He has raw talent!"
"I gave them my best Billy Elliot pose, leaped into the air and parted my legs ready for my triumphant landing…"
"I remember my mum timidly calling the producers and asking if it was okay to order me some fries and put it on the hotel bill."
"So the opportunity to meet my hero—let alone appear alongside him—was incredibly exciting."
"Sadly for me, Rowan Atkinson pulled out of the Barclaycard campaign before shooting started, so I never did get to act with him."
"This is not false modesty. I did have some ability as a singer."
"But as he sat in that make-up chair having his ginger mullet cut away, perhaps he sensed for the first time the loss of something precious."
"I didn’t let it upset me. I just enjoyed the evening for what it was."
"I was more interested in getting back to the football pitch or the carp lake than analysing my feelings in any depth."
"I’m Robbie and I’m playing Hermione Granger. I’m Emma and I’m playing Rubeus Hagrid."
"It’s true then, what they’re saying on the train. Harry Potter has come to Hogwarts."
"Happy Birthday Ash, Love Rik Mayall, XXX on the bum!"
"You’d be a great wizard! Ever thought of acting?"
"He used to make a big deal of how much he loved to hate Draco."
"If I blow this whistle and you don’t stop talking, I will send you home."
"You don’t have to be so evil to some poor guy who’s lost his parents!"
"I believe he acts for free—he’s only paid to wait."
"He gave them the full Snape experience. They’d receive a clip round the ear and a terse, drawn-out instruction to tuck… your… shirt… in!"
"It’s quite incredible, the mess an exploding hot chocolate can make to every set of Hogwarts robes in a twelve-foot radius."
"I’m not Draco. Draco’s not me. But the dividing line is not black and white. It’s painted in shades of grey."
"I was terrified that someone might have seen us, that we were going to be reported and hauled up in front of the police or, worse, in front of David Heyman, the producer."
"I remembered all the times my brothers had called me a maggot and a runt."
"I’d like to think of that as poppycock. Truth is, it wasn’t."
"I don’t suppose he ever would have sent us home, but he had the gravitas and commanded enough respect for us to believe that he might."
"I’ve always had a secret love for Emma, though not perhaps in the way that people might want to hear."
"I don’t think I was ever in love with Emma, but I loved and admired her as a person in a way that I could never explain to anybody else."
"I immediately thrust out my hand and said: 'Tom Felton, nice to meet you.'"
"I’d found somebody else who quacked. And that’s when I thought: To hell with them, I really am a duck!"
"We’ve been quacking ever since. I know for certain that I’ll always have Emma’s back, and that she’ll have mine too."
"She meant that we were kindred spirits, that we understood each other and that we helped each other make sense of ourselves and of our lives."
"Emma’s a good person to have looking out for you, not least because she has a mean right hook, as I found out to my detriment one day."
"It's our choices, not our abilities, that show us what we truly are."
"Sometimes, we don’t even have to turn up at all."
"I’ve never heard him complain or appear to be even slightly pissed off with the occasional downsides of being in the public eye."
"And when, the following year, we came to filming that scene, you can imagine my hesitation when they told me the slap had been rewritten into a punch."
"But when they have the freedom to make their own choices, they reach a similar destination."
"Daniel, for example, can sign ten photos and make thousands of pounds for a charity overnight."
"Draco Malfoy was the boy who had no choice."
"The reason, it seems to me, is that the boy who had no choice finally gets one."
"It was gratifying to watch Half-Blood Prince because everything I shot made the cut."
"I have such respect for the way he learned to cope with that pressure, and such love for him as a person."
"If people recognise me from the Harry Potter films, it’ll be because of my face. It won’t be because of what’s written on my name tag. You could write ‘Mickey Fucking Mouse’ on my chest and they’re not going to think I’m him."
"I’m no longer shy of putting my hands up and saying: I’m not okay."
"I thought, This is it. This is what the future’s going to be. Turned out I was wrong."
"I knew immediately that I’d been brought here under false pretences."
"I was the youngest person there, but the clientele weren’t exactly old."
"If you tell a person he’s great enough times, he’ll start to believe it."
"I’m not a wealthy man. I don’t have much money. I don’t have a big house. I don’t have a fancy car. But I have my wife, and I have my children, and I have my grandchildren, and that means I am a rich man. A very rich man."
"I had no interest in anything, good or bad."
"I didn’t understand this. For me, everything was potentially another Harry Potter."
"I saw, in those early days, every side of LA."