
Touch Of Frost Quotes

Touch Of Frost by Jennifer Estep

Touch Of Frost Quotes
"I might not care who knew Daphne’s dirty little secret, but I was willing to bet that she would before we were through."
"The two hundred bucks I was getting for this job meant that I could afford to be patient."
"Apparently, today’s theme had been argyle, because the pattern was on everything that Daphne wore."
"That’s what everyone at Mythos Academy called me. Mainly because I was the only Gypsy trapped here in this school for magical warrior freaks."
"I might have even believed her, if her hands hadn’t clenched the tiniest bit as she put her hairbrush back into her purse."
"I knew that if she wanted to, Daphne Cruz could rip that sink out of the wall easier than the Hulk could."
"I’d already lost one of the people I cared about most. Everything else dulled in comparison to that."
"Everything about the academy whispered of money, power, and snobbery."
"Each one with their own special abilities and magic, and the egos to match."
"As a general rule, though, everyone was rich, beautiful, and dangerous."
"Well, go in and try to get some rest now. And feel free to call me, if you need to talk about anything, anything at all."
"We’re warriors, and warriors die. That’s just how things are."
"Sometimes, they’re even Reapers themselves, and you have to kill them before they kill you."
"I know you’re new, Gwen, but pretty much everybody here has lost someone that they love, someone that they care about a whole lot more than a spoiled bitch like Jasmine Ashton."
"Kids sneak out past the sphinxes all the time. It’s not that much of a stretch to think that a Reaper could sneak in if he really wanted to."
"You are all the descendants of the Pantheon’s finest warriors, here to learn how to control and harness your magic and fighting skills so you can protect the world from Reapers and keep them from freeing Loki and plunging us all into a second Chaos War."
"I guess ... I’ve been reading more of them since my mom’s accident. I guess ... I like them because nobody ever really dies in a comic book, not even the bad guy."
"Because it’s finally time for you to learn how to use your Gypsy gift, Gwen. Something that you’ll do by going to Mythos."
"Because somebody should at least care what happened to her. Somebody should be sorry that she was murdered, even if nobody really liked Jasmine deep down inside."
"It’s okay for you to have fun again, Gwen. Your mom wouldn’t want you to sit at home every night crying over her."
"Instead of sneaking in to steal Jasmine’s laptop, I was actually here as an invited guest. Weird, how things could change in the space of a few days."
"I wanted to hurt them. I wanted them to feel guilty about what they’d done."
"If Morgan lied to me about where she went on summer break, why would Morgan lie?"
"Illusions can tear you to shreds just as much as real teeth and claws can."
"I wanted to find out what happened to you. I felt sorry for you, that you had died."
"I’m not a nobody. I have a name. It’s Gwen Frost."
"You forgot that I’m a Valkyrie, Gypsy. I’m strong, much stronger than you are."
"You should have just not paid any attention to my death the way that the others did."
"I didn’t even know your name. You didn’t have any real power, nothing that I could take or use, so what was the point in killing you?"
"This will only slow me down. It won’t stop me from killing you. Nothing can do that now."
"Sure, my Grandma Frost was the strongest person I knew, and my mom had been the same way before she’d died. But me? Not so much."
"Why me?" I asked. "I’m not like the other kids here. I’m nobody."
"You’re not nobody," Nike said in a sharp tone. "You are Gwendolyn Frost, and you are my Champion."
"No," Nike agreed. "But you at least cared enough to try. That was something."
"I see many things, but most of all, I see the strength and the goodness in your heart."
"What happens if I say no?" I asked. "In the library right now?"
"That won’t be your fault, Gwendolyn," Nike said. "The Spartan boy made his own choice to come into the library."
"All right," I said. "I’ll be your Champion, Nike."
"She doesn’t even know how to kill things properlike? What kind of girl have you given me to, goddess?" Vic protested.
"We can do those things and more because Nike has gifted us with that power."