
Mona Lisa Overdrive Quotes

Mona Lisa Overdrive by William Gibson

Mona Lisa Overdrive Quotes
"Ten years have now passed since the inception of whatever strange process it was that led me to write Neuromancer, Count Zero, and Mona Lisa Overdrive."
"In its day, the Hermes 2000 was one of the best portable writing-machines in the world, and one of the most expensive."
"Computers, in 1981, were mostly wall-sized monsters covered with twirling wheels of magnetic tape."
"These Apple ads were the direct inspiration for the cyberspace decks in Neuromancer."
"Personally, I suspect they're actually about Industrial Culture; about what we do with machines, what machines do with us, and how wholly unconscious this process has been, is, and will be."
"It gives me great pleasure to have these three books digitized, data-compressed, and published in this revolutionary format."
"The ghost was her father's parting gift, presented by a black-clad secretary in a departure lounge at Narita."
"You will be a guest in the house of my kobun," her father said.
"First time in London, then?" he asked, swirling in from the periphery of her vision.
"If Eddy meant it, about leaving, I wouldn't be able to use them; if they stayed in Florida, I could always get some wonton."
"More the way they stand than anything, she thought."
"The vendors didn't like her trying on so many things, but it was the most she'd ever had to spend."
"Because it's getting narrower, right? It's like arterial plaque ..."
"Continuity could generate video images of Angie, animate them with templates compiled from her stims."
"But thinking about Eddy now maybe wasn't such a good idea either."
"I'm not trying to tell you your business, but you're kidding yourself if you think she'd fool anyone who didn't want to be fooled."
"I suppose I began to resent paying to feel normal. Or a poor approximation of normal."
"It was marriage as merger, to the journalists, though the resulting corporate entity was viewed by most as ungainly, a chimera with two wildly dissimilar heads."
"I put her on the list, right? You get big enough trouble one day, you're being got at, you check that list."
"You're okay, she said, and kissed her abruptly, one of her lenses brushing for an instant against Kumiko's cheekbone."
"Continuity, he began, and coughed. Hello, Hilton."
"That's how it is, with a big score, when you're young... No money was sort of like getting back to normal."
"They want to cut my brain with lasers," she had whispered to Kumiko.
"You mustn't be angry with us, Kumiko. We're protecting you."
"Nothing here is ever still. There is no true sleep."
"Every fragment rushed away. The fragments sought form, each one, as is the nature of such things."
"The way they've stepped the leads down, off this switch. Cunning bastards ..."
"Your father sucks my breath away. This city sucks my breath away."
"He's bloody changing it. Redistributing power to suit himself. Information. Power. Hard data."
"It's a quiet place, England. Hasn't always been, mind you; we'd the troubles, then the war ..."
"Vertigo can be a problem. Bit of body image takes care of that."
"You're supposed to know everything about Shakespeare, aren't you?"
"I'm afraid that I do know everything about Shakespeare."
"This rather pretty representation of a Tokyo park is something you've just now worked up from Kumiko's memories, isn't it?"
"I've been modified to advise and protect Kumiko in situations rather more drastic than any envisioned by my original designers."
"To be perfectly honest, I've suspected as much."