
Found Quotes

Found by Margaret Peterson Haddix

Found Quotes
"We were so lucky, getting you! Such a miracle!"
"We’ve got to talk privately. Somewhere no one will hear us."
"I don’t want to be like Mom and Dad, anyhow."
"Why didn’t you tell me that this afternoon?"
"I can certainly call the agency and see if there’s any more information available."
"You’re Jonah. They could have dimples or they could have three eyes apiece and six fingers on every hand, and it doesn’t change a thing about you."
"There were only six: YOU ARE ONE OF THE MISSING."
"The worst thing is? I was even kind of happy when I pulled this out of the mailbox."
"I don’t know what anyone thought he could do to help Chip."
"What do you think the FBI has to do with your adoption?"
"What if somebody really was missing me?"
"I’m not just the new kid anymore. Somebody’s actually noticed me enough to try to play a prank on me."
"Congratulations. You got a prank letter."
"I don’t have to wait. I’m going to find out everything."
"You’re not related by blood, but you are family."
"I’m not going to get all worried about being a grown-up."
"We should never have been given my name."
"I don’t want to know anything else," he said.
"Can’t we pretend none of this ever happened?"
"You’re the one who said I shouldn’t do this whole identity-search thing," he said.
"Whatever," Jonah said, jerking his arm away from Katherine’s grasp.
"Jonah, if you’d really thought there was an intruder, you shouldn’t have come rushing up here."
"You don’t know what you’re talking about."
"My parents never look at my computer. They don’t care."
"All the information is on Chip’s computer, in the basement at his house."
"Beware! They’re coming back to get you."
"How long do we have before someone appears out of nowhere and carries us away?"
"We need another category: What we don’t know."
"Why would anyone come back from the future to now?"
"If you’re going to go back in time, you save Abraham Lincoln from being assassinated."
"Maybe there’s something big that’s about to happen here that we don’t know about."
"You’re the missing children of history."
"We’ve lived all our lives in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, and so this is where we belong now."
"You’re just going to have to find some other babies for those families in the future."
"I don’t know about the other kids, but I’m staying here! I mean, I’m staying now."
"That’s what I’ve always loved about twenty-first-century Americans, they’re always so convinced that they can control their own destinies."
"You’re going to have to choose. Your ‘now’ is off-limits. Which will it be—the future or the past?"
"I’m a coward, I don’t want to die. Especially not like that."
"They’re always so convinced that they can control their own destinies."
"You feel well enough to stand up yet, sweetie?"
"It’s already programmed. That’s one of the newer models—you don’t even have to point it."
"You should have thought of that before you zapped Chip."
"Tell us what to do so we can all come back."
"Welcome to the fifteenth century. Good luck."