
They Came To Baghdad Quotes

They Came To Baghdad by Agatha Christie

They Came To Baghdad Quotes
"There’s the persistent honking of motor horns, the cries of vendors of various wares."
"Victoria’s features might actually have been described as plain."
"Nothing remarkable about him. There are heaps of Crosbies in the East."
"The traffic had started on again. As Anna Scheele’s taxi followed the stream of traffic going to the left into Pall Mall, the taxi containing the little dark man swung away to the right, continuing round Trafalgar Square."
"The superior fascination of fiction to fact was always irresistible to Victoria."
"You’ve got to have drive to get on in this part of the world."
"For some reason this made Mrs Clayton laugh."
"All as normal and as usual. After his long sojourn in the wilder spaces, the bustle and confusion seemed strange to Carmichael."
"I couldn’t agree with you more. I think you’re absolutely right, if you know what I mean."
"The whole world, it seemed to her, had suddenly become Baghdad conscious."
"Perhaps it made the great man seem more human and vulnerable. He was as other men after all – prone to the small annoyances of the flesh."
"‘Who does he think he is, I wonder?’ thought Victoria to herself."
"So long as she saw the world, anything suited Victoria."
"‘And what would you use for money, my girl?’ she asked herself witheringly."
"‘Why worry?’ Her eyes, dazzled with strong sunlight, closed gently."
"‘Oh, very well.’ Victoria withdrew into her room. She was less sleepy now."
"‘What’s the matter now?’ He sounded annoyed and sleepy."
"It is some time since I was in Baghdad, actually I have not been here since the war."
"‘Safety hasn’t usually been one of my preoccupations, I agree,’ he said."
"What wives do their husbands in with, or vice versa."
"You’ll get them through in the end. Very wise of Dr. Rathbone to send someone down personally. Otherwise they’d probably stay here for months."
"Since Palestine, they are very suspicious about bombs. Also subversive literature. They suspect everything."
"Business being at a standstill during the midday hours, Edward and Victoria went out together after lunch to stroll about and see the sights."
"I don’t really know what I should have done without her. She put me in the picture and helped me out when I might have made a fool of myself."
"You sweet idiot, don’t you know wild horses wouldn’t drive me away from Baghdad!"
"Sometimes it is wiser not to mix oneself up in things one does not understand."
"Achievement brings with it its own anticlimax."
"It’s all terribly earnest. As well as being absolutely goofy."
"Life's all the same really, isn't it – then or now?"
"I suppose it's a hundred times better to be a Christian Martyr than a King in Babylon."
"These facts will be put forthwith before the President of the United States of America and the Premier of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics."
"It's odd, isn't it, that Richard should have had one half of the secret and I should have had the other."
"You don't want to hang about Baghdad, do you?"
"It doesn’t matter at this stage what he thinks."