
The Queen Of Nothing Quotes

The Queen Of Nothing by Holly Black

The Queen Of Nothing Quotes
"I keep my head down, as I probably should have done in the first place."
"Now, stuck in the mortal world for good, I miss Faerieland with a raw intensity."
"All power is cursed. The most terrible among us will do anything to get it, and those who’d wield power best don’t want it thrust upon them."
"We don’t always have a choice in our fate."
"Leaves don’t grow back onto a vine, cracked walnuts don’t fit back into their shells, and girlfriends who’ve been enchanted don’t just wake up and decide to let things slide with their terrifying exes."
"I suppose I am a skilled enough murderer of Folk, but what I really excel at is getting under their skin."
"I remember the slide of his mouth on mine. I remember how he tricked me."
"You come from nothing, and it is to nothing you will return."
"But she’s a legend. I don’t see how I can win."
"Despite the strain on my muscles, I switch to holding the pipe in one hand and pull her cap from my pocket with the other."
"There’s no room for regrets when you’re busy trying to win. Or at least not to die."
"But murder is in my bones and blood. I don’t plan on giving up killing."
"Sometimes I tell myself something a lot like that. Hearing it aloud, from someone else’s mouth, is jarring."
"I don’t have to do this job, I remind myself. I am no longer part of Dain’s Court of Shadows."
"Maybe he and High King Cardan will ruin each other’s lives."
"I know about the message you sent Vivi. You can’t go through with it."
"What did you do to piss her off? Your queen? It must have been something big to get kicked out of the Court of Teeth."
"I think she was looking forward to chasing me when I ran."
"Love is stupid. All we do is break one another’s hearts."
"For centuries, mortals have been valued for their ability to conceive faerie children."
"Wisdom is for the meek, and it seldom helps them as much as they believe it will."
"There is no banquet too abundant for a starving man."
"He looks every inch a spy from the Court of Shadows, down to the sneaky smile pulling at a corner of his beautiful mouth."
"I never wanted to be your enemy, but I didn’t want to be in your power, either."
"I don’t want to die fast. I don’t want to die at all."
"Even if I am the true queen, the land might not have anything to do with me."
"But just a glance at it gives me a cold, unsteady feeling."
"I will give it to you, if you will do something for me."
"Well, I am a mortal. And a girl, sir. We bleed every month, just like moon swells."
"Plunge a heated sword into oil and any small flaw will turn into a crack. But quenched in blood as you were, none of you broke. You were only hardened."
"He seems to blame me for the death of his daughter."
"I can see why you thought what you did. I suppose I am not an easy person to trust."
"Wouldn’t it be better if he took an arrow through the heart in his own hall?"
"She is my wife, the rightful High Queen of Elfhame. And most definitely not in exile."
"As you know, they are very nosy and hate the idea of being kept out of anything important, including royal convalescing."
"Only out of his spilled blood can a great ruler rise."
"I spent much of my life guarding my heart. I guarded it so well that I could behave as though I didn't have one at all."
"The hardest thing—the impossible thing—is to get past the memory of someone telling me they loved me."
"Even if the serpent bites off your head, the rest of you will still look good."
"Do you think a seed planted in goblin soil grows to be the same plant it would have in the mortal world?"
"If I love him, there's only one choice."