
Soul On Ice Quotes

Soul On Ice by Eldridge Cleaver

Soul On Ice Quotes
"Malcolm X and Martin Luther King, Jr., precipitated revolutions without throwing a punch or firing a shot."
"Black men were in need of a prince, manhood being very much on the minds of black men during the sixties."
"But who will protect the women's quarters?" - the desperate cry of men whose women were being beaten by white thugs in uniform.
"Young black intellectuals were out for revenge. They were in a Kikuyu warrior mode."
"Eldridge Cleaver went to school in jail, reading, writing, meditating, and practicing his intellectual style."
"In his book Soul on Ice, he confessed to a former career as a rapist."
"Capitalism could even transform a group that once advocated its overthrow into box-office receipts and T-shirt revenue."
"It is easier just to say he taught Lovdjieff and let it go at that."
"Blacks and whites do not fraternize together in comfort here."
"I have no respect for a duck who runs up to me on the yard all buddy-buddy, and then feels obliged not to sit down with me."
"The truth crushed to earth shall rise again."
"White people cannot, in the generality, be taken as models of how to live."
"One’s home is his castle" is a saying not meant for Negroes."
"A man’s home is his castle" is a saying not meant for Negroes."
"The quickest way to become hated by the Muslims was to criticize Elijah Muhammad."
"In America, we give maximum expression to our blood lust in the mass spectator sport of boxing."
"The Negro revolution at home and national liberation movements abroad have opened the way to a new evaluation of history."
"You can't really dissociate the penis from the Body! Not even the Brain, the Omnipotent Administrator, can do that!"
"I feel impelled to express myself to you extravagantly, and words, phrases, sentences, paragraphs leap in my mind."
"The white man turned the black woman into a strong self-reliant Amazon and deposited her in his kitchen—that’s the secret of Aunt Jemima’s bandanna."
"Every time I embrace a black woman I’m embracing slavery, and when I put my arms around a white woman, well, I’m hugging freedom."
"The black woman is an unconsenting ally and she may not even realize it—but the white man sure does."
"I don’t believe that a beautiful relationship has to always end in carnage."
"The black man’s penis was the monkey wrench in the white man’s perfect machine."
"I had planned to run for President of the United States. My slogan? PUT A BLACK FINGER ON THE NUCLEAR TRIGGER."
"I am not humble at all. I have no humility and I do not fear you in the least."
"I was not my usual self and I had no intention of getting up. It seemed that if I got up I would not be able to live another second."
"Every man with a pipe dream sees his chance as just coming."
"The bitch cut me clean aloose. I’ve never been cut loose that clean before!"
"When the laughter died he began drumming on the table with his short, fat fingers."
"I promised him I’d be back the next day. They led him away. I never went back."
"Blood is a lubricant. It smooths the way and enables a people to slip out of the tightest of clutches."
"In fact, their alienation must be measured by their distance from the attainment of a Unitary Sexual Image."
"The Omnipotent Administrator, having repudiated and abdicated his body, cannot present his woman with an image of masculinity."
"The society has arranged things so that the Supermasculine Menial and the Ultrafeminine are not likely to have access or propinquity to each other conducive to stimulating sexual involvement."