
The It Girl Quotes

The It Girl by Ruth Ware

The It Girl Quotes
"It was open, she kept saying to the police. I should have known something was wrong."
"Oxford didn’t need KEEP OFF THE GRASS signs; that lawn had been the preserve of dons and fellows for more than two hundred years without needing to remind undergraduates of the fact."
"It was as if her brain had blocked it out, shut down, like a memory glitch on a computer: file corrupted."
"She is never sure if that picture is a memory or a nightmare—or perhaps a mix of both."
"This is like The Very Hungry Caterpillar of parenting."
"She kept it on silent at work. Cathy, the owner of Tall Tales, is nice, and checking phones isn’t forbidden, but it’s distracting."
"As she turned around to gaze up at the crest above the carved stone arch, she felt the cool October wind lift her hair and brush against the back of her neck, and she shivered with a heady mix of nerves and excitement."
"In books, a bad thing might happen on page 207, but it would always happen on page 207, no matter what."
"It’s a huge injustice that his chance of overturning his conviction dies with him."
"Will’s face changes at that. He falls to his knees in front of her, his face suddenly frightened, his hands on hers, holding her."
"Well, good for you, Emily Lippman. On both counts."
"I’m the first person in my family to come here too. In fact, my dad doesn’t even have a degree—he’s a builder who left education when he was sixteen."
"She felt almost as if she had seen her somewhere before… or watched her in a film."
"In the shadow of the castle she stops in a doorway and pulls out her phone. Then she opens up an incognito browser tab, and types the words into Google: John Neville BBC News."
"For what would have happened if April had not left the bar alone and gone up to their room to change?"
"I spent my summer working in a supermarket. As you may have guessed, I don’t always feel like I fit in here."
"She picks up the cup and takes a sip. It’s good—the coffee at Cafeteria always is—but when she glances at the bill, she puts the cup down. Seven pounds forty."
"Picking up the caller that morning was a mistake—she would never have done it if she’d been paying attention."
"But posting on Facebook is a false kind of intimacy, and in real life they haven’t seen or spoken to each other for a long time."
"I’m not out to prove Neville’s innocence if he really did it. In fact that’s why I wanted to talk to you, make sure I did justice to the case against him. I just—I just want to understand what happened. There’s gaps I’ve never been able to fill in."
"I’m sorry, I totally forgot—something happened—family stuff—"
"You’re coming? You’re definitely coming?"
"But I’m certain it was just because I was running late."
"Why on earth would she have chosen Ryan, out of all the possibilities, to confide in?"
"I say, what’s been happening here? Smells like a bonfire."
"I’m really sorry, I have to get back. I’ve got an appointment."
"Ah, give ’em a break, it’s only five minutes, mate."
"Bloody well done you, putting all this together."
"I do have arms, you know. Christ, this isn’t the 1920s anymore."
"No one should touch her until the police get here, please, no one should touch anything in the room."
"I wish—I mean, I wish this Geraint chap hadn’t opened this can of worms."
"I have to be honest, I’m pretty stressed about the prelim results."
"My parents aren’t well off, you know. Not like Will’s."
"She was his firstborn, his golden girl, you know?"
"I don’t want to take drugs. Can’t I just—I don’t know—take it easy?"
"It’s like someone has come in and taken over and everything is out of my hands and moving in a direction I don’t want and can’t control."
"I don’t want to see your face for at least a week. Now go. Rest. Relax. Eat chocolate and don’t worry."
"I’ve been sent home. Everything’s okay. Baby’s fine."
"Please, be careful, Hannah. I love you so much. If anything happened—"
"I’ll be careful. I swear. But I have to do this."
"I am happy. For the first time in years, maybe for the first time since April died, I’m happy."
"It’s sort of comforting to know that you have too."
"It’s messing with my head—like something out of The X-Files."
"I’m just saying, it was pretty obvious, those last few weeks."
"I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to shout, but please, you’re scaring me, what are you trying to say?"
"I’m fine. I’m just really tired. I don’t know what it is, I feel like I’ve been hit by a truck the last few days."
"It’s one of the reasons I don’t go by Clarke-Cliveden professionally."
"There has got to be some misunderstanding, some innocent explanation."
"Would he really have said what he did if he wasn’t sure?"
"The only person who will ever truly be able to tell her the truth… is Will."
"Her fears, so real in the silence of a few minutes ago, disappear, like she’s a child turning on the light after a nightmare."
"A faint, muffled sound, traveling through the concrete… what does that prove?"