
Most Of All You Quotes

Most Of All You by Mia Sheridan

Most Of All You Quotes
"Everything is going to be okay. Maybe not today, but eventually. Do you believe?"
"Take my hand and follow me to the daffodil fields. The sweet perfume makes us invisible, you know. We’ll hide together, you and I. I won’t ever leave you alone."
"You can find hope in the strangest of places, in the darkest of corners. Clutch it close, my darling. It’s yours and no one else’s."
"Some people are mean to their bones. If you can’t beat ’em, you just have to survive ’em. Play the hand you’ve been dealt until you get a better one."
"Focus on the good things, even when they’re simple. Then bury them deep so only you know where they are."
"I guess they'll just have to take what we want."
"You're not even men—you're ugly, repulsive animals, and your very smell makes me want to vomit."
"Do what you can with what you have, even if it's not very much at all."
"You're going the wrong way. You must turn back, sweetness. He's waiting for you."
"She doesn’t want anything more to do with you, Gabriel."
"I knew it was old-fashioned, probably not what you expected."
"I had the sudden thought that I’d forevermore equate that scent with feeling cared for… with the hand that calmed and comforted in the midst of pain."
"Sometimes when I start on a project, it feels almost as if it’s trapped inside waiting to be set free."
"I wouldn’t say I’m a mystic, no. But I’d like to think there’s some mystery to life. Don’t you?"
"It’s a mystery how I’m going to pay all my medical bills, it’s a mystery how I’m going to keep from being evicted from my apartment with no job."
"Yes. The great what-ifs. They give me a headache, too."
"It’s beautiful out here, maybe the most peaceful place I’d ever been."
"I don’t create beauty, Eloise, I just reveal what’s already there."
"We’re all entitled to our opinions, I guess."
"Don’t stop yourself from dreaming. Dreams are what keep our hearts alive."
"You’re such a good, smart girl, Ellie. You don’t forget that, okay? No matter what, you don’t forget that."
"Because, Ellie, I win every time I’m bold in how I love."
"Gratitude isn’t a Band-Aid, Ellie. You still have to experience your feelings to work through them."
"You might have to show me how to do this. I’ve never done it before."
"Beautiful things happen when you least expect them."
"You think of anything we should know, you give us a call."
"I felt most complete when he was buried inside me, his eyes closed and his lips parted in pleasure."
"It’s okay to cry. It’s how your heart speaks its pain."
"Whatever you do, do it with your whole heart."
"You will always be the great love of my life, Gabriel Dalton."
"I’m living the life I was meant to have, and I find peace in that."
"They thought of me as trash, and truth be told, I thought of myself the same way."
"You can’t fix me, you know. No, I can only love you."
"I'd been stunned to hear voices, and it’d taken me a moment to decide what to do."
"God, but it was just the shadow of a memory. Nothing really. Only …"
"Without letting myself consider it too much, I turned and followed him out."
"But I’d dismissed my instinct before in favor of my own pride, and because of it, Ellie had ended up bloody and beaten."
"Jesus," I muttered. "Help me out here if you have some spare time."
"Bars covered them. My heart started beating more harshly."
"I knew from experience that the longer we were here, the less chance we had to escape."
"We struggled and fought for what felt like forever as I prayed that I could hold him down at least long enough for Wyatt to get out of here."
"The fear in Wyatt’s eyes had disappeared, and he looked like a different kid."
"Sometimes watching them together filled my heart so full so suddenly, I had to suck in a breath or it felt like my lungs might collapse beneath the pressure."