
More Than You'll Ever Know Quotes

More Than You'll Ever Know by Katie Gutierrez

More Than You'll Ever Know Quotes
"Dead, but not gone. She was like my shadow, angling dark and long in the right light, inescapable and untouchable."
"History was written by those who had power and wanted to keep it."
"I hadn’t yet learned that ordinary could be precious."
"Except it turns out brick walls don’t matter when the wolf lives inside."
"How did they interpret their pleasure at scrolling through the posts I curated?"
"I felt like a forager of other people’s tragedies, grinning as I presented them like trophies to an invisible bloodthirsty crowd."
"She could be anyone. She could become anyone."
"Relationship fraud is typically a man’s crime, with the FBI identifying most common targets as women over forty who are divorced, widowed, and/or disabled."
"The truth is it doesn’t take elaborate lies, only being with someone who doesn’t push to know the things you don’t want to reveal."
"Making brisket is an act of love. When it’s good, when it’s real, there’s nothing better."
"If he had a secret self hidden within, it was so well concealed that even he didn’t know about it."
"Crime is rarely over for the people involved," I said. "The impact lingers."
"Every crime story begins with the writer’s obsession."
"To study philosophy is to learn how to be curious, to think critically, to ask questions, to reason."
"Motherhood is not pretty. Motherhood has teeth."
"People waste so much time talking when talk so often conceals more than it reveals."
"The adventures and passions of their youth tucked far from view of a society that’s lost interest in them."
"The thing about a spontaneous act is that the consequences are long-lasting."
"Soy tu madre, no tu hija. You don’t scold me, and I don’t ask for permission. That’s how it works."
"For every story told out loud, there is the story we only tell ourselves."
"It’s impossible to get everything from one person. That at best, we get eighty percent."
"Motherhood is the thief you invite into your home."
"History is written by those who have power and want to keep it."
"It almost destroyed us, you know. It did destroy us. But we managed to move on with our lives."
"I was greedy. I had the love of two good men at once. And it destroyed them both."
"Imagine those parted lips pursed grimly at the sink; fantasy never holds against the assault of reality."
"Men sneak their _Playboy_s and _Hustler_s, obsessing over women whose allure could never survive the relentless banality of marriage, motherhood."
"The way they looked at each other. Yes. I’d say it was enough."
"One of the cruelest parts of getting old is how unnecessary you become, like a helium balloon released by a child’s hand, floating and forgotten."
"I just hate it when men describe their wives in relation to themselves."
"It’s only in the retelling that a crime becomes true or false, and I bet mostly false, because everyone has an agenda."
"Ah, pues, qué bueno, he found some time after all."
"Everyone says she alibied him, but doesn’t it kind of sound like... he’s alibiing her?"
"The earth rich with mothers’ secrets and daughters’ unanswered questions."
"Women are detectives of the heart, constantly seeking, while men prefer not to see what’s right in front of them."
"I never made myself out to be a victim, ¿Me oyen? And I am not starting now."
"Imagine a book about me on a shelf like that."
"I am not really sure. Maybe we just grew away from each other."
"I was only a body performing motions that wouldn’t mean anything unless my mind gave them meaning."
"It’s hard to even force out the words, and she knocks on every piece of wood in Andres’s bedroom when he goes to take a shower."
"She can still feel his pounding heart beneath his dark blue sweater."
"It was as if she had a foot in each world, thirty-two years apart."
"It’s like we’ve brought it back to life! All that dust."
"I didn’t recognize the shifts as they happened."
"It’s irreducible. I can never know what your love for me feels like to you and you can never know what my love for you feels like to me."
"It’s not easy to live with someone who keeps secrets."
"We’re not talking about three adults consenting to a polyamorous relationship. We’re talking about one person deciding for all three."
"Only a tiny percentage of mammals practice monogamy, and we’re the only ones who try to regulate it through marriage."
"Imagine the faith—the hope—it takes to bring someone new into your home."
"What kind of father raises a knife to his son before sacrificing himself?"
"I would never sacrifice my child. Not for anything. And any God who asked me to can go fuck himself."
"It’s the experience that is meant to underlie all religion."
"We don’t have to do this now. But—you do want to marry me? Because—"
"DF is no place to be right now. By the time you return, I’ll have a new apartment for us."
"I love you, Mrs. Crusoe," Andres says in her ear.
"Everyone deserves happiness," Lore says, but that’s not quite right. "Unless you’ve hurt someone—really hurt someone. Torture, rape, murder. After that, I don’t think you deserve happiness anymore."
"So, in other words," Lore says in English, with a slow, playful smile, "fuck ’em."
"Yes," she says, finally, with a jut of her chin. "I think so."
"We need to sit down, all three of us, and figure out what’s going on," Lore says.
"I care about you two more than you will ever know."
"If I stopped talking to her, I would forever be looking over my shoulder."
"I’ve always believed everyone needs help sometimes, and if we could help, we should."
"The way it sometimes made me doubt what I’d seen the night before, the images rearranging into something milder, more palatable."
"At first there was no time to talk about hurt or betrayal. We could only talk about lawyers and police interviews."
"I wanted to know myself. I wanted to become new to myself again, to dig at myself—my mind, my heart—and witness the endless unveilings."
"I remembered the hum of the refrigerator on endless nights. The only sound in the whole world."
"I just wanted to know all my possible selves, live every possible life."
"I remembered the way he kissed me and touched me, as slowly as he could for as long as he could, until we lost control."
"I ended up alone. I told Andres I had no family, and then I lost them all."
"Back then, my parents were extensions of my own body, holding me before I even finished reaching for them."
"Maybe I was a leech. But I was a leech who was going to find out the truth, finally."
"I startled at the sound of my name in his mouth. Familiar, almost intimate."
"I’m really fucking tired of keeping secrets."
"The terror of being a mother never disappears. You only learn to absorb it into your body, to whisper it to sleep with the lull of everyday routine."
"Not every man would sit next to a twenty-year-old girl on a flight who calls herself a writer and ask to read some of her work then and there."