
Bear Meets Girl Quotes

Bear Meets Girl by Shelly Laurenston

Bear Meets Girl Quotes
"Like warmed-over shit melting in the hot desert sun."
"He had no one to blame for this but himself—and those damn Jell-O shots."
"The scent was different. He smelled feline. Everywhere he smelled feline."
"He knew lots of felines, but he didn’t spend time around them because they were, as he’d already stated and everyone knew, totally untrustworthy."
"He still hadn’t recovered from the closing down of his favorite deli five years ago."
"You know you don’t know hell until you’ve been trapped in a rainy, miserable jungle during monsoon season with a bunch of canines."
"The risk of losing her daughter. But what was she supposed to do? Raise another Malone She-tiger?"
"He was, to be honest, barely good enough for weekend hockey with his friends."
"You sit there in your safe little world and you’re completely unaware of what’s going on with your own."
"Why would you think you are? Because my family just met me in the kitchen to tell me they love me. My family."
"I’ll make it clear how ridiculous this all is."
"I’m a tiger. I’m either fucking or killing something."
"Because I’m a caring and giving person."
"I honestly don’t think those bears were here for me or mine."
"I’m trapped by circumstance, baby. You’re not."
"Because he’s a thoughtful, calm, well-spoken nice guy—that’s not really your type."
"Hey! Your hair looks good. Now ... you busy?"
"Because I told you to get your ass out here."
"I’m always careful. I can’t risk this pretty face, can I?"
"I don’t see what the big deal is, Ma. Cousin Petey has an RV dealership."
"I wouldn’t work with her again if you put a gun to my head."
"I just wish you didn’t have such an issue with what I do."
"God, how did Conway manage to put up with Crushek for so long?"
"You can only be trapped somewhere if you’re not allowed to leave. But if you want to stay, then I don’t see how you can be trapped."
"You’re just kind of weirding me out. I don’t know how you just accept all this."
"I think you’re absolutely fascinated with me and you’re dying to go to the party."
"You ever play football?" "American or Australian rules?" "For this discussion, American."
"She was only talking to you," Cella explained.
"Kidnapping charges? Why would they do that?" "Because that’s what it is?"
"I’m talking long before that. When we hexed them."
"Taking both her wrists in one hand, Crush used the other to push up her shirt and then his teeth to rip her bra in half."
"His growling grew harsher, louder, and the vibration of it against her flesh had her nearly out of her mind."
"Grinning, Cella lifted her arms over her head again and gripped the edge of the table."
"The bear lifted his head to gaze at her with those black eyes."
"You’re going to make me roar. And once I start roaring, I don’t really like to stop."
"I don’t like to be bear-handled. Unless, of course, it’s by certain bears."
"You fucked with my pussy ... and I fucked with yours."
"My kid wants to be a doctor, she’s going to be a doctor."
"I have no idea. But I’ll say one thing, I’m really glad I’m not Baissier tonight."