
Sometimes It Happens Quotes

Sometimes It Happens by Lauren Barnholdt

Sometimes It Happens Quotes
"I really should not be so scared. I mean, I’ve done this millions of times before."
"This is because there is a very good chance that at some point today I will: a. lose the love of my life, b. lose my best friend, or c. have an awkward encounter with the boy who broke my heart last year."
"You are invincible; nothing can rattle you. You have nerves of steel; you are a confident, strong woman."
"With a name like that you’re probably used to bad things happening to you."
"You are coming into school! Forget about stupid Sebastian Bukowski and his dumb friends. You are sooo over him!"
"You are gorgeous and smart and you deserve someone way better than Sebastian."
"Just get through homeroom, and then you can worry about what you’re going to do."
"But everything will be different then. We’ll be seniors."
"I’m not completely sure what the rules are when it comes to kissing him in the hall or holding his hand at parties."
"It’s okay, I was . . . I was already sleeping."
"Yeah, but that was different. Did you get my text last night? I wanted to see if you wanted to meet up before school."
"Don’t talk to him, He doesn’t even deserve your acknowledgment. What a jerk-off."
"Big, sloppy, wet tears that pooled on my pillow and made it hard to sleep since my pillowcase became a disgusting, sopping mess."
"I calculate how much energy it would take to get up and close the blinds. Too much, so I decide to just keep my eyes shut extra tight."
"You are? This is a supreme sacrifice on Ava’s part. She hates Starbucks."
"And we’re going to order breakfast sandwiches and cookies and whatever other overproduced, disgusting, addictive things Starbucks has to offer."
"Will you even get whipped cream on your coffee? Pause. 'Yes.'"
"It’s true. Ava and I decided we’d rather spend the summer hanging out by the pool, so we didn’t look for summer jobs."
"Everyone knows old people are done with dinner by six and in bed by, like, eight thirty."
"But whatever, I’m all about the instant gratification."
"I mean, it’s not that I don’t like Krystal, she’s just not a close friend."
"I’m glad she knows I’m having a hard time and that I need to be coddled."
"I mean, you can’t get arrested for almost punching someone, even though the intent is the same."
"My parents got divorced when I was ten, and my dad lives, like, two hours away, but he hardly ever calls or sends money or anything."
"Thinking of Sebastian causes a knot to form in my throat, and I quickly take another sip of my shake."
"What’s the point of depriving yourself to be skinny if it doesn’t even make a difference?"
"You know how boys are, he probably thinks he’s too cool for us now that school started back up."
"But now, sitting next to Noah in the car and nibbling on my carrot muffin, I’m starting to get a little bit anxious."
"How do I look? Like you’re going to have a great day."
"If you fill the two glasses at the same time, you pass. If you fill them separately, you fail. It’s like an efficiency exam."
"The secret to a great ice cream is crunch coat."
"You’re asking me if I’m calling you fat? You know I’m not calling you fat."
"It’s not about you caring what’s in my journal, I don’t even want you to care about what’s in my journal."
"Everyone knows that you ruin ice cream by putting crunch coat on it."
"You know how as soon as you tell someone you’re doing something, they want to ask you tons of questions about it?"
"Don’t ever underestimate the power of the elves."
"It’s like, one thing when you’re seven and need to remember your crayons, it’s another when you’re seventeen and able to be left alone for the whole summer."
"You just stay back here. Have Noah make you one of those apple walnut salads you love."
"It’s not any kind of attraction, even though I’ve been feeling that on and off all night. This is something different."
"We can’t have a fabulous senior year if you’re at work all the time."
"You only liked the job this summer because I wasn’t around."
"Noah did meet someone over the summer. And that someone was me."
"Yes, there is," he says. He takes a couple of steps behind the counter then, which is so totally against the rules.
"I’m sorry," Sebastian says. "I didn’t want things to end like this. I didn’t want things to end at all."
"Sebastian, you cheated on me," I say, just in case he forgot.
"Are you done talking?" Noah asks, setting his jaw in a straight line and looking at Sebastian, even though the question is directed at me.
"My stomach clenches, and I take a deep breath to try to slow my heart rate down."
"What’s going on?" Lacey asks brightly, as she comes out of the back.
"I never realized how scary hospitals were until now."
"No," he says. But his eyes shift to the clock on the wall, like he’s trying to figure out how long he’s obligated to talk about this before making his escape.
"I wouldn’t just end my friendship with Ava because of you," I say. "That’s ridiculous."
"But it’s making me feel better. That and the French toast."
"You liked the thrill of the chase. The drama was exciting."
"I’m not worried about him, I just... Why do you think I’m not over it yet?"
"I don’t eat things that are childish. I’m very mature for my age."
"Once you’re in guidance, you stay in guidance. You cannot just start prowling the halls."
"No, he didn’t. He broke up with her, and Ava was really upset about it."
"How could you? You didn’t mean to? Hannah, I don’t like Ava, but she was your best friend!"
"The first day of school is supposed to be about new beginnings, but really all it does is wreck your life. And set you up for failure. And make you realize everything is completely and totally fucked."
"I wonder why she’s being so honest now, why she didn’t think she could tell me about Riker when everything was great between us, and why now she feels comfortable telling me about her and Noah. But maybe it’s because now it’s wrecked, our relationship is smashed, and we don’t have to pretend anymore."
"I’m the girl who sleeps with her best friend’s boyfriend. I imagine people at school knowing about it, about what they’re going to say, about how people will talk about it behind my back. How they’ll all take Ava’s side, how they should take Ava’s side, how there’s no excuse for what I’ve done."
"But the problems between me and Ava, those are . . . they go deeper, you know?"
"Now it feels slow and wonderful and like the beginning of something."
"I wanted to wait until Ava got home from camp, I thought . . ." He shakes his head and looks out toward the water. "I thought we could talk to her together, that we could explain to her what happened, and maybe she would understand."
"But we never . . . me and you never even talked about it, not just today, but the whole summer, you didn’t even . . . I mean, I wasn’t sure you even . . ."