
Auntie Mame: An Irreverent Escapade Quotes

Auntie Mame: An Irreverent Escapade by Patrick Dennis

Auntie Mame: An Irreverent Escapade Quotes
"It isn’t what you know that gets you places in this town, it’s who you know."
"But don’t fret, my little love, Auntie Mame will find a way, even if she has to scrub floors."
"There’s probably any number of organizations in New York that would be delighted to have me once they knew I was on the market."
"All these jobs here in the want ads, they’re nothing I’d be interested in; waitresses, salesgirls, factory hands, stenographers—nothing I could really sink my teeth into."
"Now, darling, it would be madness. Ay belung tew one wuld, yew tew anothah."
"You look a fine, sensible woman, Miss Dennis, and I think we can see eye to eye on the subject."
"Oh, Patrick, what has Fate done to me? My whole brave, new endeavor gone up in a puff of smoke."
"God knows I’ve worked and slaved all my life, so I should be used to it."
"But Vera, they’re the only bracelets I have left. Everything else is gone. The only bracelets I have, Vera. The only ones."
"I have accepted a position with the R. H. Macy Company. I am to sell roller skates at least until Christmas and there are excellent opportunities for advancement."
"I send all of my roller skates out C.O.D. That’s the easiest way for me and it’s also easy for the customers, since it saves them from having to spend a lot of hard-come-by money right then and there."
"I didn’t care. I’d saved all of my allowance and sold my microscope to buy Auntie Mame’s present."
"I was upstairs reading Bring ’Em Back Alive when Auntie Mame came up, her eyes dancing. 'Oh, darling, we’re saved,' she whispered."
"The awful blow fell on the day before Christmas. I was wrapping Auntie Mame’s present when I heard the front door close."
"I told him I only knew how to send things C.O.D., and Miss Kaufmann was in the ladies’ room and couldn’t help me with my sales book."
"I am to be a receptionist and it pays thirty dollars a week! He’s very polite. He asked me to go to Armando’s with him for dinner."
"The next day was Christmas and Auntie Mame looked radiant—if a little hung over—as she gave me a big box from Brooks Brothers."
"Auntie Mame’s literary career was undertaken more in the way of therapy to bring herself out of the terrible depression she felt as a widow."
"Auntie Mame had a lot of unpaid bills, and I overheard her talking on the telephone the Sunday before Christmas. She was crying and she said, '… but of course I can’t raise that kind of money before January.'"
"If you were locked in a room with Brian would you be in any hurry to get out!"
"Believe me, Agnes, you were perfectly fine."
"The poor darling’s so shy, he wouldn’t have any fun at all without me to guide him around."
"Why, Agnes, you have lovely eyes! Just leave those glasses off—forever."
"And what’s more, he’s the most boring human being I’ve ever met."
"Now see what you’ve done to her! Poor little Agnes!"
"I thought that you and I could take a little trip—Europe, I think—for the whole summer."
"You’ve got to. I nevah been to no prom befaw. I nevah had the chance."
"I’ll probably stay at home with Marcel Proust."
"I have always admired President Roosevelt."
"I know the adjectives—all of them. Jews, you will tell me, are Mean, Pushy, Avaricious, Possessive, Loud, Vulgar, Garish, Bossy people."
"You can’t really be so naive as to believe that the Jews are a race."
"I just know that woman’s first function is motherhood and …"
"Well if you … Heavens, we’ll have to fly if we’re ever to get to Southampton to pick up the wee ones."
"I can see the war has done little to soften you."
"Psychologically it’s very bad to have the behavior pattern interrupted during the formative years."
"Oh, Patrick, darling, you know, I always like to give a fairly large amount to charity every year. I have so very much."
"There’s no reason for you to lower yourself to her …"
"Work! Do you call grinding out platitudes for a hot plate work?"
"That’s just sidesplittingly funny. I’ll bet you could wow them on television."
"You’re a native of wherever you happen to be born."
"If one of them was here do you think I’d be in your room?"
"Go free, little bird, wiser in the ways of the world from your years in my gilded cage!"
"She may be a real character, a sketch, a charmer, and all that sort of thing, but she’s not going to get her hands on my child."
"Madame having affair. Madame very anxious see little boy."
"For ten generations the Maddox family has led everybody in Salem—and sometimes Boston—socially, artistically, intellectually!"