
Irresistibly Yours Quotes

Irresistibly Yours by Lauren Layne

Irresistibly Yours Quotes
"Baseball was about the peanuts, the rowdy crowds, the overpriced beer."
"What was important was that Penelope was a darn good sportswriter."
"It’s about the game. The consistent flow of it, the smack of the ball against the glove."
"I don’t have a crush. And wee lass? Really? You’re Scottish now?"
"She smiled. "Well, it’s not as hostile as I’d been warned, but yeah. We Chicagoans are a bit more openly friendly than you New Yorkers.""
"Cole Sharpe’s smile was a hell of a thing, slow and sexy, and she was pretty sure it had robbed more than one woman of her ability to think about anything other than getting him naked."
"Penelope could only shake her head at the curious women. "Honestly? I have no freaking idea.""
"Mostly he was used to throwing out a couple of witty lines, a few slow smiles, and watching women counter with moves of their own."
"You have no idea how much it means to have someone believe in you."
"I’m glad you think so, because the two of you are going to be spending an awful lot of time together."
"Then you’ll have to learn how to work it out. Worst case, you bring it to me. I make the call."
"You belong in this role, Cole. You know you do."
"I was going to call you tomorrow, Sharpe, but since you’re here—might as well get it over with."
"It’s the offer that’s on the table. You can take it or leave it."
"But since I know firsthand how annoying prying can be, I’m going to let that go."
"It’s always baffled my parents. Just when my dad started to get excited about my love of sports, I’d throw him off by crying over a romantic movie."
"You don’t need makeup to look good, Penelope."
"Tiny, with all due respect, I’m a hell of a lot better at undressing women than dressing them."
"Bad publicity is still publicity. You know that."
"What about Jackson Burke? You can’t tell me that every guy in America doesn’t secretly want to be him."
"But sometimes it’s better to be prepared, you know? To be aware that for every moment of wonder, another of disappointment is likely to follow."
"Life happens in moments, honey. Anything could have happened since we last spoke!"
"I don’t expect to be wooed," she said, picking up another onion ring, getting her fingers greasy all over again. "Don’t want it, really."
"I like flowers in their natural habitat. They belong in nature, not hacked up and sentenced to die in a vase somewhere."
"I’m not going to force myself on a woman, so if you tell me to go, I’ll go. You want me to release you, I’ll release you."
"Trust me. When you’re as short on visitors as I am, you’d be excited to see anyone."
"He’s totally in fish heaven where Finding Nemo plays twenty-four-seven."
"It's early yet. One's bound to mess up. But still, how cool would a double no-hitter be."
"What about being a woman you could be yourself with; someone who wouldn't tune you out when you talked about RBIs and penalty flags."
"This was just comfortable, that was all. And a little bit unusual. That didn’t mean that it was special."
"A woman who knows her hat size, Bob. Is it any wonder we adore her?"
"He couldn’t remember a day when he’d felt this whole. Ever."
"Cole’s heart broke a little at the sweet ignorance behind Bobby’s question."
"The fact that Julie was red-faced and panting, while her husband looked like he could run to California without breaking a sweat said it all."
"Nobody likes getting up early, Mitchell. Nobody with a soul."
"It’s hard enough for me to feel sexy on a good day, but when I smell like a movie theater…"
"Those damn big brown eyes get me every time."
"I want you begging for me. No matter what day of the week."
"It was strange. She and Cole had done this several times now. Hot sex. Raunchy sex. Playful sex. Great sex. But tonight, it felt different. Special. Important."
"She didn’t want it to be important. She wanted it to be spontaneous, and fun, and safe, and—"
"Years of ridiculousness fixed by three words from one magnificent man."
"Are you kidding me, Penelope? He’s the one who shouldn’t have been alone."
"You have me, Cole. You may not like that I’m here, but that doesn’t change the fact that I came for you, and that I’d do it all over again."
"I don’t need you to be here for me. I don’t even— We’re not even— We’re not together."
"I didn’t realize you had family in town," Lincoln said, going to shake both women’s hands. "Badly done of me to intrude like this."
"His brother’s okay," she said, even though it wasn’t her news to tell. "He’s banged up and has a broken leg, but it could have been much worse."
""So you didn’t say it back," she said, feeling oddly sulky. "You’ve chosen a woman over sports before?""
"Because he was one of them. Or at least he was trying damn hard to be."
"And what shit it was that Jackson’s life had turned into this—the highlight of his day was a well-made cocktail."