
The Letter Of Marque Quotes

The Letter Of Marque by Patrick O'Brian

The Letter Of Marque Quotes
"Everything was perfectly familiar...but the essence was gone and he was a stranger."
"Yet there was no denying that materially he was well off."
"She was now lying at single anchor in Shelmerston, an out-of-the-way port with an awkward bar and a dangerous tide-race."
"He resumed his pensive walk while Pullings, the bosun, the gunner and Bonden, his own coxswain, put the men through their paces."
"Yet he was still uncommonly tall and broad-shouldered; his open, florid, cheerful face had grown older, less full."
"The Surprise now probably had a more efficient, more professional ship’s company than any vessel of her size afloat."
"In time however Captain Aubrey was dressed in newly-brushed, newly-pressed clothes."
"For activity, naval activity is the solution, if solution there be."
"The word privateer has unpleasant echoes for the seaman."
"The service’s notion of morality is an odd one and I should be puzzled to define it, in some cases."
"I have never yet come across an incompetent carpenter. Bosuns, yes: because they often top it the tyrant and turn the hands awkward. Even gunners, who cannot always be brought to accept the slightest change. But not carpenters: they seem to have their trade born in them."
"It is absurd to be so anxious. I am become a perfect old woman."
"At first light he was on deck again. The breeze was much as he had left it, though somewhat more westerly, the sky clear, except for cloud and haze to starboard."
"It was a warm night, though the breeze was north of west, and walking aft to the taffrail he saw with pleasure that the wake was luminous, a long phosphorescent trail, the first he had seen this year."
"If I were a superstitious man, I should say that I had brought this on my own head by crowing so loud and hearty about yesterday’s run - about making my landfall so exactly and in such uncommon good time."
"It is a remarkable fact, that in the course of many years at sea, I have never yet come across an incompetent carpenter."
"It seems to me that you have to treat destiny or fortune or whatever is the right word with a proper respect. A man must not bounce or presume, but he must not despair neither, for that is ill-bred."
"Perhaps the barque will run clear. Perhaps the Spartan has lost a spar."
"Remember Nelson’s bridge! - and we tackle the Spartans, taking them from the front and the rear."
"Not a sound, not a sound as we approach, but sing out as you go aboard: and once aboard the watchword is Surprise."
"Instantly he was urged on by the jostling crowd of men pushing after him."
"I am so sorry you missed it, Tom, it was the prettiest little surprise you can imagine."
"As bloody a little engagement as ever I saw - the gundecks of both were aswim with blood."
"The alcoholic tincture of opium, properly exhibited, is one of the most valuable drugs we possess."
"Lord, what a stroke it was! It was the talk of the service, it was the talk of the town."
"I dare say you could not have carried on about moral duty and the rest with him in earshot."
"Old Plaice's hoarse chuckle could be recognized a great way off."
"During the night attacks he often took Stephen’s personal skiff and accompanied the line of boats, paying close attention to the style of pulling in each."
"This intense physical activity did him a great deal of good, of course - his powerful great body called for much more than shipboard life could ordinarily give him."
"He was a gentle timid little greyish-brown man, round and greasy, easily moved to tears."
"From Maturin’s point of view also these days were a blessed holiday."
"It was on one of those perfect afternoons, with a long south-western swell beating with slow, deep, measured strokes on the seaward face of Old Scratch."
"I had supposed he was an Armenian, a Gregorian Christian."
"Yet he seems a mild, amiable little man; and he is certainly the cook of the world."
"‘I give you joy of your seals, brother,’ said Stephen, as Jack waded ashore on the little golden strand."
"The nature of the tragedy’s action has always required that the scope should be as full as can be without obscuring the plot."
"I am sure it does. But do not carry on at that rate about interest. You are a far better seaman and a far better officer than at least half the men on the list."
"The squadron had worn twice, and it was crossing the harbour mouth again - the returning boats could be seen near the breakwater."
"‘Sit down, my dear Maturin, and let us drink a glass of madeira while we recover our breath."
"‘Not at all. She was indeed intended for the very same mission to the Spanish colonies, forestalling us."
"You are a present comfort, Sir Joseph dear: it was stupid of me not to have thought of that."
"‘What now?’ cried Stephen, quickly sliding the letter under a book."
"‘But perhaps we should alter the whole arrangement. The gentleman is wounded in the leg, and no doubt he should be able to stretch it out."
"‘I dare say you was surprised to see me yesterday,’ he said. ‘I know Caroline was, and Harry Charnock, as well as some others."
"‘Well, I am glad you are going to keep at least one foot in the county,’ said Cousin Edward with a significant look."
"‘You must understand that I was below, and that although I heard the gunfire I saw nothing of it."
"‘If only you had got the topmast up last night we might have run in to Vestervik."
"Jack’s wisest course would be silence except in the case of overwhelming conviction on a naval point."
"Sure, she is going as fast as a horse at a good round trot."
"By the time they had said everything that could be said about parliament, his mind tended to stray away."
"He saw that his friend was looking both wretchedly ill and ten years older."
"He is not at all experienced - has never been to sea, but he plays an amazingly fine fiddle."
"He then found with great concern that he could not conscientiously do so."
"I thought we might waive the bond in view of the fiddle."
"It comes at the end of Figaro, the loveliest thing."
"The cabin was filled with the smell more of brandy than of laudanum."
"I just wanted to ask you to give Cousin Diana our love."
"Once the sun had risen the day was fresh and brilliant."
"He noticed with satisfaction that the crows were all of the grey-backed Irish kind."
"She caught him as he landed, took his parcel, and kissed him on both cheeks."
"Her complexion is infinitely improved: you are a jeune fille en fleur."
"He was reflecting still when they were put out, all but a single one turned low."
"You are in your right wits still, sweetheart, thanks be."
"I should never make any kind of a wife for you."
"I have made a great deal of prize-money; I have inherited more."