
Looking For Alibrandi Quotes

Looking For Alibrandi by Melina Marchetta

Looking For Alibrandi Quotes
"I would rather be the daughter of a laborer."
"People really bitch about her at St. Martha’s. She’s a yuppie’s nightmare."
"The Catholic Education Office has requested that one of our students make a speech. An oratory speech on any subject you prefer."
"I hate the complete silence of [nighttime], especially when I can’t sleep."
"If they didn’t vote me school captain, I was going to break all their legs."
"My main objective in life at the moment is to get on my grandmother’s nerves."
"It’s very hard to smile when tears of pain are welling up in your eyes."
"Nonna tends to believe that the more you suffer on earth, the better the reward is in heaven."
"It’s not the youth of today, Nonna. It’s you and people like you."
"I’ll run one day. Run for my life. To be free and think for myself."
"I didn’t want to climb to the top, Josephine. I’m comfortable enough where I’m standing."
"I hate the word 'respect.' It makes me sick to my stomach."
"I've spoken to your mother about this situation..."
"I never thought meeting you would be this boring."
"You’re not so tough, Alibrandi. I can see through you."
"Women with babies do get married these days."
"We’re Italians. Italians don’t have pineapple on their pizza."
"You cannot catch old age by sleeping with your grandmother, Josie."
"I remember when I gave birth to Josie you told me that I would never get married because no respectable man would marry a girl with a baby. Well, you’re wrong, Mama."
"When the light goes off in your eyes, then there is no hope for you."
"Being an eyewitness to violence is a truly horrible experience. It's savage and bloody and I cried because I felt that I would never see anything so ugly again."
"I think that when you have no choice but to be strong, you learn to cope with the things that haunt you."
"Life could be so great, Mama. I know it could."
"We just have to learn to meet each other halfway."
"This life is shit. All we care about is making money and being big. Look at all the injustice and terrorism and prejudice."
"Peace is a state of mind. We will never have world peace, so we have to be peaceful within ourselves and that will make us happy."
"I don't believe in God and that the crucifixion was a big publicity stunt by Jimmy Swaggart's ancestors to raise money."
"Respect? I detest that word. Probably because in this world you have to respect the wrong people for the wrong reasons."
"Anyone who takes your attitude deserves a bad life."
"They grow because of insignificant people who feed on them because they know how you feel."
"We live in the same country, but we're different."
"You can't hate what you're part of. What you are."
"Sometimes, when they don't, they can turn out just a little bit better."
"Who really gets to know their parents as strangers first?"
"I’m in love. I don’t want to be in love with Jacob Coote. I want to be in love with John Barton and have people look upon me with envy, but John doesn’t make me feel like this."
"I’m beginning to realize that things don’t turn out the way you want them to."
"Like religion, culture is nailed into you so deep you can't escape it. No matter how far you run."
"Life is not a romance novel. People fall out of love. People disappoint other people and they find it very hard to forgive."
"Because photos are a testimony that someone did live. A reminder of a past we may have loved or hated. A piece of our lives."
"What comes first? What other people think of your family, or love?"
"We live two different lives and you can't understand that. Why can't you understand my life?"
"I don’t know many barristers. Well, I do, Josie, and I don't like the way you're talking to her."
"You live without religion and culture. All you have to do is abide by the law."
"You'll never amount to anything if you can be so easily influenced."
"You aren’t a leader because you’re given a title. You’re a leader because of what is inside of you. Because of how you feel about yourself."
"It only mattered how you felt, and personally I could be with anyone of any profession if their personality was like Jacob's."
"Naw, Jacob is different to others. He’s aware of more around him. Of what he can and can’t do."
"She was the most beautiful woman in the world. If she was alive I’d probably be a better person."
"I wish I could make you happy and me happy," I whispered against him.
"We’re going to have another fight, aren’t we? God, Jacob, that’s all we do."
"No. Until... maybe until I’m engaged. Or maybe when I’m twenty or something."
"No. It’s not a prize and I’m not a prize. But it’s mine. It belongs to me and I can only give it away once and I want to be so sure when it happens, Jacob."
"I suppose that we have kept the gossips well entertained for over forty years."
"I see images of nothing and I attempt to make that nothingness mean something."
"Everything remains the same. I am still alone."
"Dying is so easy. Sometimes it only takes ten seconds to die. But living? That can take you eighty years and you do something in that time."
"Because dreams are goals and John might have run out of goals. So he died. But we’re alive and one day I want to own my own garage and you want to be a hotshot barrister and it’s not going to happen today or tomorrow, it’s going to happen in years and it’s something to look forward to."
"I’ve been passionate about two things in my life. One was Christina Alibrandi. The other is Josephine Alibrandi."
"I ran away from commitment eighteen years ago. I should never have done what I did to your mother. I can't run away again. Because I'm older and I run slower. I want to have my time with you now."
"But I know in my heart that you would never reject me, Josie. So I know that it's not a rejection, and seeing Nonna has now accepted Michael, she knows it's not a rejection."
"We all are, Mama. We're all very lucky people."
"People say that because they don't want to hurt their partner. What he really meant was that we were never going to be together again."
"I think it's the only thing you have left that belongs to you and that belongs to that cocoon of childhood."
"I want to keep on learning truths till the day I die."