
The Sunlit Man Quotes

The Sunlit Man by Brandon Sanderson

The Sunlit Man Quotes
"Sounds he’d been oblivious to in his post-Skip grogginess."
"We don’t have enough Investiture for that."
"Once he had over two thousand Breath Equivalent Units, he could play with his Connection."
"A mercy killing. Like a man mortally wounded on the battlefield."
"It’s your Torment, the knight helpfully observes to his moderately capable squire."
"I’m not the one preventing that, Nomad."
"I thought my oaths overrode that aspect of the Torment!"
"Do I think? I’m not sure. Depends on your definition."
"You know, I liked you much better when you were alive."
"Nomad slammed to the ground side-first, dragged with frightening speed after the hovercycle."
"He was dragged away from certain death. But toward what, he had no idea."
"I was that boy, once. When I was young. On Yolen. Before this all began—before God died and worlds started ending. I…I was that boy."
"It's not the answers but the questions themselves. Yes, blah blah. I've heard it. Do you know how many times I've heard it?"
"Sometimes, asking the questions is enough. Because it has to be enough. Because sometimes, that's all there is."
"We must ask ourselves. How long will we survive in this darkness?"
"We learn more under the threat of the night than in the comfort of the day."
"We cannot grow food. We lose more ships and laborers every time we venture into the dawnlands."
"It's what you get when your clothing gets set on fire by the sunlight, then you are dragged behind a speeding hovercycle for a half hour."
"Our sunhearts die, and our resources dwindle."
"I don’t really care about the rest, but the Cinder King made it personal…so I’m going to kill him."
"We just have to crest the peaks and start down the other side."
"I like to earn my titles, and I don’t feel I did anything particularly interesting in this case."
"You can’t give your soul to a corpse. You need someone living."
"I’ve got a card somewhere from my master, granting me authorization."
"Intent or not, that’s what you did! She’s helpless! I won’t stand for her to be your pawn."
"You were trying to cure her? Why didn’t you say that?"
"You have earned heat today, and I misjudged you."
"Tell me who you are. And why I’m in these chains."
"A human body, crammed with that much power, would be electric with the need to move, to act."
"What about me makes you think that I’d do anything else?"
"I’m your sister! You are home. You don’t need to fight any longer."
"You’re going to have to find a new way, both of you."
"Why shouldn’t you? Why care if we’re lying or not?"
"One on fire, burning with the fight. I…can’t explain."
"I had not expected to become a storyteller."
"You’ve got to be very deliberate with that sort of person, you know."
"If we enter a true vacuum… the only way to lose heat is through ejection of matter or through infrared radiation."
"I should like to live my remaining days in a place where we could afford to tell such stories."
"I’d ask how I’m doing, but… well, you are clear evidence of how much of a rookie I still am."
"Do you ever miss the way you were back then?"
"They came from the east, giants, in armor forged of the deepest metals."
"We waited in ranks, each of us smaller than the invaders, but strong as a whole."
"The Tagarut began to act like people. No longer lusting only for treasure, they learned to speak."
"I can’t help everyone. I can barely deal with my own issues."
"Enjoying views was for someone who didn’t have a gun to his head."
"It’s a day for insanity, folks. A day for risks."
"There are burdens to being in charge that you’re not considering."
"We are flying into the blessed maelstrom itself."
"It’s enough for me that you think this will work."
"You’re completely free from who you used to be, Elegy."
"I never said I’d solve their problem with the Cinder King."
"We’re somewhere between ‘Oh, shades, what a mess’ and ‘I didn’t even know that part could come off!’"
"We’re going to have to steal some souls."
"What do we befriend something so terrible?"
"Truth and fancy intermingle in almost all stories."
"I cherish what I’ve learned about myself."
"I suppose they learned to find happiness in the moments between disasters."
"They’ve always lived on the edge of destruction."
"It’s the great maelstrom beyond sunset!"
"You suggested this plan, and you didn’t know it would be on fire?"
"Something is drawing the heat away, like your bodies can draw it from one another…"
"Hell is a forest, full of quiet trees and unquiet dead."
"I think, the hero says softly, this was a really, really bad idea."
"That was incredible. It was also terrible. So terrible."
"I don’t mean to be contrary, but Adonalsium? He—"
"Our faith is that this is all part of some plan. It’s not about everything happening the way we want—but trusting that it is happening the way someone wants."
"Why would we reveal such a useful secret?"
"What do you think, Aux? Do you spot snipers?"
"You tried," Contemplation said to him with a nod. "You did everything we asked of you and more."
"I will take it and protect myself," the Cinder King said, draining Zellion’s heat.
"Enjoy your first sunrise," Zellion whispered. "It will be the best one you see in your entire life."
"Storms. They’d said under five minutes, but he doubted he had that long."
"I… I don’t know, Auxiliary. I just…did it. I can’t explain my mindset. I can’t justify it."
"The objections were obvious. But he found he couldn’t make them because he’d known all along what would happen here."
"You tried to warn us. There is no refuge here."
"I think, the knight says, that we have gotten exactly what we deserve from this exchange."
We don’t need anything," the man said to the trio of Beaconites. "You may go now; continue your own squabbles.
"This was why it was better not to get involved. A part of him had been preparing for this all along."
"I will make them into one of you, take away their mind and their soul, and replace it with devotion to me alone."
"The Beaconites know, but I want as many to hear as possible. They deserve this truth."
It is time to start moving forward again," he said, standing up straight. "Teach everyone how to recharge sunhearts. Make sure the news spreads.