
Hopeless Quotes

Hopeless by Elsie Silver

Hopeless Quotes
"Even acting like a raging dick when I’m supposed to help a family friend move into their new house feels … bland."
"You’d expect me to choose either fight or flight, but these days I brace."
"It’s when they think I’m not listening that the comments become less tongue-in-cheek and more dagger-in-back."
"Like my getting stuck in enemy territory on deployment has a single fucking thing to do with them."
"Gotta love the small-town support," is what I say, because I can’t say what I really think."
"At this moment, the town bar looks like a damn good hole to hide in."
"And a drink doesn’t sound too bad either."
"Don’t know when you got so lippy," he grumbles."
"People already have the wrong idea about me, Beau."
"No one cares if I’m comfortable or not."
"I’ve become the new miserable regular who sits on a stool waiting for her to finish work. Like a sad puppy dog."
"We’re all human, and we all make mistakes. Especially when we’re struggling."
"I shouldn’t have done that." My eyes stay on Bailey as I speak to Winter. Focusing on her makes this easier."
"If we’re struggling, we’re still in motion, yeah? Heading somewhere better."
"I’m where I am by choice. She’s where she is by birth. It seems profoundly unfair."
"I laugh, because of course he’s never seen me with anyone."
"You can’t just run around telling creepy old men about this stuff."
"This is just another one of those things. And I really need ... I really need to feel something."
"And honestly? This already feels like the most fun I’ve had in a long time."
"Guess I should have known by the way you’re always watching her like you’re imagining her with her clothes off."
"You could use someone who is a little less impressed with you."
"A diamond so big your arm will hurt every time you pour a pint."
"Don’t bother around me. It’s almost offensive. It’s okay to not be okay."
"If it’s all the same to you, I’ll be taking a cab. Thank you for your help, sir."
"I guess it’s with her in mind that I get up off the step. Teenage Bailey would have run to him days and days ago. She was a romantic at heart."
"‘Fuck it!’ Even though I’m beyond tired and barely want to move, I flip myself out of bed and put on the tiniest pieces of clothing I own, planning to go for a swim."
"‘I’m not going to stay here.’ I lifted my chin, forcing myself to appear prideful in a way that was a complete mismatch for how I felt inside."
"‘You can stay in the house, or I’ll pay to have your trailer equipped with air conditioning. Your call.’ Then he slapped the door frame and left the house."
"‘To be fair, I don’t see many couples full-on making out on the Ferris wheel while avoiding each other’s lips, either.’"
"‘No, Bailey. It’s not that.’ His voice went from cool and collected to rough gravel with a hint of steel."
"‘Okay, well, be that as it may, you must still want to win the bet.’"
"‘That’s an awfully dumb question for a tier one operator.’"
"‘You are doing nothing wrong. You have done nothing wrong. Anyone who talks shit about you is cruel and small-minded and not worthy of your attention. You are fucking perfect.’"
"‘It’s boozy brunch, Sloane. It’s tradition. Put your big girl tutu on and chug that. You got somewhere to be? Or are you wussing out because your new bestie Winter is busy with her new boy toy?’"
"‘You shouldn’t lose your virginity during a bet. I don’t want that for you.’"
"‘I’m not sure he recognizes who I am right now, but he holds me like I’m a comfort to him.’"
"You’re just being here with me. That’s all I want."
"You kidding me? Beau works all day and then rushes home or to the bar to hang out with you. I barely see him, let alone talk to him."
"No, I’m scared of you becoming something I can’t live without."
"I want to make it so good for you, Bailey."
"I’ve become accustomed to wanting more and not getting it."
"Wherever you’re hanging from ... I think I’m on the same hook."
"I wish he knew it’s okay to be all of them with me."
"You think this tight little cunt can take me?"
"You’re a little cock tease. You know that?"
"I need to be alone right now more than I need the paycheck."
"You got something to tell her? It goes through me."
"It’s just that I am also hashtag team Bailey."
"You’re not used to anyone showing up for you, Bailey. This is what that looks like. I told you I love you. I’ve never loved a woman before. Wasn’t sure I ever would. But now I do. And you and me? We’re a team. You don’t quit on your teammates. You don’t leave a man behind. So now you’re stuck with me. I’m just being patient. Waiting for you to come back."
"It’s like I’ve been searching for something, something to tie me to this new reality. I wasn’t looking for love; I was looking for a purpose. I just didn’t expect my purpose to be you."
"That’s okay, baby. I can be your first."
"Gonna check out a few rental places too. Talking about these things with him feels awkward in the wake of everything that’s happened between us. Fake, to real, to a little too real."
"It feels good to be wanted because you bring something to the table. I’m really proud about this possibility, Bailey. It feels like I earned it."
"I don’t want to be in Chestnut Springs."
"I wonder how he’s feeling. I wonder if he knows what he’s doing. I wonder if he’ll regret changing his life for me. And the weight of that is downright crushing."