
After You Quotes

After You by Jojo Moyes

After You Quotes
"A fine sheen of perspiration glistens under the strip-lights."
"I want to tell him it’s really not a good idea, it won’t help, it might even put him over the limit."
"The Shamrock and Clover, East City Airport’s Irish-themed pub, which is as Irish as Mahatma Gandhi, is winding down for the night."
"All babies look like currant buns to me."
"You never tempted, then? To just walk down there, at the end of a shift. Hop on a plane. I would."
"I am suddenly bone-weary, but it is the kind of head-buzzing exhaustion that tells me if I go to bed I won’t sleep."
"Around me a million people are living, breathing, eating, arguing. A million lives completely divorced from mine."
"I think there are worse things that can happen to you."
"I have never needed a human touch more."
"You never know what will happen when you fall from a great height."
"I know things have been all – well, you know – since –"
"I felt as if I had simply floated off, untethered, to some unknown universe."
"I had fallen out of love with the city."
"You had a deal. You can’t back out of it."
"I felt as if I have been away for a decade."
"I don’t feel I have to debate my choices."
"You wouldn’t feel guilty about property."
"You lived with Jilly’s dementia for a long time, Fred."
"I find myself fantasizing about men on the tube."
"I’m sure she knows his tongue was enormous. I mean, she married him."
"I don’t see how it’s in poor taste to mention that I may have kissed someone just because they then went on to pass away."
"I’m sure I snogged Rory at the Freshers’ Ball. Enormous tongue."
"A good worker doesn’t bring their home life to the workplace with them."
"Wasn’t Will Traynor the one who went out with Tanya Miller for the whole of the third year?"
"I think she loves me. But she loves herself more. Or how could she do what she does?"
"Sometimes the illusion of happiness could inadvertently create it."
"Depression, we had learned in the group, loves a vacuum."
"I tried to view it through Marc’s eyes: it was good to have moved on!"
"It's like tiny fireworks going off all over me, bits of me I’d thought dead reigniting into life."
"It was good to have something positive to say for once."
"He’s done a lot of rebounding. Actual Space Hopper levels of rebounding."
"You become a doughnut instead of a bun."
"For the first time, I was recalling Will without sadness."
"Sometimes for our own sanity we just have to look at the bigger picture."
"You can love someone and also call them a prat for nicking your tracksuit bottoms."
"Nobody’s perfect. We all have our own challenges."
"You have a sweet smile, Louisa Clark. It’s one of the several hundred things I like about you."
"The hardest thing about talking to teenagers is that whatever you say inevitably comes across like someone’s elderly aunt at a wedding."
"I’ve been at work for thirteen hours. I need to find out what I’ve lost and then I want to go to sleep."
"You only get one life. It’s actually your duty to live it as fully as possible."
"You don’t have to let that one thing be the thing that defines you."
"I feel like the worst parent in the world. And I’m not even a parent."
"My daughter doesn’t need saving. And if she did, I wouldn’t be hugely convinced by your record so far."
"Not everything is black and white. Much as we would like it to be."
"One of the things you learn in therapy is that there comes a point when you have to take care of yourself."
"Some of the most chaotic kids are those most at risk."
"The phrase 'Use it or lose it' takes on a certain urgency."
"Fancy the pictures tonight? I could do with some escapism."
"I’ve been waiting to feel normal again since your dad died."
"Falling in love with someone else doesn’t mean that you loved my dad any less."
"I’m not going to waste a glorious Saturday doing the same thing I’ve done for thirty years."
"I loved a man who had opened up a world to me but hadn’t loved me enough to stay in it."
"There’s only one response, and I can tell you this because I see it every day. You live."
"I saw that I could be somebody’s centre, their reason for staying. I saw that I could be enough."
"The day was beautiful, even under strip-lights."
"How did girls of that age type so quickly when they did everything else so slowly?"
"I think people get bored of grief. It’s like you’re allowed some unspoken allotted time – six months, maybe – and then they get faintly irritated that you’re not 'better'."
"Life is short, right? We both know that. Well, what if you’re my chance? What if you are the thing that’s actually going to make me happiest?"
"We move on always carrying with us those we have lost."
"I’m not going to go on and on because speeches are boring and also that baby is going to start wailing any minute, which will totally harsh the mood."
"I love you, and I’ll always miss you, and I hope if you’re looking down, and you can see me, you’re glad."