
The Off Limits Rule Quotes

The Off Limits Rule by Sarah Adams

The Off Limits Rule Quotes
"I’m a twenty-nine-year-old single mom and unemployed hairdresser who’s having to live with my older brother because I don’t have a penny in savings."
"I don’t push myself enough. Somewhere along the line in my life, I stopped jumping. It’s time to start again."
"If everything Drew implies about Cooper is true, I’m sure he’s used to red, turquoise, and chartreuse."
"I think every date I’ve been on has been a subconscious middle finger to my ex."
"I’m just going to lean back against the warm leather and sleep the day away."
"In fact, I’d rather him think I’m losing it over Tim than salivating at the sight of the perfect male specimen at the front of the boat."
"Your hair was too wet. Gotta dry it a bit," she yells above the noise.
"I see you looking at me skeptically, but it’s true. I’m exactly opposite of your and Drew’s personalities."
"I feel like going out on the lake was exactly what I needed."
"I’m not very good at heartfelt, honest texts, so I wasn’t sure how to respond to you."
"I check my phone, registering that there are no new notifications because Cooper never bothered to text me back."
"I throw my head over and wind my hair up in a towel, deciding I need to get out of my head before I do something stupid."
"Going to my room, I put in my earbuds and turn on one of Ariana Grande’s old albums."
"For three whole minutes, I tune out the rest of the world and move."
"Saying it feels great to let loose is an understatement."
"I groan and shove my face into my hands, contemplating if I’d rather move to Mexico or Alaska."
"I’m a 29-year-old woman! I’m not supposed to be cute when dancing to sexy music in my room."
"Why do embarrassing things keep happening to me around you? Please forget you ever saw any of that."
"I didn’t mean to embarrass you. Like I said, I thought it was cute."
"I watch his Adam’s apple go up and down, and suddenly, this hallway feels like a teeny tiny thimble."
"You’re not going to go to jail. We’re going to jump in and jump out then hit the road."
"I thought you were going to ask what my star sign is or something."
"Why would I ever want to know your star sign? I don’t even know mine."
"I’m blissfully over him, out from under his spell."
"That’s just rude. I could be heartbroken over here, and you’re just driving the knife right through my heart."
"You guys are very grown up. It’s intimidating, really."
"I don’t want to paint too bad of a picture, because he really is a good dad to Levi."
"I was just wondering if I should line up a different guru to train me in the ways of living dangerously."
"We both say at the same time, and then Drew reaches for another slice of pizza."
"I swallow down the lump of regret in my throat as I stare at my phone again."
"Jessie is about to tell me I’m stupid when another text comes through, and we both scream like someone just jumped out of a closet and yelled BOO!"
"I don’t have enough self-tanner in my bloodstream to fully harness mine."
"I want to enter the witness protection program."
"He steps forward, and I watch his hands rise up to rest on my hips."
"We’re not doing this tonight because, one, you’re drunk and I don’t take advantage of intoxicated women."
"I can’t take it anymore. You’re beautiful, Lucy, and you’ve got a great body that doesn’t need constant prefacing that you think it’s flawed."
"I think we both have to agree that a relationship between us is off limits for now. Strictly friends—at least until Drew gets home and we can both talk to him together about how we’re feeling."
"I’m not sure what is happening between us right now, but I’m willing to do it all day."
"I’m not sure where you took your seduction classes, but I think you should get your money back."
"You are an incredible woman all on your own."
"Do you want to come over and watch something sappy with me tonight?"
"He fits. It just feels right between us in a way I didn’t know was possible."
"PUT TOGETHER FURNITURE," I hurry and interject before she says something blunt that will make me blush.
"And I intend to make complete use of our alone time."
"That child could wake up demanding water or comfort after a bad dream at any moment."