
New Spring Quotes

New Spring by Robert Jordan

New Spring Quotes
"A cold wind gusted through the night, across the snow-covered land where men had been killing one another for the past three days."
"Facing them in the night was as close to staking your life on the toss of a coin as made no difference."
"Men listened closer to calm tones than to the loudest shouts, so long as firmness and certainty accompanied the calm."
"What could not be changed must be endured."
"Only the dead could afford oblivion. The oblivious soon became the dead, in the Blight beyond the Borderlands."
"Tradition infused Bukama. A thin braided leather cord held his hair back, resting in the permanent groove across his forehead it had made over the years."
"In any case, it was best to avoid becoming involved with Aes Sedai more than absolutely necessary."
"He is born again! I feel him! The Dragon takes his first breath on the slope of Dragonmount! He is coming! Light help us!"
"Change what you can if it needs changing, but learn to live with what you can’t change."
"The Wheel of Time weaves as the Wheel wills, and Ajahs do what they do."
"When a man believes he may die, he wants to leave something of himself behind. When a woman believes her man may die, she wants that part of him desperately. The result is a great many babies born during wars. It’s illogical, given the hardship that comes if the man does die, or the woman, but the human heart is seldom logical."
"The Light illumine their souls, and may they shelter in the Creator’s hand until they are born again."
"I’ll pray for those two scoundrels when they die, too. I just won’t fret myself over them, alive or dead. Some people just aren’t worth a tear."
"The Tower can’t teach him to channel, Moiraine."
"He can be protected here. And educated. He can be guided."
"When you’ve had a Warder long enough, you will know what he is thinking, and he will know what you are. A matter of interpretation."
"I don’t think she’s safe to go riding. She’ll fall off inside a mile."
"If you came to the Tower unable to write, you were taught a decent hand as a novice, but those who came writing badly often took years to reach legibility, if they ever did."
"The Light help us, Moiraine thought. The Light help the world."
"You have to listen to what people mean as well as what they say."
"Light, the Tower could be seen from nearly as far as Dragonmount!"
"In the depths of winter’s cold, the Tower seemed feverish."
"No Aes Sedai had been a queen in over a thousand years, and even before that, the few who admitted it openly had fared badly."
"Only madmen entered the Blight willingly."
"It is done, Moiraine Damodred, you will spend tonight in prayer and contemplation of the burdens you will take up on the morrow, when you don the shawl of an Aes Sedai."
"The very first night, Elaida entered her room while she was suffering Siuan and Myrelle’s torments on her flowered rug."
"It was as easy as falling off a boat, into a school of silverpike."
"You must be starved," Moiraine said, stopping the dance. She was so tired, she had begun to stagger, and Siuan was not much steadier.
"I could eat an oar, but there’s better than food in my room." Siuan grinned suddenly.
"Practically sisters isn’t the same as being, Moiraine. Think. It’s our last chance."
"Moiraine drew breath. Without Elaida, she might never have practiced trying to weave faster, and without that, she might well have failed."
"Who comes here?" Tamra’s voice demanded from within.
"Moiraine Damodred," Moiraine answered clearly, and if her face remained smooth, her heart fluttered. With joy, this time.
"Under the Light and by my hope of salvation and rebirth, I vow that I will never use the One Power as a weapon except against Shadowspawn, or in the last extreme of defending my life or that of my Warder or another sister."
"It is half done, and the White Tower is graven on your bones," Tamra intoned.
Welcome home, sister," Leane said, bending once more to kiss Moiraine. "We have waited long for you.
Is the ceremony done with this walk?" she asked. "The Blue Ajah part, I mean. May we ask questions?
I am Cetalia Delarme," the sister said in a strong Taraboner accent, eyeing her up and down. "By your description, the pretty little porcelain doll, you are Moiraine.
"I don’t want a job," Siuan protested, her belly rumbling with hunger yet again.
"Last night, Tamra Ospenya, the Watcher of the Seals, the Flame of Tar Valon, the Amyrlin Seat, died in her sleep. May the Light shine on her soul."
Mother, I ask to be relieved of my duties regarding the bounty." Her voice was steady, thank the Light. "The clerks are carrying out the task as quickly as they can, but making them stand in line each day for a sister to approve what they have done only robs them of hours they could be working.
"We cannot always see the reason, yet we can take some comfort in knowing there is one."
"You don’t understand. Meilyn!... Meilyn..."
"The only thing that makes sense is that someone noticed her calling sisters in and wanted to know why badly enough that they bloody risked putting the Amyrlin Seat herself to the question."
"I think you know all of me that you need to know."
"You will take great risks in your life, if you live long enough."
"The Tower can’t afford to lose her out of her own ignorance."
"She needs seasoning, of course, yet she may make something of herself."
"I might live another thirty years, or only three. Who can say?"
"It is unwise to show anything except respect to an Aes Sedai."
"Even the mountains will be worn down with time."
"A king is not a king, alone with his carneira."
"Sometimes justice comes from other than laws or swords."
"In token of what I owe to you, Edeyn, always and forever."
"You dare impede the way of an Aes Sedai?"
"Had it been only storms and bandits, that would have been more than he expected on any journey."
"You cannot win if you will not risk a copper."
"A young woman who thinks she knows more than she does can land herself in very deep trouble."
"There is no proof she was Black Ajah, only that she was Aes Sedai."
"Perhaps I should not have asked Bukama to watch Merean. She is very dangerous."
"We have no choice but to take risks. With Merean here, time may be running out."
"Everybody’s talking about a young blacksmith who died of a broken back a couple of nights ago."
"The only thing to do when faced by an opponent you could not defeat was run, unless your death could serve some greater purpose."
"Everyone in the Palace is saying you are Aes Sedai."