
Letters To The Lost Quotes

Letters To The Lost by Iona Grey

Letters To The Lost Quotes
"Platform stilettos; the twenty-first-century equivalent of a ball and chain."
"The money crackled inside her pocket. Fifty pounds – she’d only taken her share."
"She wondered who owned it and what had happened to them."
"What harm could the dead do to you anyway? A corpse couldn’t split your lip or steal your money."
"But I’m not done hoping yet. Or wishing I could go back to the start and do it all again."
"She needed him, as he liked to tell her; needed his contacts and his bookings and his money."
"It’s not the only one, it’s me," Charles had said curtly.
"In the light of the green-frilled bedside lamp his face was unreadable."
"Her heart lurched with fear and a sort of primitive thrill."
"The good thing about Friday was that it wasn’t Thursday any more, and it would be almost a whole week before Thursday rolled round again."
"I used to say it was mine, but it never was really."
"Tonight I’ll go online and have a look to see what else is out there."
"Once they start shovelling their pills into you, that’s it."
"I got a key for the house though – needs sorting out, it does."
"You take these, Mr Greaves, you’ll get a good night then."
"That bloody lot. Cheats and charlatans the lot of them."
"It feels like a long road to the twenty-five we have to complete before we're done, but it's a start."
"She was tired of being alone with her problems."
"You have much to give – this passion again, and love. Very much love you have to give."
"I want you to realize that you are beautiful, although as I write that and remember the way you looked last night in the candlelight, I know that a part of what makes you such dynamite is that you don’t have the faintest idea of how incredible you are."
"It was just a kiss – a moment on a London street on a warm spring night."
"I co-piloted one of the new crews today. It was supposed to be an easy one, a milk run to help them find their feet. It ended up as a bloodbath."
"You should definitely go to the Fete Committee meeting – don’t let that old girl Marjorie get to you! Hold your head up and remember how strong you are."
"I suggest you stop reading those appalling novelettes and filling your head with romantic nonsense."
"She waited for the hurt to kick in, but instead the realization was like a weight falling from her – the burden of her guilt, she supposed."
"I guess it’s not surprising that Charles isn’t being sent back to Tunisia – things look like they might be a whole lot quieter in North Africa for a little while."
"Three crates of tinned peaches was a small price to pay for a kiss like that."
"I guess they figure they ought to give us something now because they don’t think we’ll make it to twenty-five."
"I’ve put in for a leave pass... If I did, what would you say to going away someplace?"
"It was a turning point, the end of one era and the start of a new one."
"Their initial tentative friendship had entered a different phase, and there was a sort of exuberance in Dan Rosinski’s tone."
"She lay back on the pink counterpane in the evening gloom, and thought about Dodge."
"Jess sensed a change, and wondered what had happened to bring it about."
"The light was nearly gone and it was almost impossible to make out the words."
"You’ve just reminded me of something Nancy said to me once, years ago. She said she came to that house when she had nowhere else to go."
"The gloom remained undisturbed, and he wondered how she’d managed without heating and light."
"His heart squeezed with fear as he went over to the bed and gently smoothed back her damp hair."
"The only colour came from the pink bedcover, but the place was tidy enough."
"Her eyes were dark and glittering with fever."
"Don’t go," she whispered, so softly that he might have thought he’d been mistaken."
"The pasted-on smile slipped and he turned away from the mirror."
"I’ve got you. I’m holding you. I’m not going to let you fall."
"A shiver had run down Stella’s spine at the thought of the young bride who’d so quickly become a young widow."
"There’s still hope, and we must not lose sight of that."
"Reading his letters I was in no doubt about how much my son loved you."
"The only way it will be bearable is if we can be honest with each other."
"He’s more shocked at my altered body than I am at his."
"You can’t just decide it was a mistake because you’ve had your head turned by some flashy Yank."
"I don’t care if she’s his or mine. I love her already because she’s a part of you."
"I’ll wait for you, however long it takes – forever, if I have to."
"As long as we’re both alive I’m not going to give up hope."
"Feelings, they’re all stored up inside us, like in some kind of freezer that keeps them fresh for years."
"It was quiet up here. The music started up in the marquee below, but the music was muted."
"It’s not like I’m not used to having a fantastically beautiful and sexy girl in my bed or anything."
"It's supposed to be a vintage-themed wedding."
"But I need to see someone before then! I just want to know about the house and about Dan."
"I’m very sorry, Miss Moran, but it’s completely impossible to arrange an appointment with a senior partner at such short notice."
"Natalia, please arrange a taxi for Mrs Ambrus."
"Mr Rosinski has been admitted to hospital. Up until now he’d been being cared for at home, but it seems his condition has taken a turn for the worse."
"He’s not really conscious, from what I can make out from Mr Goldberg, his American lawyer."
"Mr Rosinski is a very old, very sick man. It’s time to—"
"It’s the most amazing, generous thing imaginable. I couldn’t believe it at first."
"He’s unconscious. He’s going to die not knowing what happened to her and I – I—"
"It was just a joke – honestly. If you’ve come to say that you don’t want to see me again—"