
Amerika Quotes

Amerika by Franz Kafka

Amerika Quotes
"The sword in her hand seemed only just to have been raised aloft, and the unchained winds blew about her form."
"I never quite realized on the crossing what a terribly big ship this is."
"Schools here are supposed to be even stricter. I hardly know any English."
"In either case, and especially the latter, it's for the captain to decide."
"In the early days, Karl had high hopes of his piano playing."
"One did get used to things here faster than when entering the human world from beyond."
"Karl examined his uncle a little more closely – their knees were almost touching – and he wondered whether this man would ever be able to replace the stoker for him."
"The smoke from Mr Green’s cigar, a present from Pollunder, of a thickness that his father would occasionally affirm existed, but had probably never witnessed with his own eyes, spread throughout the room."
"The clear night with the favourable full moon was free for anyone, and to be afraid out in the open seemed idiotic to Karl."
"He pictured to himself – and for the first time he felt happy in that room – how he would arrive in the morning... and surprise his dear uncle."
"It was really only because of the lack of frankness between them that he had shown a little disobedience to his uncle, or rather just stubbornness."
"Karl wasn’t going to answer until she changed her tone."
"‘You cat, you wildcat,’ Karl cried in a bewilderment of shame and rage. ‘You wildcat, you’re mad.’"
"‘I’m sorry for you, you’re quite a good-looking boy really, and if you’d learned ju-jitsu, you would probably have given me a thrashing.'"
"The room grew light, a blue zigzag pattern appeared on the ceiling, but Karl lay there, his head on the sofa cushion, just as Klara had left it, and didn’t move it an inch."
"But it was impossible to trace, because it eluded one’s eyes and couldn’t be found again."
"He was already a few steps away when she shouted after him: ‘Good night. But you’re making a mistake.’"
"I don’t think it’s right to break open my suitcase in my absence, and scatter my belongings on the ground."
"I know there’s always some give and take between companions, and I was prepared for it too, but this is going too far."
"It was right at the top, and now it isn’t there any more. If only you hadn’t played your joke with the suitcase."
"It’s the only picture of my parents that I had."
"If I ever return to Europe, they’ll be glad to see me, and we’ll be friends again right away."
"It’s a sin to say so, but very often I’m afraid I may go mad."
"I’m not having anything more to do with Delamarche."
"I’ll give you my word – immunity from prosecution."
"You mustn’t let me detain you, I expect you’re very tired, and we can talk about everything much better in the daytime."
"Thank God," cried Therese, and for a moment those were the only words that were heard in the room.
Karl," said the Head Cook, "first of all let me say that I still have complete trust in you.
"It's not necessary to torment a boy who's all on his own, because the rest of the world will see to that anyway."
"It's impossible to mount a defence of oneself without a certain amount of good will," said Karl to himself.
"I am not able to state the grounds for your dismissal, because if I did I would have to have you locked up."
"You may say that I’m not your immediate superior, but that only makes it more creditable of me to interest myself in this otherwise neglected business."
"You're all in, aren't you," said Delamarche to Karl, who was still choking on his breath and unable to get a word out.
"You’d better start making yourself useful soon," said Delamarche.
"So it’s my fault," said Karl, and paused, as though waiting for a kind word from his judges.
"If only I could be alone with you, Delamarche. Oh God, there they are still! How that brazen Robinson can stretch out in his underwear in the presence of a lady."
"You appear to know this boy," the policeman asked Delamarche. "Better than I should like to," he replied.
"It’s very noisy for a couple of hours in the evening but during the daytime it’s exemplary," said Delamarche.
I couldn’t live anywhere else," said Delamarche, "because Brunelda is terribly sensitive to the slightest noise.
I had no other option," Karl went on. "The man used to be my companion, he came here after we hadn’t seen each other for two months, to visit me, but he was so drunk he was unable to leave unaided.
"I think so too," said Karl, "I’m very indebted to you." "No doubt about it," said Delamarche.
"For example, in my condition, I can't crawl around everywhere to wipe up the dust."
"Delamarche agreed to it right away, even though you were so cheeky to him before."
"You're educated, and I'm sure you write a clear hand, so you could draw up an inventory of all the things we have here."
"Don't disturb Brunelda. She hears everything."
"The most important thing for you, though, is that I will be able to make it a great deal easier for you."
"Don't be an idiot, Rossmann, don't pass up this fine opportunity."
"It's getting to be night, if I stay here much longer, I'll be one of them."
"I'm just on my way, I just wanted to look at something, it's pitch dark in the room."
"Accursed be anyone who doesn't believe us!"
"The majority were already dressed for bed and had coats thrown over their shoulders."
"I can't see a thing," he said, and tried to remove the glasses.
"I'm not leaving the bath until they bring it, even if I have to stay here all day."
You're making a mistake," said the student. "You've still got eyes and ears in your head.
You always get those," said the administrator. "In this firm, they're not an excuse.
"I would be surprised if they hadn't already tried to poison you against me."
"I've been lying in the water far too long already, my legs are getting quite cold."
"I'll sleep when I've finished my studies."
"But hurry, be sure not to miss the midnight deadline!"
"You've come early – the crush isn't yet great, and so the formalities of your recruitment will soon be concluded."
"I trust you all have your legitimation papers on you."
"As you've already seen from our posters, we can use everyone."
"The papers will be examined in the reception suites."
"I'd ask you to pay attention to the sign."
"No cause for disquiet. We can use everyone."
"Be sure to be a credit to our publicity team!"
"I hope you were happy with your welcome dinner."
"The train that will take you to Oklahoma is leaving in five minutes."
"I hereby proclaim that the Theatre of Oklahoma..."
"It's the greatest theatre in the world."
"Well, that's it then. In Oklahoma, we'll check everything over again."
"What sort of job do you think would suit you?"
"It's a long journey, but as you'll see, you will be well looked after."
"They all belong to the Theatre of Oklahoma."
"Only now did Karl begin to grasp the size of America."